hearty job
The American Heart Association has named U of C cardiologist
David P. Faxon as its new president. Faxon, a professor and
chief of cardiology, is known for his improvements of nonsurgical
techniques such as angioplasty. He began his one-year term on
July 1.
the Gates to Cambridge
Rachel Bortnick, AB'01, and Benjamin Zwiebel, AB'01 ("College
Report," April/01), are two of the 160 winners in the inaugural
year of the Gates Cambridge scholarship, which provides a stipend
for up to three years of study at Cambridge University. Zwiebel
intends to study complex mathematics and physics, and Bortnick
will work towards a master's degree in pharmacology.
the kitchen with I-House
The residents of International House will receive a new community
kitchen as part of a continuing series of improvements to the
facility. Since the existing kitchen is proving unable to accommodate
the rising number of I-House residents, the Interim Board of
Governors has deemed its relocation and expansion an emergency.
The kitchen will be paid for with Save
I-House funds and a loan from the University.
alumni on board
Two new members were elected to the Alumni Board of Governors
in April. John McGinn, AB'90, MBA'93, a vice president for Citibank
in New York, and Mary Johnston Strauss, AB'91, a legislative
affairs director in Washington, D.C., were among 53 nominees
for two open positions. Kate Bensen, AB'80, continues as president,
with Robert J. Boland, AB'83, MBA'87; Jennifer Magnabosco Bower,
AB'85, AM'85; and Patricia McKeown, AB'68, AM'71, serving as
vice presidents.
hospital head
Michael Riordan, executive vice president and chief operating
officer for the University Hospitals and Health System since
May 2000, has replaced Ralph Muller as president following Muller's
decision to step down in March. Riordan, a former U.S. Marine,
spent five years as chief operating officer at Emory University
Hospital before he was recruited by Chicago.
the Sonnenschein in
The American Philosophical Society, founded by Benjamin Franklin
more than 250 years ago, has elected to its membership President
Emeritus Hugo Sonnenschein, the Charles L. Hutchinson distinguished
service professor in economics. Sonnenschein is one of 47 new
members, a group that includes John Bahcall, SM'57, professor
of natural sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study.
bright students
Seventeen U of C students have received 2001-2002 Fulbright-Hayes
Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowships. Each year
Chicago students net between 12 and 19 of the 85-110 available.
This marks the 15th straight year the University has led the
country in number of fellowships awarded.

Mark E. Courtney will replace Harold Richman, AM'61, PhD'69,
as director of the Chapin Hall Center for Children, a children's
policy research center affiliated with the University. Courtney
comes to Chicago from the University of Wisconsin School of
Social Work, where he has been on faculty since 1993. Richman,
the Hermon Dunlap Smith professor of social welfare policy in
the School of Social Service Administration and the College,
became director in 1985 when the former residential treatment
facility was converted to a research center. After stepping
down September 1, Richman will continue to do research at Chapin
as an Art form
On July 1 Susan Art, AM'74, succeeded Katie Nash as dean of
students in the College. Nash announced her plans to retire
in January after ten years as dean. Art joined the Office of
the Dean of Students in 1989 as an adviser and has since served
as assistant dean and associate dean
of students.