of the mind
132: Writing Poetry
In a workshop format, students write and analyze their own poems,
using traditional and contemporary models. Visiting professor
Eleanor Wilner offers practice in the use of "poetic logos," a
language that she describes as distinct from both daily and academic
155: Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Associate professor Maria Christina von Nolcken examines Chaucer's
art as revealed in selections from The Canterbury Tales,
noting earlier works that influenced Chaucer's writings.
267: Whitman
Situating Walt Whitman's poetry in a historical context, associate
professor William Brown poses questions about the relationships
between literature and history, pleasure and politics, and cultural
production and reception.
283: Invenci�n de la decadencia
Assistant professor Patrick O'Connor examines the poetic and critical
traditions that willingly adopted the self--image of decadence
in Spanish and Latin American literature. Students read Cambaceres,
Casal, Agustini, and others, exploring such topics as poetry and
the city, the politics of aestheticism, and theories of irony
and masks.
291: American Poetry at the Millennium
Assistant professor Danielle Allen and the American Poetry Committee
invite seven award--winning poets to campus for a series of first--hand
readings and lectures. Poets include such notables as Shelley
Award--winner Frank Bidart, Korean poet Ko Un, and Pulitzer Prize--winner
Yusef Komunyakaa.