The University of Chicago Magazine June 1995
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In the Clubs


To learn about young alumni club events, call president Julekha Dash, AB'93, at 617/625-6932 (h). To volunteer, call Jim Jacobs in the Alumni Association at 312/702-2155.


For information, call president Don Dowling, AB'82, at 513/629-2750 (w).


Sat., Jul. 8, 9:30 a.m.: Behind-the-scenes at the DuPage County recycling center. Wed., Jul. 19, 12:15 p.m.: Downtown lunch with Yerkes Observatory engineer John Briggs. Wed., Aug. 2, 5 p.m.: Dinner at Tavern on the Pier; 7:30 p.m.: Cirque du Soleil. Sat., Aug. 12, 1:45 p.m.: Behind-the-scenes at Navy Pier.


Sat., Jul. 30: "Lazy Days of Summer" brunch at the Bent Tree Country Club.


For information, call president Gerald Forney, SM'74, at 303/830-8447 (h/w).


Sat., Jun. 25, 1:15 p.m.: Tigers vs. Milwaukee Brewers; post-game at "Tiger Plaza." To help plan events, call Elana Muehleip, MBA'90, at 810/347-9496 (h).


To help organize an event for alumni new to the area, call Joe Kotarski, MBA'89, at 713/293-2269 (w).

Los Angeles

Sat., Jul. 22, 8 p.m.: A night at the Mystery Cafe in Orange County. Call Marilyn Armentrout, SB'59, 714/854-8469 (h).


To help start a book group, plan a trip to Fermilab, or offer event suggestions, call Jacky Kafura, AM'80, at 414/272-7553 (h).

New York

Thurs., Jul. 20, 6:30 p.m.: Young alumni Happy Hour at West Side Brewing Co. Call Myra LaVenue, AB'87, at 212/532-9057 (h). August: Softball game with MIT. Call Reggie Ambatchew, AB'88, at 718/499-4416 (h).


To volunteer, call Amy Ged-rich, AM'81, at 215/732-7855 (h), or Jonathan Fox, AB'79, PhD'85, MD'87, at 610/664-3664 (h).


For information, call president Jay Polk, AB'89, at 602/423-9500 (w).


For information, call president Elizabeth Steiner, AB'84, at 360/835-1111 (w).

San Diego

For information, call president Joan Friedman, AM'91, at 619/546-0655 (h).

San Francisco

Every second Sunday: San Francisco book club meets; call Sydney Rosen, PhB'46, AM'49, PhD'73, at 415/776-0504 (h). Every third Sunday: East Bay book club meets; call Ruth Abel, AB'36, at 510/849-9308 (h).

Washington, DC

Fourth Monday of every month, 7:30 p.m.: Great Books reading group meets at Chapters Bookstore.

For details, contact Marilyn Melvan in the Alumni Association at 312/702-2157; at 312/702-2166 (fax); or at (Internet).

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