The University of Chicago Magazine

December 1997

Class News


Fri., Feb. 13, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.: Men's and women's basketball games against Emory, with a reception between games. Watch for an invitation.



Sat., Jan. 31, 2­5 p.m.: Molière's The School for Wives, a matinee and discussion at Court Theatre. Sun., Feb. 1, 1 p.m.: Men's and women's basketball games against Emory, with a reception between games. Wed., Mar. 4, 12:15 p.m.: Downtown luncheon with humanities professor Herman Sinaiko, AB'47, PhD'61. Sun., Mar. 8, 2­3:15 p.m.: The Living Seder, featuring Passover taste traditions. Sat., Mar. 14, 10­11:30 a.m.: Genealogy workshop followed by light refreshments at the Newberry Library.



Tues., Jan. 27, 6 p.m.: Harper lecture by political science professor John Mearsheimer at the Bankers' Club.



Fri., Feb. 27, 6 p.m.: Reception with Dean of the College John Boyer, AM'69, PhD'75.


Los Angeles

Wed., Mar. 4, An evening with Ed Asner, X'48.


New York

Sun., Apr. 26, Program featuring President Hugo F. Sonnenschein and several distinguished faculty members.


San Francisco

Sat., Feb. 7, 5­6:30 pm: Vino, Vidi, Vici-conquer wine with Professor Roman Weil. For information, contact Mennette Larkin, AM'83, 510/525-0445 (h). Sun., Mar. 1, 7 p.m.: Conductor Anthony Davis leads the BBC Symphony Orchestra with Jean-Yves Thibaudet at the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall. Pre-concert dinner at 5:30 p.m. Contact Jim Miller, MBA'93, 650/401-6485 (h). Wed., Mar. 11, 6:30 p.m.: Reception with President Hugo F. Sonnenschein.


Washington, DC

Sat., Jan. 31, 2 p.m.: See A Thousand Clowns, a play by Herb Gardner. Sun., Mar. 29, 2 p.m.: See The Presentation and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat, as performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade, a play by Peter Weiss. Sat., Apr. 25, 2 p.m.: See The Steward of Christendom, a play by Sebastian Barry. Modern drama discussion groups will meet Wed., Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m.; Thurs., Feb. 19, 7:20 p.m.; Mon., Mar. 16, 7:30 p.m.; and Tues., Apr. 21, 7:30 p.m. Contact David Sobelsohn, AB'74, at 202/484-8303 (h), or by e-mail at To subscribe to the drama group's online list, send the message join theatre to: Thurs., Mar. 5, 7 p.m.: Washington Wizards vs. NY Knicks at the MCI Center. Sun., Mar. 22, 2­4 p.m.: Wine tasting at the Georgetown home of Jackie Quillen, founder of Christie's U.S. wine department. Thurs., May 21, Reception with President Hugo F. Sonnenschein. For more information on DC events, contact the events hotline, 202/452-5590.


In your city

Here's who to call if you're in... Central New Jersey: Doreen Blanc Rockstrom, AB'64, MAT'69, 908/281-9155 (h). Denver: Gerald Forney, SM'74, 303/830-8447 (h). Houston: Nancy Parra, AM'66, PhD'73, 713/528-2678 (h). Milwaukee: Alan Levy, AB'63, JD'65, 414/273-3912 (w). Philadelphia: Amy E. Gedrich, AM'81, 215/732-7855 (h); Jonathan Fox, AB'79, PhD'85, MD'87, 610/664-3664 (h); or Jennifer Wu, MBA'93, 215/636-0192 (h). Phoenix: Joann Polk, AB'89, or Jay Polk, AB'89, 602/596-4064 (h). Portland: Myra LaVenue, AB'87, at 503/299-6176 (h). San Diego: Gary Osborne, JD'89, 619/557-0343 (w).

For details, contact Marilyn Melvan, U of C Alumni Association, at 773/702-2157; at 773/702-2166 (fax); or at (Internet).


Admissions, anyone?

Calling all College alumni! Join more than 1,000 alumni volunteers who support the Office of College Admissions by interviewing applicants across the country and around the world. Contact the Alumni Schools Committee, 1116 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637. Phone: 773/702-8664. Fax: 773/702-4199. E-mail:

For more detailed and complete information about club events--as well as other special services--visit the University of Chicago's alumni web site, the Alumni Gateway.

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