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Volume 91, Number 3, February 1999

Behind every child�: �should be a teacher like Barbara Bowman, AM�52, president of the Erikson Institute. --Kimberly Sweet

Living life at arm�s length : For children with autism, learning to navigate a world of grays, Chicago psychiatrist Bennett Leventhal is an invaluable rudder. -Walton R. Collins

Breathing lessons: In the decade since the Tiananmen uprising, much has changed in the People�s Republic of China�including its art. -Mary Ruth Yoe

Seats of power:Try to go a day without sitting in a chair. If you�re a Westerner, or live in a Western culture, it�s nearly impossible. Why? --Galen Cranz
Also in this issue:
College Report: For alumni and friends of the University of Chicago
Editor's Notes: How many words for snow does a Chicagoan have to know? One is enough.
Letters:When the Magazine went mainstream, our readers came along.
Investigations: Classicist Shadi Bartsch on motorcycles and masterpieces; plus: the lives of buildings and a balding breakthrough.
Chicago Journal: In the warmer climes of Egypt, the OI is preserving Medinet Habu�s temple of Amun.
Class News:As sands through the hourglass, so are the days of your lives.
Chicagophile:Cartoonist Jessica Abel, AB�91, travels to the University of Malcolm.
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