Alumni (print version)
N. Bohrer, AM'82, PhD'89,
editor, Sevruguin and Persian Image: Photographs of Iran, 1870-1930,
(A. M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution/University of Washington
Press). A portfolio of the Iranian photographer's work is accompanied
by four essays that examine the lives of both the photographer and photographs
from biographical to postcolonial perspectives.
A. Morgan, PhD'90, Protestants and Pictures: Religion,
Visual Culture, and the Age of American Mass Production (Oxford
University Press). Morgan discusses how American Protestants helped
form visual mass culture between 1820 and 1920 by using mass-produced
images to dedicate religious revival, proselytism, mass education, and
domestic nurture in the name of national renewal.
Barnhart, MST'69, MBA'81, and
Gene Schlickman, Kerner: The Conflict of Intangible Rights (University
of Illinois Press). This biography traces the career of Otto Kerner,
the Illinois judge and governor who chaired the 1968 National Commission
on Civil Disorders. The authors examine his precipitous descent from
public hero to convicted felon.
Schuster Markey, AM'70, Italo Calvino: A Journey Toward
Postmodernism (University Press of Florida). Markey, an acquaintance
of international postmodern writer Italo Calvino, correlates details
of his life with the growth of his thinking and artistry, using summaries
and analysis of his novels, short stories, and essays to underscore
the links between his life and work.
J. Abergel, AM'94, Work
Your Stars! Using Astrology to Navigate Your Career Path, Shine on the
Job, and Guide Your Business Decisions (Simon and Schuster). Using
astrology, Abergel shows how different personalities can reach top potential
and collaborate effectively.
W. Glewwe, AB'79,
The Economics of School Quality Investments in Developing Countries:
An Empirical Study of Ghana (St. Martin's Press). Focusing on primary
and secondary schools in developing countries, Glewwe demonstrates how
to calculate rates of return to government investments in school quality,
using data from Ghana as an example.
A. Korajczyk, AB'76, MBA'77, PhD'83,
editor, Asset Pricing and Portfolio Performance: Models, Strategy,
and Performance Metrics (Risk Publications). This collection of
articles presents early theoretical models as well as the latest developments
in capital-asset pricing models (CAPM) and arbitrage pricing theory
(APT) to measure portfolio risk.
Jenn Menides, AM'64,
and Angela G. Dorenkamp, editors, In Worcester, Massachusetts: Essays
on Elizabeth Bishop (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.). Collected from
the 1997 Elizabeth Bishop Conference at Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
these essays cover such topics as Bishop's poetry, travels, sexual and
racial politics, methods of composition, and place in American literature.
H. Maehl, PhD'57, Lifelong
Learning at Its Best: Innovative Practices in Adult Credit Programs
(Jossey-Bass Publishers). Maehl reviews the growth of accredited
programs for adult learners since World War II and the challenge to
higher education to provide for current needs. He profiles 34 operating
programs that model a variety of innovative practices for adult educators.
Cole Mambretti, AM'73, PhD'79,
Internet Technology for Schools (McFarland & Company, Inc.).
Written for both computer-literate readers and those with little computer
experience, this manual offers guidance for educators, parents, and
administrators on building or enhancing a K-12 network and Internet
Jo Campbell, AB'84,
Women and Other Animals (University of Massachusetts Press).
This collection of 16 short stories centers on eccentric women from
Michigan's Lower Peninsula who reveal their independent inner selves
through the conflicts and challenges they face.
Helgeson, AM'76,
Thresholds (Collage Press). Echoing Dante's Divine Comedy, Helgeson's
novel follows the journey of a middle-aged American executive who travels
through Rome on the last day of the 20th century, assessing the course
of his life.
Lamensdorf, AB'48, JD'52,
The Crouching Dragon (SeaScape Press, Ltd.). Set in 1959 near
the Normandy coast, this young-adult novel is the first in the Will
to Conquer series and follows the story of 14-year old William. Drawn
to a mysterious castle named the Crouching Dragon, William grows from
a fearful youngster into an accomplished young man through his adventures
in the castle.
Ray, AB'52, AM'57, Demons
in the Diner (The Ashland Poetry Press). Winner of the 1998 Richard
Snyder Memorial Publication Prize, this collection contains poetry that
has been called "radiant" by Studs Terkel, PhB'32, JD'34, and "fresh,
bright, airy, and natural" by Stephen Stephanchev.
F. Spackman, AB'95,
Seeds of a Fallen Empire (1st Books, Inc). This epic-style science-fiction
novel takes place in Earth's future and tells of a galactic empire,
its mechanized ruling council, and the lives of its human explorers.
A. Crenson, AM'65, PhD'69,
the Invisible Orphanage: A Prehistory of the American Welfare System
(Harvard University Press). Crenson examines the connection between
the decline of the orphanage and the rise of welfare, reviewing the
decades-long debate about the merits of family care versus institutional
care for dependent children.
D. Parrish, AB'49, AM'79,
Berlin in the Balance, 1945-1949: The Blockade, the Airlift, the
First Major Battle of the Cold War (Perseus Books). Chronicling
one of the great stories of the early postwar era, Parrish draws on
newly available sources to reveal Soviet thinking behind the Berlin
blockade and to expose the fears that caused the West's response to
the crisis.
F. Schiffman, AM'66, PhD'69, A
Reference Grammar of Spoken Tamil (Cambridge University Press).
An expanded version of Schiffman's Grammar of Spoken Tamil, this grammar
guide contains examples both in Tamil script and in transliteration,
and is written to be accessible to students as well as linguists and
other specialists.
G. Bartle, SM'48, PhD'51,
and Donald R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, Third Edition
(John Wiley & Sons). Written for students of econometrics, management
science, the physical sciences, engineering, and computer sciences,
this textbook includes a discussion of the generalized Riemann integral.
C. Finn, AB'77,
Cancer Clinical Trials: Experimental Treatments and How They Can
Help You (O'Reilly & Associates). Finn offers cancer patients seeking
every option for treatment a guide to finding and evaluating experimental
Beem, AM'92, PhD'94,
The Necessity of Politics: Reclaiming American Public Life (University
of Chicago Press). Responding to the public attention surrounding the
concept of civil society, Beem argues that American public life cannot
be renewed through civil society alone. Instead, he asserts that society
also needs politics and government to articulate shared values and ideals.
F. Langrock, AB'58, JD'60,
Beyond the Courthouse (Paul S. Eriksson). In this sequel to Addison
County Justice, Langrock's stories draw on cases from his Vermont law
career, with crimes involving everyone from drug dealers and murderers
to horse traders and apple pickers.
Horowitz Natenshon, AM'70, When
Your Child Has An Eating Disorder: A Step-By-Step Workbook for Parents
and Other Caregivers (Jossey-Bass Publishers). Natenshon guides
parents through the process of recognizing an eating disorder, confronting
the child, finding help for patient and family, and evaluating and insuring
a timely and effective recovery.
M. Uribe, X'89,
Parent, Child, and Adolescent: A Handbook for Family Interaction
(Chicago Spectrum Press). Uribe discusses child development, outlining
what parents can expect, as well as guides for dealing with possible
P. Arnold, PhD'92,
Eating Landscape: Aztec and European Occupation of Tlalocan (University
Press of Colorado). Examining how Aztec and Spanish conceptions of land
formed the basis of their cultural identities, Arnold focuses on the
Aztecs' worship of Tlaloc, god of rain, fertility, and earth, and their
understanding of food. (This
corrects information published in the December/99 issue.--Ed.)
Ellwood, AM'65, PhD'67,
The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. J. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph
Campbell (State University of New York Press). Ellwood examines
the political views implicit in the theories of three of the most widely
read popularizers of myth in the 20th century.
Switalski Lesko, AB'62, AM'65,
The Great Goddesses of Egypt (University of Oklahoma Press).
Lesko follows the changing fortunes, over thousands of years, of the
seven Egyptian goddesses who inspired magnificent temples, art, and
literature: Nut, Neith, Nekhbet, Wadjet, Hathor, Mut, and Isis.
M. Najjar, AM'50, PhD'54,
and Dominique Mallet, translators, L'Harmonie Entre Les Opinions
de Platon et d'Aristote, texte arabe et traduction (Institut Francais
de Damas). Translated into French, this Arabic text was collated from
11 manuscripts by Abu Nasr al-Farabi, who sought to reconcile Plato's
and Aristotle's philosophies to introduce Greek thought into Islamic
H. Schroeder, AM'76, PhD'82, The
Metaphysics of Cooperation: A Study of F. D. Maurice (Editions Rodopi).
Schroeder explores F. D. Maurice's theological works and then turns
to a discussion of the practice of adult education as the place of social
C. Vrame, AM'83,
The Educating Icon: Teaching Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox
Way (Holy Cross Orthodox Press). Vrame presents a theory of religious
education for the Orthodox Church based on the art, theology, liturgical,
and devotional use of the church's icons.
L. Wilson, PhD'69,
Introduction to Biology (Blackwell Science). Wilson's study guide
includes concise notes and practice problems related to key concepts
that crop up in AP biology, college biology courses, or the MCAT.
R. Diesing, AM'48, PhD'52,
Hegel's Dialectical Political Economy: A Contemporary Application
(Westview Press). Diesing describes Hegel's dialectical method and
sociopolitical theory as they appear in Philosophy of Right, showing
how they can be used in contemporary social research.
J. Gans, PhB'47, AM'50,
Popular Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste
(Basic Books). Gans studies the relation of cultural choices and
social class, critiquing views that consider people who choose popular
culture as culturally and morally inferior. In particular, he examines
the "dumbing down" critique.
Sherman Goldman, AM'70, PhD'77,
Passionate Journeys: Why Successful Women Joined A Cult (University
of Michigan Press). Goldman explores the personal stories of American
women who left their careers, families, and past identities to follow
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh to his spiritual community in central Oregon.
She considers their choices in order to understand more general themes
about the ways contemporary women balance love, work, and spirituality.
Goonasekera, AM'76, PhD'83,
and Youichi Ito, editors, Mass Media and Cultural Identity: Ethnic
Reporting in Asia (Pluto Press). The product of two years of empirical
work, this book examines the role of communications media in the management
of ethnic relations in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
B. Ortner, AM'66, PhD'70, editor,
The Fate of "Culture": Geertz and Beyond (University of California
Press). Leading scholars from four disciplines take a fresh look at
anthropologist Clifford Geertz's work and its continuing implications
in contemporary cultural studies.
A. Sebeok, AB'41,
and Marcel Danesi, The Forms of Meaning: Modeling Systems Theory
and Semiotic Analysis (Mouton de Gruyter). Sebeok probes such questions
as: "What is the function of modeling in all life forms?" and "How is
human modeling similar to and different from modeling in other species?"
M. Wilson, AM'81, PhD'86, The
Emperor's Giraffe and Other Stories of Cultures in Contact (Westview
Press). Many of the anthropological essays in this collection involve
Europeans and the New World cultures they encountered. The title piece
concerns a Ming dynasty explorer who brought a giraffe from Africa to
the Chinese court.
G. Tritt, PhD'59,
Swiss Festivals in North America: A Resource Guide (Masthof Press).
Tritt describes festivals in the U.S. and Canada that celebrate Swiss
culture and traditions, while also acquainting readers with the meaning
of many Swiss customs.
M. Wilson, MBA'54,
Curious Customs and Bizarre Beliefs Around the World (Peanut
Butter Publishing); Countries and Cultures of the World, Then and
Now (Professional Press, Inc); and Five Languages Made Simpler
(Professional Press, Inc.). In Curious Customs, Wilson draws on his
travel journals spanning 54 years to report on everything from home
life in Africa to government health plans in Europe. The three volumes
of Countries and Cultures summarize the histories of more than
120 countries, including their economies, politics, and education systems.
Five Languages provides grammar and vocabulary in English, French,
German, Italian, and Spanish.