1940s and 1950s
L. Becker, SB'40, a former medical professor, died
February 13 in Farmington, CT, at age 81. After teaching at the
University of Illinois and Georgetown University, Becker was department
chief at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington,
DC, for 18 years. He was an expert on the biochemistry of acute
allergic reactions. Joining the University of Connecticut's new
medical school in 1970, Becker was its first professor to hold
an endowed chair. He is survived by his wife, Carol; two daughters;
a son; a brother; and three grandchildren.
T. Conway, AB'40,
a Kennedy and Johnson administration official, died January 6,
1998, in Sarasota, FL, at age 80. Conway went to Washington in
1960 as the deputy administrator of the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, helping to draft the act that established the Department
of Housing and Urban Development. Under Johnson, Conway headed
the Community Action Program, a part of the War on Poverty, and
helped arrange financing for the Head Start and Job Corps programs.
From 1970 to 1975, he was the first president of Common Cause,
which opposed the Vietnam War and promoted finance reform. He
later served as executive director of the American Federation
of State, County, and Municipal Employees and as senior vice president
of the United Way of America. He is survived by his wife, LuVerne;
two daughters; a son; and five grandchildren.
Katcoff, SB'40, PhD'44,
a retired chemist and researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory,
died October 17 in New York at age 81. As part of the Manhattan
Project, he conducted radiochemical studies on fission projects.
He joined Brookhaven in 1948, determining the half-life of iodine-129,
studying the nuclear decay properties of isotopes, and isolating
17-minute half-life uranium-242. In the 1980s, he established
and taught classes on nuclear and radiochemistry for undergraduates.
Katcoff received the 1998 Seaborg Medal of the American Nuclear
Society. Survivors include his wife, Edith
LaPorte Katcoff, AB'42, CLA'42, and two sons.
V. Shostrom, AB'40,
a former bank executive, died December 24 in Indian Head Park,
IL, at age 81. A loan officer and vice president at several Chicago
banks, Shostrom was also a former president of the Chicago Tennis
Association. Survivors include his wife, Harriette; a daughter;
two sons; and two grandchildren. Virginia
Woods Corbett, AM'36, PhD'41, a former classics professor,
died December 7 in Illinois at age 86. After serving as a Latin
professor and dean of women at DePaul University in 1936, Corbett
taught at Howard University for 30 years. Author of books and
articles on Andrea Alciato and St. Gregory of Nyssa, Corbett was
an American Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts. Survivors
include several cousins.
B. Rinaldo, AM'37, PhD'41,
died November 29 in Des Moines, IA, at age 87. Rinaldo, a WWII
veteran, worked for the National Park Service, the Civilian Conservation
Corps, and the Chicago Museum of Natural History. He also taught
at Cochise College in Dragoon, AZ, and was a director of the Flexible
Steel Lacing Company. Survivors include his wife, Ruth, and a
Davis Carroll, SB'43, SM'44, MD'48,
a retired family physician in Crown Point, IN, died January 23
at age 78. Carroll, who maintained a private practice for 45 years
before retiring in 1995, was a former president of both the Lake
County Indiana Medical Society and the medical staff of St. Anthony
Medical Center. She was also medical director for the St. Anthony
Home for 20 years. Survivors include her husband, William; two
daughters; a son; and five grandchildren.
Silverstein Firestone, AB'44,
a retired public-school counselor, died February 19 in Boston
at age 76. Firestone worked in the Brookline, MA, school system
for almost 25 years, retiring in 1992. She was involved in the
League of Women Voters, the Circle for Charity, and other community
organizations. She is survived by her husband, Edwin; two sons;
a brother; a sister; and four grandchildren.
D. Hartwig, PhB'44, MBA'44,
a lawyer in St. Joseph, MI, died February 9 at age 87. While teaching
at Boston and Michigan State Universities, Hartwig earned a J.D.
from Harvard and entered private practice in 1956. A chair of
the Michigan bar's taxation section and a member of its trust
and estate-planning council, Hartwig also helped organize a local
Great Books club and a recycling center. Survivors include his
wife, Marjorie
Clemens Hartwig, AB'44, MBA'44; a daughter; and two
J. Fischer, SB'45, SM'50,
a retired nuclear scientist, died January 11 in Hyannis, MA, at
age 81. Fischer, a former scientist with Argonne National Laboratory,
worked for Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York from 1973
until his 1983 retirement. He was a member of the Sierra Club
and the League of Women Voters. Survivors include his wife, Alice;
a son; and two sisters.
J. Lifton, PhB'45,
a jazz pianist and social worker, died March 13 in Taos, NM. He
was 75. A WWII veteran, Lifton performed in several clubs in the
Chicago area. In the 1950s, he moved to New York to study under
Lennie Tristano. After earning a social-work degree, he had a
full-time job as a social worker during the day, performing in
New York clubs at night. In 1983, he released a solo recording,
Summer of 81, Stash Records. Survivors include a daughter;
a son; a brother, Robert
B. Lifton, AB'42; a sister; and three grandchildren.
S. Fujioka, PhB'47, SB'51,
a retired chemical engineer, died December 21 in Boca Raton, FL.
He was 70. His career with Exxon spanned more than 30 years, specializing
in logistics and transportation. Upon retirement, he became a
consultant to the food-services industry. Survivors include his
wife, Sue; two children; and two sisters.
Oxenhandler Hillard, PhB'47, AM'50, a retired psychologist,
died February 29 in Caledonia, MO, at age 71. A former high-school
English teacher, Hillard maintained a private psychology practice--specializing
in children--until her 1982 retirement. She also wrote a book
about the impact of divorce on grown children. Survivors include
her husband, Robert; three children; and four grandchildren.
O. Bond, MD'50,
died November 9 in Sandy Spring, MD, at age 76. An epidemiologist
in the field of public health, Bond worked for the Florida Board
of Health, the Encephalitis Laboratory in Tampa, FL, the World
Health Organization, and the Pan-American Health Organization.
He wrote some 70 scientific publications and several books. Survivors
include four daughters, a son, a stepdaughter, a stepson, and
two granddaughters.
H. ("Halsey") Gulick Jr., AM'48, PhD'52, a retired
professor, died January 1 in Pleasant Hill, TN, at age 77. Gulick,
a WWII veteran, taught geography at Florida State University,
Winona State College in Minnesota, and the State University of
New York College at Potsdam (1962-1985). Survivors include his
wife, Chris; two daughters; a son; and four grandchildren.
I. Hirsh, AB'52, JD'55, a retired labor lawyer, died
December 5 in Evanston, IL, of leukemia. He was 67. Hirsh worked
for the National Labor Relations Board before becoming general
counsel for the Brotherhood of Railway and Airline Clerks in 1969.
He later became involved in the Supreme Court case Ellis v.
Railway Clerks. Hirsch spent the last 20 years of his career
in private practice, retiring in 1999. He was active in the community
and in Beth Emet Synagogue. Survivors include his wife, Judith
Kitz Hirsh, AB'56, AM'76; a daughter; a son, Adam
D. Hirsh, JD'91; and two grandsons.
A. Athanson, JD'55, former mayor of Hartford, CT, died
there on January 9. He was 72. A Democrat who taught international
relations at the University of Hartford, Athanson served as Hartford's
mayor for five terms, from 1971 to 1981. Upon leaving office,
he practiced law and hosted a public-access television program
called By George, It's Athanson. He is survived by his
wife, Zoe, and a son.
Shino, MBA'55,
died January 19 in Tokyo at age 75. Shino, the former president
of the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company in Japan, had also been president
of the U of C's alumni club in Japan. He is survived by three
children, including son Hirotaka
Shino, MBA'90.
Sabara, AM'57,
a retired nurse, died July 24, 1999, in Skokie, IL, at age 87.
Her professional positions included director of nursing at Research
Hospital in Kansas City, MO, and supervisor of nursing at Mount
Sinai Hospital in Chicago. She was a longtime member of Emanuel
Congregation. Survivors include a sister.
P. Kapantais, AB'58, a retired lawyer, died January
31 in Huntington, WV, at age 65. Kapantais practiced in Maine
for many years, specializing in indigent criminal defense and
poverty law cases. He later joined the Social Security Administration
as a legal adviser. After retiring in 1987, he collected writings
documenting the history of the U.S. progressive, socialist, and
communist movements, donating them in 1997 to Frostburg State
University in Maryland.