number and percentage of patients with chronic disease--for
whom the diagnosis is already known and for whom therapy is often
simply the continuation of previously initiated interventions--are
increasing. In such cases, because curative therapy is limited
and the course of the disease is long, prognostication can become
especially prominent. The clinical encounter is focused on the
anticipation, avoidance, and mitigation of complications of the
underlying disease itself or of the treatment. Patients with long-standing
diabetes, for example, do not need to be told their diagnosis
(which is known to them) or their therapy (for example, insulin--also
known to them). Rather, they and their physicians are concerned
with such questions as "Will my kidneys fail, and if so, when?"
"Will I become blind?" "How long will I be able to care for myself?"
"How long do I have to live?" Moreover, in chronic conditions,
there is more opportunity to revise previously rendered prognoses
as, over time, the physician learns more about the patient.

developments in health-care delivery and technology also support
the increasing importance of prognosis. A key factor is the increasingly
bureaucratic structure of American medical practice. More and
more, physicians are becoming salaried employees beholden to bureaucratic
management or are otherwise losing their economic independence
and some of their professional autonomy. External review of physicians'
clinical behavior often focuses on actions that are at least implicitly
based on their prognostic judgments. For example, administrative
oversight plays an increasing role in therapy management, as physicians
are being asked, in the context of cost-effectiveness, to predict
outcomes among a variety of (more or less) costly treatment options
or to estimate the length of the hospital stay necessary for an
anticipated medical outcome. Better prognostication, in the sense
of a superior ability to foresee the outcome of a patient's illness,
can help to optimize the choice of treatment and the timing of
hospital admission, thus reducing costs.
greater focus on prognosis also results from the increasing need
to compare the quality of health-care providers, along with a
societal interest in rationalizing health-care expenditures by
directing resources to those most likely to benefit. Accurate
and reliable prognostic assessments are central to identifying,
developing, and implementing optimal health-care delivery systems
in that they help patients and payers determine which systems
lead to good or bad outcomes. In the same way, evaluating the
cost-effectiveness of different medical therapies relies on access
to accurate information about the probabilities of various outcomes,
which are, in essence, prognoses. Some interventions may be cost-effective
only in subpopulations where the patients are at particularly
high or low risk of mortality, and payers may target interventions--conditional,
again, on the patient's prognosis--to cases in which they feel
the benefit justifies the cost. In each case, the ability to develop
and analyze prognoses is essential to asking the right counterfactual
questions and getting the right policy answers.
factor lending salience to prognosis is the increasing frequency
of randomized, controlled clinical trials. The customary role
of prognosis in clinical trials has been to ensure that patients
of similar illness severity are compared, as groups of patients
with an equivalent average prognosis (e.g., for death) are formed
by the randomization process. However, rather than waiting for
uncommon or temporally distant outcomes to occur in long-term
clinical trials, which can be difficult and expensive, investigators
are increasingly making use of "intermediate endpoints," that
is, findings taken to be predictive of long-term outcomes.
A decrease in a lab test is taken to indicate a decreased risk
of eventual death, making shorter and less expensive trials possible.
The booming industry in clinical trials thus supports increasing
interest in the development and use of various prognostic staging
systems and clinical markers.
emergence of certain medical technologies also increases the relevance
of prognosis. Such technologies--although often directed at improving
diagnosis and therapy--also provide, directly or indirectly, more
accurate and earlier prognostic information and therefore foster
the rendering of prognoses. One example is obstetrical ultrasound,
which may incidentally reveal information about the internal anatomy
of a baby that would not otherwise be detected until well after
the baby was born. Thus, parents and physicians are made aware
of conditions long before the child is able to present with the
illness. Such early findings, not yet corresponding to any observed
symptom, demand explanation: patients wish to know what the findings
will mean, what the future has in store. One pediatrician gives
a typical example:
many kids come to our clinic when they're two weeks old because
their kidneys were abnormal on Mom's prenatal ultrasound! In
the old days when someone was diagnosed with polycystic kidney
disease in the neonatal period, they died before they were one
year old, but now there are so many much milder cases that only
come to our attention because of an ultrasound that happens
to have been done for other [obstetrical] reasons. We have no
idea what to tell the parents about what to expect.…