& Letters
Hospitals get dose of reality
TV with Discovery series
University doctors’ triumphs and tragedies
play for a national audience.
Four years ago a team of television cameramen,
technicians, reporters, and producers descended on the University
of Chicago Hospitals for ten months, seeking one-of-a-kind cases
and dramatic stories. The resulting footage of against-all-odds
medical and surgical sagas was broadcast in 2000 on the Discovery
Health Channel’s original reality drama Chicago’s
Lifeline. Two of that season’s hour-long episodes won
the show Freddy Awards, given by the American Medical Association
and TIME, Inc., for the best medical reality series. One of those
award-winning installments—featuring Laurie Hoogewind, a 120-pound
Michigan woman with a 180-pound tumor—was expanded for an
episode of Discovery’s Super Surgeries.

Chicago surgeons on camera.
Last fall the Hospitals were once more in the
camera’s eye. Representatives from Morningstar Productions,
which produces Chicago’s Lifeline, returned to film
six new episodes, again searching for unusual cases—situations
where patients came to the Hospitals as a last resort, often after
being told elsewhere that nothing could be done.
When they revisited McKay McKinnon, the plastic
and reconstructive surgeon who had pulled together the Hoogewind
team, he had another case for them: the oversized-tumor episode
had run in Romania, where Lucica Bunghez, confined to her bed in
a Bucharest hospital, saw it—and regained hope. A tiny, frail
young woman who, like Hoogewind, suffered from neurofibromatosis,
Bunghez had watched helplessly as her tumor slowly grew bigger than
she was. No surgical team in Romania was willing to attempt its
removal, but after watching the program the Bunghez family initiated
a sequence of contacts that led to McKinnon. By then, however, Lucica
was far too ill to travel to the United States.
So the show’s producers stepped in, providing
funding, booking flights and hotels, and easing diplomatic arrangements
to send McKinnon and his old team, including Madelyn Kahana, professor
of anesthesia and critical care and a key player in the Hoogewind
case, to Bucharest. In January the group spent a week there, meeting
the patient, learning to communicate with their Romanian colleagues,
and finally performing the 14-hour operation.
They pulled it off again. Bunghez survived the
grueling procedure, recovered well, left the hospital about six
weeks later, and returned to her hometown of Brasov, in the Transylvanian
Not all the stories ended as happily. The second
episode featured “Baby Miles” Mitchell, born prematurely
with an enlarged liver formed completely outside his body. At high
risk for infection, Miles was unlikely to survive. Despite the dismal
prognosis, a team led by pediatric surgeon Mindy Statter spent more
than a month trying to save the child, performing multiple operations
to ease his liver into his tiny abdomen a little at a time. And
they almost succeeded.
“It was a touching story of a devoted
mother’s affection and a feisty doctor’s determination,”
said Jacque Day, a Morningstar producer. “Even though we knew
from the start that the odds were against him, we were all so sad
when Miles died. And even though they were behind the project, we
were concerned about how the family would respond to the sad ending
of his story.”
But the day after the episode ran, Miles’s
aunt sent a thankful e-mail: “The show was amazing,”
she began. “I can’t express in words how much my family
appreciates the opportunity to see our boy like that again. So many
friends and family never got to meet Miles and you managed to achieve
that. You have done a wonderful thing for a lot of people.”
Season two’s episodes, which feature Bunghez,
Miles, and many others—from a new mom dealing with triplets
to a heart-transplant hopeful—will be rebroadcast for several
months on the Discovery Health Channel. Talks are in the works for
a third season.—John Easton