man Don Randel chosen as University’s 12th president
own journey to Chicago has
been rather long,” began the silver-haired man at the podium.
Don Michael Randel, the provost of Cornell University, had been
elected to the presidency of the University of Chicago only minutes
before. Now he had to introduce himself to the University and
the city via his first U of C news conference. “I thought the
Odyssey was supposed to end in Ithaca,” he quipped, drawing chuckles
from his audience. “It turns out I was mistaken about that. After
a mere delay of 32 years, I have found my way at last.”
was greeted with smiles as broad as his own on December 13, the
day the U of C’s Board of Trustees ratified his nomination as
Chicago’s 12th president. Taking office on July 1, he succeeds
Hugo F. Sonnenschein. This past June, Sonnenschein, who has served
as president since 1993, announced his decision to return to full-time
teaching and research as a member of the University’s economics
department. Following Sonnenschein’s announcement, the trustee
presidential search committee worked closely with a faculty advisory
committee to find presidential candidates, recommending Randel
on December 9--the same day he celebrated his 59th birthday.
was an early favorite of our committee, and he maintained that
position even as we considered hundreds of candidates,” said Edgar
D. Jannotta, chairman of the board and chair of the search committee.
“He impressed us enormously, both personally and professionally.
He is a distinguished scholar with an appreciation for research
across disciplines, and he understands the University’s intellectual
the Given Foundation professor of musicology at Cornell, joined
its faculty in 1968, and he has served as the school’s provost
since 1995. “It is not easy for me to leave Cornell, and I could
only leave it for another institution that is in its own way equally
unique,” he told the Cornell Chronicle, a faculty and staff newspaper.
“The University of Chicago is such an institution, and one whose
particular devotion to intellectual ideals without compromise
or apology I share.”
specialist in Renaissance and medieval music who plays jazz piano
and trumpet, Randel has edited the New Harvard Dictionary of Music
(1986), the Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music (1996), and
the Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1999).
He grew up in Panama, where his father owned a small business.
Though his favorite high-school teacher, Donald Musselman, AM’50,
encouraged him to go to Chicago, Randel chose to attend Princeton,
where he received his B.A., M.F.A., and Ph.D. in music. He wrote
his dissertation on the chant of the Mozarabic rite--liturgical
music and text used by the Roman Catholic church in Spain before
and during the 11th century. An honorary Woodrow Wilson fellow,
Danforth graduate fellow, and Fulbright award winner, Randel was
editor in chief of the Journal of the American Musicological Society
from 1972 to 1974 and the society’s vice president from 1977 to
1978. At Cornell, Randel has served in a number of administrative
posts, including department chair, vice provost, associate dean
of the college of arts and sciences, and Harold Tanner dean of
the college of arts and sciences.
the morning of Randel’s election, Sonnenschein began the 11 a.m.
news conference, held in the Ida Noyes library, with tributes
to the University and its next president. “It is a glorious day
for the University, for it will go forward with the confidence
it has selected outstanding new leadership,” he announced. “And
it is a glorious day for Don Randel, because he will have the
honor and the enormous satisfaction to care for and to lead the
university that sets the standards for so much of what is best
in higher education.”
Next, geophysical scientist Frank Richter, SM’71,
PhD’72, who chaired the search’s faculty advisory committee, explained
what that committee had been looking for in a candidate--and found
in Randel: “The task that was given to the advisory committee,
very simply put, was to find an outstanding scholar whom we would
be proud to have on our faculty. He should also be a person who
not only believes that the University of Chicago is one of the
truly outstanding institutions of the world, but also understands
the values and traditions that make it so. We were seeking a person
with a powerful and persuasive voice, so he could remind us--and
also explain to those who do not yet know us well--why it’s so
important that there has been a University of Chicago for over
100 years, and why it’s so important to continue. And beyond all
of that, we need somebody to take a role of leadership in an institution
that Don himself has already characterized as ungovernable.”
The audience laughed at the reference--the December
9 Chicago Tribune had quoted Randel calling universities “ungovernable”
because “you’re running a billion-dollar-a-year business and yet
there is no one to whom you can give a direct personal order.”
Richter concluded, “We have found the president for the University
of Chicago who really exceeded what we had the right to expect
when we started this process.”
Randel himself seemed equally honored. Taking the
podium in a navy pinstriped suit and paisley tie, he said, “The
University of Chicago is a one-of-a-kind institution. It represents
the best of the values that I cherish the most....It’s an institution
that the United States and the world need more now than ever.”
Maintaining those values, he said, is the biggest
challenge facing the University. “Trollope describes one of his
characters as someone who had arrogance of thought unsustained
by first-rate abilities. One knows people like that, and one can
even think of an institution or two whose arrogance outran their
abilities,” he said with a wry grin. “At Chicago, we must never
become the object of such a claim. We must pursue, as we have
always in our history--without compromise, without apology--the
principles that underlie the pursuit of understanding in all fields
of scholarship and in the arts.”
Randel noted that not only was he looking forward
to being a part of Chicago’s music department, but also to finding
out about everybody’s work, “students and faculty alike.” He and
his wife, Carol, are equally excited, he said, about moving to
the city of Chicago and taking advantage of its cultural institutions.
The couple has four grown daughters: Amy Constable Keating, Julia
Randel, Emily Constable Pershing, and Sally Randel Eggert. Like
his predecessors, Randel will live in the president’s house at
59th Street and University Avenue. “The city and the University
have done much productive work together,” he said, “and I look
forward to advancing that from the neighborhood of Hyde Park,
where I expect to be a citizen and expect to be seen walking on
the streets regularly.”
During the Q & A session that followed, Randel was
asked about his plans for the University. Noting that a “biological
revolution” is taking place in the sciences, and the U of C needs
to keep pace with those advances, Randel also said the University
has a head start on another education trend, an increasing tendency
toward interdisciplinary work in the humanities and the social
Asked what he had learned and achieved as Cornell’s
provost, Randel replied, “The only good ideas come from the faculty.”
He added, “It’s been my job simply to try to get behind them,
to resolve the inevitable differences about them, and see us move
ahead where we had an important need to move ahead.” At Cornell,
Randel has commissioned a task force on the biological sciences;
helped develop a program to recruit the brightest undergraduates
through special research opportunities and financial support;
led the development of procedures to respond to sexual harassment
complaints; and helped draft a campus housing policy designed
to improve undergraduate life.
Said Cornell’s president, Hunter R. Rawlings III,
“Cornell has benefited enormously from his intelligence, integrity,
energy, powers of persuasion, and commitment to students....Don
Randel’s leadership will be felt not only at Chicago, but throughout
the nation.”--K.S.