During the
war in Bosnia, rare records of the past burned alongside modern
scholarship. By finding copies of old manuscripts and collecting
new works, librarians András Riedlmayer, AB’69, and Jeffrey Spurr,
AB’71, are helping to preserve Bosnia’s past—and to restore its
the night of August 25, 1992, early in the siege of Sarajevo, Serb
forces shelled the National and University Library of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Barely ten percent of the library’s 1,500,000 volumes and virtually
nothing from the special collections survived what many believe
was the largest single act of book burning in modern history. That
even a bit of the collection survived was only because of people
like librarian Aida Buturovic. At 32 and newly engaged, she was
on her way home from trying to save some of the rare books and manuscripts
when she lost her life to a shellburst.
It’s hard to
imagine why anyone would risk her life for books; perhaps it was
for the same reason someone would want to destroy them. These were
irreplaceable records of the nation’s past and present, housed in
the Vijecnica, Sarajevo’s former city hall, a symbol of both the
city and the nation. András Riedlmayer, AB’69, describes the National
and University Library as Regenstein Library folded into the Library
of Congress.
books and buildings give meaning to people’s lives,” explains Riedlmayer,
bibliographer in Islamic art and architecture at Harvard University’s
Fine Arts Library. “A work of art or a library is something that
we expect will outlive us; it’s the way we communicate across the
generations. When that is cut short, it is something of truly global
Fellow Harvard
librarian, Jeffrey Spurr, AB’71, cataloger for Islamic art at the
Fine Arts Library, shares Riedlmayer’s outrage: “This sort of wanton
disregard for humanity, for history, for people, can result in the
destruction in a trice of what had involved the imagination, labor,
and money of centuries.”
two decided to act on their outrage. What started as an awareness-raising
campaign has turned, six years later, into a multidimensional effort
with two major fronts designed to help Bosnia’s research and educational
institutions. One is the Bosnian Manuscript Ingathering Project,
which seeks to restore the Islamic manuscript collection of Sarajevo’s
Oriental Institute—bombed in May 1992—by tracking down copies that
foreign scholars made of the original documents. The second undertaking,
the Bosnia Library Project, aims to replace the holdings of the
National and University Library and other Bosnian research libraries
by providing scholarly books and journals from the U.S.
They’ve had
some real success, with 21 scholarly presses, including the University
of Chicago Press, and the Harvard University libraries pledging
substantial donations. Still, the going is slow. Although about
30,000 volumes from academic presses and libraries and private donors
have been sent so far—with the U of C contribution scheduled to
ship this fall—funding for storage and shipping is hard to find,
especially as international interest in Bosnia has waned. Because
of the lack of funds, the Bosnia Library Project hasn’t been able
to collect all of its book pledges and has had to stop asking for
more. The Bosnian Manuscript Ingathering Project has located 500
copies from a collection that once numbered more than 200,000. Well
aware that reconstructing the collections will probably take decades,
Spurr and Riedlmayer intend to persist, working alongside other
academics and librarians from around the world who’ve organized
their own projects to help Bosnia.
“As a librarian,
as somebody who values the life of the mind, I have nothing I can
do except what I’ve been trained in,” says Riedlmayer. “Whenever
we succeed—like getting a few hundred copies of manuscripts that
are now ashes—it feels like a victory.”
The two men
came to their shared passion for Bosnia and books by different routes—in
fact, although both had lived in Pierce Hall’s Henderson House one
year, they didn’t know each other until arriving at Harvard. Riedlmayer,
50, born in Hungary, came to Chicago with his family in 1961. At
the U of C, he studied the history of the Ottoman Empire, which
once encompassed Hungary and Bosnia. He received a master’s degree
in Near Eastern studies at Princeton before spending almost four
years in Turkey on a Fulbright scholarship. After settling in the
Boston area, he earned a master’s in library science from Simmons
College, and has been in his current position since 1985. Spurr,
also 50, came to the U of C from California to study archaeology
and art of the ancient Near East but eventually decided to pursue
cultural anthropology. He traveled in the Middle East after graduation,
worked at the U of C Press for three years, then, after a stint
as a U of C grad student in anthropology, moved to Cambridge and
took a job at the anthropology library before accepting his current
position in 1983.
Both men follow
international events, and they watched, read, and listened with
horror as the war in Bosnia escalated, discussing it on a daily
basis. Spurr wrote numerous letters urging U.S. and U.N. intervention
to President Clinton, National Public Radio, the French embassy,
and other leaders. After the burning of the National and University
Library, Riedlmayer encouraged professional organizations to at
least speak out, if not offer direct assistance, but got little
“It’s an institutional
culture that pervades both academic organizations and American culture
in general, this false evenhandedness,” claims Riedlmayer. “Every
dispute is seen as having two sides that can be cut down the middle.
There’s nothing more pernicious than this, that you have a situation
where you have people engaged in the kinds of things that you claim
to value—the preservation of culture and education—and you walk
away from them because you don’t want to get involved.”
Wanting to
convince a larger audience of the gravity of the war in Bosnia,
the two joined Harvard historian Cemal Kafadar and MIT researcher
Irvin Schick in getting nearly 300 scholars from around the world
to sign a letter condemning “the systematic destruction of Bosnia’s
cultural heritage.” Accompanied by a photo of the burning library,
it ran as a full-page advertisement in the New York Times
in March 1993 and in the New York Review of Books four months
The ad garnered
a lot of attention, and Riedlmayer began to be invited to speak
and write about cultural property in Bosnia. Following the first
of some 70 speeches he’s given, York University assistant professor
Amila Buturovic—sister of the slain Aida Buturovic and a former
researcher at Sarajevo’s Oriental Institute—approached him. Together
with Schick, they launched the Bosnian Manuscript Ingathering Project
in 1994.
The manuscript
project’s primary aim is to restore as much as possible of the Oriental
Institute’s one-of-a-kind collection, which included more than 5,200
bound manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, and Serbo-Croat-Bosnian,
plus more than 200,000 Ottoman-era documents. The 500 photocopies,
microfilm pages, and photographs located so far represent more than
two dozen works in whole or in part. A New Hampshire firm has volunteered
to put the materials on CD-ROM; Riedlmayer will take them to Sarajevo
in November. The project also intends to build the Oriental Institute’s
and the National and University Library’s holdings in Bosniaca.
To that end, Riedlmayer is working with a private foundation on
purchasing copies from the Ottoman microforms project of the University
of Chicago Library’s Middle East Documentation Center.
the National and University Library shelves had to wait until after
the war’s end, as shipping books to Bosnia was impossible. In the
meantime, Enes Kujundzic, AM’73, began laying the groundwork. Kujundzic,
the director of the National and University Library, came to the
United States in late 1994 seeking help in rebuilding the library.
Spurr and Riedlmayer arranged for Kujundzic to stay at Spurr’s home,
aka “Hotel Bosna,” to consult with colleagues, and to speak at the
Boston Public Library. They also introduced him to Tania Vitvitsky,
project director of the Sabre Foundation, a Cambridge nonprofit
organization that sends books and other educational materials to
Eastern Europe, the countries of the former Soviet Union, and developing
Working with
an experienced organization like Sabre ensured that donated books
would be properly stored and shipped. Typically, Sabre receives
donations from commercial publishers of textbooks and professional
books, asking its nonprofit partner organizations in each foreign
country to choose what they need from Sabre’s inventory. Partners
usually receive one to three 40-foot or 20-foot containers per year.
Each partner is responsible for identifying needy institutions within
its country and distributing the books to them.
In this case,
besides sending offerings from commercial publishers, Vitvitsky
agreed to work with Riedlmayer and Spurr to solicit donations from
publishers and libraries at research institutions, the source of
many of their desired materials. Spurr and Riedlmayer began at Harvard,
asking its libraries for duplicate materials and its press for a
copy of every single book in stock. William Lindsay, chief financial
officer of the Harvard University Press, offered two copies of every
book and then made a plea to the board of the American Association
of University Presses. He wrote to the chief financial officers
of other university presses, while Spurr wrote to library and press
directors. Of the 21 presses that have agreed to make a donation,
five, including the University of Chicago Press, offered two copies
of all their books still in print.
“This is unprecedented,
because most of the academic presses, unlike our commercial donors,
have no tax incentive to donate,” says Vitvitsky. “We’re thrilled
to be able to do this. If we can continue this project and get additional
presses involved, that library will have one of the best holdings
of primarily American academic titles in that part of the world.”
(Most central Europeans, she notes, either read English or are learning
to do so.)
The U of C
Press is donating about 11,000 books, both paper and cloth, worth
up to a quarter of a million dollars, according to Don Collins,
the press’s chief financial officer. The U of C’s upcoming shipment
will be the fourth shipment that Sabre has sent to Bosnia since
the December 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement ended the war. The books—approximately
22 tons’ worth—will be packed in cartons, stacked on pallets, and
shrink-wrapped before being placed into a 20-foot sea container
provided by Sabre. After four to six weeks at sea, the shipment
will arrive at the new temporary quarters shared by the National
and University Library and the Oriental Institute—ironically, the
Marshal Tito military barracks, named for the former Communist leader
of Yugoslavia.
It takes about
$20,000 to prepare and send such a shipment, and therein lies the
rub. Earlier this year the cost prohibited Sabre from accepting
more books for Bosnia, but Vitvitsky says they’re starting slowly
to resume as more money trickles into Sabre’s coffers. Spurr and
Riedlmayer have been taking a crash course in fund raising as they
try to help out.
“There’s definitely
a personal commitment beyond what I’ve typically seen, no question
about it,” Vitvitsky comments. “We do depend a lot on very single-minded
individuals with a particular interest. They’re not unique in that
respect. But the amount of time they spend on this, and the continuing
work—it’s really been sustained.”
who has testified at a congressional hearing on genocide in Bosnia,
recently assembled a packet of witness statements, videos, and photographs
to send to the prosecutor’s office of the international war crimes
tribunal at the Hague. And Spurr, who is coordinating the Harvard
libraries’ donations, is asking American learned societies to donate
subscriptions to scholarly journals and has secured funding and
a consultant’s help in automating the National and University Library.
Neither sees
an end to their efforts in sight. “This has become part of my life,
as the people that I’ve been involved with in it have become part
of my life. I don’t see myself turning my back on that,” Spurr says.
“There is an immense amount of work that remains to be done in Bosnia,
and that is not going to stop.”
agrees, adding that the state of the universities and libraries
in Bosnia should be very much a U.S. concern: “America is deeply
involved in the place, and it has a real stake in long-term stability,
quite aside from any motives of human kindness. What caused the
war was very much fed by ignorance. The one way you undermine hatred
is through knowledge.”