hat trick
this Chicago or what? Robert Mundell, 1999 Nobel Prize
winner in economics, was Chicago�s 71st, Chicago economics� 19th,
and the third and final supervisor of my dissertation committee
to win the prize (�For the Record,� December/99). Milton Friedman,
AM�33 (1976), suggested my dissertation topic title, �Peel�s Act,
Deposits, and the Currency--Banking School Controversy,� after
reading Frank W. Fetter�s book, The Development of British
Monetary Orthodoxy, 1797�1875. He then handed me over to George
Stigler, PhD�38 (1982), who was the history of thought professor
at the time. Robert Mundell (1999) came to my thesis seminar,
showed some interest in the topic, and got drafted to my committee.
there been another dissertation committee of at least three, composed
of all Nobel Prize winners (economics or any other subject)? Could
this anomaly only happen at Chicago?
K. Adie, PhD�68
Athens, Ohio