Top Stories
Susan Kidwell likes to say that her whole career, most of it spent on the faculty of Chicago’s geophysical-sciences department, has been one long digression.
University of Chicago Medical Center CEO James Madara announces a 5-percent staff reduction, part of Chicago Biomedicine’s continuing reorganization. |
The American Association for the Advancement of Science holds its annual meeting in Chicago February 12-16. Senior administrators, scientists, and scholars from the University, Argonne, and Fermilab will speak on global energy, genome science, bioinformatics, high-energy physics, and much more. |
Chicago in the News
Journal of the American Medical Association: Obesity and the economy—from crisis to opportunity. The SSA’s Harold Pollack argues that the stimulus package should include a plan to curb the obesity crisis. (February 4, 2009)
Wall Street Journal: Study spotlights helicopter dangers. Ira Blumen of the U of C Medical Center says that emergency-medical helicopter pilots have the most hazardous job in the nation. (February 3, 2009)
New York Times: Obamas hire chef from Chicago. Sam Kass,
U-High’98, AB’04, is now cooking for the Obamas in the White House. (January 28, 2009)
Chicago Tribune: Chicago Mayor Richard Daley names Ron Huberman to lead city schools. Huberman, AM’00, MBA’00, succeeds Arne Duncan, U-High’76, Obama’s education secretary. (January 27, 2009)
From the Editors
The 2008 Alumni Relations and Development annual report highlights the critical role that alumni and other friends played in making 2008 a landmark year in the life of the University.