your writer thinking sub rosa?."
blank. Face: red.
On page one of your December/00 issue, in the squib referring
to the cover photo of President Randel, you say he is posed for
"a tabula rosa portrait." The background, probably meant
to be white, does have a slight violet tinge to it, but it is
definitely not rose. Nor maroon either, although his University
of Chicago tie certainly is. [
Professor Andrew Abbott's usage of the word "fractal"
is unconvincing ("Investigations," December/00). That
word has been coined to have a specific meaning beyond that in
"subdivision" and "similarity." [
play's the thing
A "Shakespeare course today…would tend to look at what
kinds of plays he wrote at given political or social junctures
and for which patrons or audiences. We're getting away from the
notion of transcendent geniuses by inserting these works and their
creators in as thick a context as we can reconstruct for their
everyday life and relations."-Prof. Janel Mueller, dean of
the humanities division, interviewed by the Magazine in its December/00
issue ("Chicago Journal").
At the start of his letter ("Letters," December/00)
objecting to the provision of day care for the children of female
medical students, J. Curtis Kovacs has a little fun at the students'
expense, suggesting that women who express surprise at their pregnancies
are "physicians who don't know where babies come from."
Faulty thought on tenure, faculty
The two letters on tenure in the December/00 issue inspire two
responses: The purpose of tenure is not only to protect professors
from arbitrary administrators but also to protect them from their
Correcting the record
Thank you very much for the piece on me and my book, The Zuni
Enigma, in the "Alumni Newsmakers" section of the October/00
Magazine. Although the general outline of my life and the book
are accurate, a few facts need correction: [
UNext connections
I write out of concern stemming from an article published in
Mother Jones, Jan.-Feb., 2000 issue, "Digital Diplomas,"
pp. 34 ff, in which the University of Chicago is mentioned as
having signed an agreement with UNext.com (founded by Michael
Milken). [
Query: Isenberg's silent style
I am doing some research on Professor Meyer ("Mike")
Isenberg, AB'35, PhD'40, and his teaching style. A member of
the classics department, he taught in the College as an instructor,
assistant professor, associate professor, and professor from
1946 through the '70s. He died in 1983. [
Strange that you state in "Mind over matter" ("Coursework,"
December/00) that Psychoneuroimmunology is a "newly developed
undergraduate course"-I took that exact course when I was
an undergraduate (1988, I think).
Vaux, AB'90
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Quintans, who team teaches Psychoneuroimmunology, has taught a
course in Immunobiology in alternate years since Fall 1987.-Ed.
Magazine invites letters on its contents or on topics related
to the University. Letters must be signed and may be edited for
length or clarity. Preference is given to letters of 500 words
or less.
Editor, University of Chicago Magazine
1313 E. 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637