of Spring,
January 14-February 25. This humorous animated film by Katarzyna
Kozyra features senior citizens performing stop-action sequences
based on choreography for Igor Stravinsky's 1913 ballet. Kozyra's
film is part of In Between, a collaboration among several Chicago
museums featuring the contemporary art of Poland. Renaissance
Society; call 773/702-8670.
Idea of the University,
January 17. As the second of a three-part, year-long public colloquium,
U of C President Emerita Hanna Holborn Gray will deliver the lecture,
"The University in History." The presentation will be followed
by remarks from panelists, audience discussion, and a reception.
New Collegiate Division; call 773/702-7148.
campus on display,
through October 2001. Detailed, scaled models of planned campus
buildings are on display in the lobby of the Joseph Regenstein
Library. The exhibit includes models of the Gerald Ratner Athletics
Center, the new parking structure, and the Max Palevsky Residential
Commons. Regenstein Library; call 773/702-4685.
Theatrical Baroque,
January 9-April 22. This exhibition of baroque paintings, sculptures,
prints, and drawings, taken primarily from the Smart Museum's
permanent collection, explores the interaction between the visual
arts and theater of the 17th century. Smart Museum; call 773/702-0200.