Top Stories
Pritzker School of Medicine professor Janet D. Rowley, PhB’45, SB’46, MD’48, receives a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her pioneering cancer research. |
Geophysicist Pamela Martin, AB’89, studies the sustainability of urban farms. |
Law School professor Douglas Baird addresses the benefits and limitations of government intervention in auto-industry bankruptcies. |
Rudy Nimocks helps the University reach out to its surrounding neighborhoods. |
Chicago in the News
From the Editors
Tell us about the time…UChicago is the school that grade inflation forgot. Tell us about your first bad grade at the College, or your worst one. Selected answers sent to will appear in the Nov–Dec Core. The issue also will feature an article about the 1969 sit-in and its aftermath. Please send your memories to Carrie Golus at
Contact the Editor at with any questions or comments. |
Tuesday, August 25
Pittsburgh Meet & Greet
6 p.m.
Bossa Nova, Pittsburgh
Saturday, August 29
Dance Houston
7:30 p.m.
Wortham Center, Houston
Thursday, September 10
Chicago Contributes
Washington, DC
11 a.m.
Forum on Health Care Reform
with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
3:30 p.m.
Forum on Education Reform
with Education Secretary Arne Duncan, U-High’82
6 p.m.
Jazz Reception with remarks by David Axelrod, AB’76
View all events
Line of questioning
The comedy team of Mike Nichols, X’53, and Elaine May try to stump the panel during a 1960 appearance on What’s My Line?