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by Alumni (print version)


Peter Selz, AM'49, PhD'54, Barbara Chase--Riboud, Sculptor (Harry N. Abrams). Selz's monograph charts the rise of Chase--Riboud, an African--American artist who first captured the attention of the art world in the 1970s with sculptures that merged hard bronze with soft woven silk.


Howard Wesley Johnson, AM'47, Holding the Center: Memoirs of a Life in Higher Education (MIT Press). In his memoir, Johnson--president emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology--recounts his challenges in leading MIT during the turbulent 1960s and 1970s.

Rose M. Kim, AB'90, and Pyong Gap Min, editors, Struggle for Ethnic Identity: Narratives by Asian American Professionals (AltaMira Press). These autobiographical essays trace the development of first-- and second--generation Asian Americans through the formation of their ethnic identities, professional careers, and struggles with dichotomies caused by being both Asian and American.


Jack Clark Francis, Joyce A. Frost, MBA'89, and J. Gregg Whittaker, editors, The Handbook of Credit Derivatives (McGraw--Hill). This guide to credit derivatives covers such topics as synthetic investments, portfolio management, and accounting, tax, and legal analysis.

Carl G. Thor, MBA'64, Gainsharing: Creating and Sharing Success (Crisp Publications). Thor describes "gainsharing," a group incentive system that rewards employees for improving their output based on predetermined goals and that emphasizes teamwork and employee self--management.

Ichigen Watanabe, AM'57, World--Class Management Practices (Crisp Publications). Offering a brief history and context for the strategies of Japanese management, this book explains how Japanese and American ideas merged into a dominant style of management.


Marianne Bell Jackson, AB'67, The Swan Twins (ColorAnDraw Publications). Jackson's book relates the story of the swan twins, Cygnus and Cyrene, who are transformed into a constellation and an effigy mound. Children can draw pictures in the book to accompany the text.


Thomas E. Connolly, AM'47, PhD'51, Essays on Fiction--Dickens, Melville, Hawthorne, and Faulkner (Edwin Mellen Press). Connolly addresses such issues as name symbolism in Melville, Hawthorne's attack on Puritanic Calvinism, and themes of determinism in Faulkner.

Jane Lilienfeld, AM'68, Reading Alcoholisms: Theorizing Character and Narrative in Selected Novels of Thomas Hardy, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf (St. Martin's Scholarly and Reference Press), and, with co--editor Jeffrey Oxford, The Languages of Addiction (St. Martin's Scholarly and Reference Press). In the first book, Lilienfeld addresses alcoholism or addiction in the novels' characters and alcoholic behaviors in narrative performance. The second book, an anthology, includes sections on literary theory, pedagogy, and alcoholism and treatment theories.

Claude J. Summers, AM'67, PhD'70, and Ted--Larry Pebworth, editors, The English Civil Wars in the Literary Imagination (University of Missouri Press). This collection of 15 essays explores the representation of the English civil wars and how the wars were anticipated and refigured through the century's literary minds.


Michael J. Buckley, PhD'67, The Catholic University as Promise and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom (Georgetown University Press). Addressing current controversies in Catholic higher education, Buckley explores two commitments of contemporary Catholic universities: open and free discussion, along with academic pluralism, and an education in the promotion of justice.

Merv Daub, MBA'68, PhD'71, and P. Bruce Buchan, Getting Down to Business: A History of Business Education at Queen's, 1919--1999 (McGill--Queen's Press). The authors chart the history of business education at Canada's first university to grant business degrees, from its origins in philosophy and correspondence courses to its numerous modern offerings.

Ruth A. Reppert, AB'52, Instructor's Guide for Sign Language Made Simple (Gospel Publishing House). Part of an instructor's kit accompanying a textbook, this guide presents 40 lesson plans on sign language, placing the signs in the context of English sentences. It also includes teacher resources, information on the American deaf community, class learning activities, tests, and student hand outs.


Harry D. Eshleman, AB'50, Hawk Book: Musings from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (Eshleday Specialday Press). Eshleman's observations of hawks and nature at the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association in Pennsylvania inspired this collection of poetry and musings.

Riccardo Kulczycki, MBA'74, Caillè Di Viaggio (Alethéia Antonello Longo Editore). Author of 80 Italian--language poems and illustrator of the 48 fish paintings found here, Kulczycki takes a symbolic voyage through the sea to discover the human consciousness.

Karen Moline, AB'77, Belladonna (Warner Books). Moline follows the life of midwestern girl Isabella from pre--World War II London to Manhattan in the 1950s. There Isabella takes the name Belladonna and plots revenge against enemies from her youth.

Terrence O'Donnell, PhB'50, Seven Shades of Memory (Mage Publishers). O'Donnell's short--story collection features tales of Americans and other foreigners in the Middle East.


George Anastaplo, AB'48, JD'51, PhD'64, Abraham Lincoln: A Constitutional Biography (Rowman & Littlefield). Anastaplo offers interpretations of the constitutional documents that helped to shape Lincoln and of the major speeches by which Lincoln shaped the thoughts and passions of the American people.

Eric Anderson and Alfred A. Moss Jr., AM'72, PhD'77, Dangerous Donations: Northern Philanthropy and Southern Black Education, 1902--1930 (University of Missouri Press). The authors discuss donations from Northern philanthropic organizations to black educational institutions of the South in the early 1900s, examining the positive and negative impact on black education and U.S. race relations.

Brad Asher, AM'91, PhD'96, Beyond the Reservation: Indians, Settlers, and the Law in Washington Territory, 1853--1889 (University of Oklahoma Press). Asher examines the American Indian presence in local courts during the 19th century, focusing on the large numbers of Indians who did not move to reservations and on the local courts that governed interactions between the Indians and settlers.

Guillermo A. Baralt, AM'71, PhD'77, Buena Vista: Life and Work on a Puerto Rican Hacienda, 1833--1904 (University of North Carolina Press). Baralt traces the history of the Buena Vista estate, now a popular living--history museum, from its origins as a farm under Spanish control to its development into a modern, American--controlled, coffee plantation.

Edgar M. Branch, AM'38, A Paris Year: Dorothy and James Farrell in Paris, 1931--1932 (Ohio University Press). Branch offers a portrait of the Chicago writer and his wife during the depression in Paris, using interviews, personal diaries, and letters to re--create the narrative of a formative year in Farrell's life.

Howard P. Chudacoff, AB'65, AM'67, PhD'69, The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture (Princeton University Press). Chudacoff describes the culture of urban bachelorism--and its impact on society--as it rose in the late 19th century. Large numbers of single men migrated to American cities, filling the boarding houses, saloons, pool halls, and clubs that proliferated to fill the increasing demand.

Byron E. Farwell, AM'68, Over There: The United States in the Great War, 1917--1918 and The Encyclopedia of Nineteenth--Century Land Warfare (W.W. Norton). The first book covers the United States' entry into and victory in World War I, while the second title details 19th--century land warfare, containing more than 800 illustrations in the two--volume set.

Joseph P. Ferrie, AM'88, PhD'92, Yankeys Now: Immigrants in the Antebellum U.S., 1840--1860 (Oxford University Press). Ferrie documents the first great wave of European migration to the United States, examining how the immigrants were changed by their relocation and how the American economy responded to their arrival.

Rachel M. McCleary, PhD'86, Dictating Democracy: Guatemalan Elites and the End of Violent Revolution (University Press of Florida). McCleary explores the evolution of the two major elite groups in Guatemala--the organized private sector and the military--during the "dual transition" of the nation from authoritarianism to democracy and from import substitution to economic liberalization.

Donald A. Petrie, AB'42, JD'47, The Prize Game: Lawful Looting on the High Seas in the Days of Fighting Sail (Naval Institute Press). Petrie explores the practice of the maritime prize, in which Renaissance European monarchs encouraged the crews of their navies to plunder enemy ships for private gain. Examining the practice's origins and decline, as well as the rules of the sea, the book covers looting from the North Cape of Norway to the southern tip of Africa to the Americas.

Jerome L. Rodnitzky, AB'59, MAT'62, Feminist Phoenix: The Rise and Fall of a Feminist Counterculture (Praeger Books). Rodnitzky traces the rise of feminism's liberation of popular media such as music, cinema, and television, providing portraits of such countercultural models as Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, and Gloria Steinem. He also explores feminism's decline after 1980.

Barbara H. Rosenwein, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'74, Negotiating Space: Power, Restraint, and Privileges of Immunity in the Early Middle Ages (Cornell University Press); editor, Anger's Past: The Social Uses of an Emotion in the Middle Ages (Cornell University Press); and with Lester K. Little, editors, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Readings (Blackwell). In Negotiating Space, Rosenwein examines the gift of immunity as an instrument of medieval political negotiations involving royalty and religious leaders. Anger's Past is a collection of essays exploring the meanings of anger in the Middle Ages, from peasants to royals. Debating the Middle Ages offers articles--some translated into English for the first time--on contested issues among modern medievalists.

Edwin L. Wade, AM'56, Talking Sense at Century's End: A Barbarous Time...and Now What? (Let's Talk Sense Publishing Company). Discussing the 20th century in terms of mythology and facts, Wade asks where we want to go in the future according to what we have learned.

Ron Westrum, AM'69, PhD'72, Sidewinder: Creative Missile Development at China Lake (Naval Institute Press). Westrum traces the development of the world's most highly advanced air--to--air missile, looking at the 1950s team who worked in the Mojave Desert to create it.

Perez Zagorin, AB'44, Francis Bacon (Princeton University Press) and The English Revolution: Politics, Events, Ideas (Ashgate). In the first book, Zagorin provides a comprehensive account of Bacon's thoughts on science, moral philosophy, law, and history. The English Revolution is a collection of the author's essays on 16th-- and 17th--century English history.

Eric Zolov, AM'90, AM'90, PhD'95, Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture (University of California Press). Zolov traces the history of rock 'n' roll in Mexico and the rise of the native countercultural movement La Orda. This frames the most significant crisis of Mexico's post--revolutionary period: the 1968 student--led protests and the government--orchestrated massacre that ended La Orda.


James P. Allen, PhD'81, Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs (Cambridge University Press). Allen's book describes the classical language of Egypt in 26 lessons, accompanied by essays on the chief aspects of ancient Egyptian culture.

Donald L. Dyer, AM'82, PhD'90, The Romanian Dialect of Moldova: A Study in Language and Politics (Edwin Mellen Press). Dyer examines the history of Soviet language policy in Moldova, where Soviet linguists attempted to create an independent literary language called "Moldavian." He focuses on the dialectal features of Moldovan Romanian and the relationship between the Romanian of Moldova and other regional languages.


William C. Dement, MD'55, PhD'58, The Promise of Sleep (Delacorte Press). A combination medical self--help book and career retrospective, this book focuses on the national sleep crisis. Dement writes about sleep--deprived drivers and incidents such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the Challenger space shuttle explosion, explaining that sleep disorders remain undiagnosed and untreated in most cases.

Joseph H. Friedman, AB'69, Primary Care Neurology (Butterworth--Heinnemann Press). This guide to clinical neurology offers primary--care providers ways to recognize and manage common problems. Friedman includes guides on referrals to specialty care.


Robert U. Ayres, AB'52, SB'54, Turning Point: An End to the Growth Paradigm (Earthscan). Ayres argues that institutions in today's global economy are incapable of delivering social welfare to the majority, using evidence that recent economic growth has benefited only a small proportion of the world's population, while social services--health, education, and security--are under enormous stress.

Judith A. Baer, AM'71, PhD'74, Our Lives Before the Law: Constructing a Feminist Jurisprudence (Princeton University Press). Baer critiques contemporary feminist legal scholarship, gives a feminist analysis of several legal issues, and offers a feminist interpretation of key elements of conventional political theory.

Eve Darian--Smith, PhD'95, Bridging Divides: The Channel Tunnel and English Legal Identity in the New Europe (University of California Press). Darian--Smith explores the symbolism of the tunnel that connected Great Britain to the European mainland in 1994, addressing questions of shifting geography, nationalism, post--colonialism, and legal autonomy.

Thomas P. Gallanis, JD'90; Kimberley Dayton; and Molly Wood, Elder Law: Readings, Cases, and Materials (Anderson Publishing). This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the legal issues facing individuals and American society as the population ages.

Varun Gauri, AB'88, School Choice in Chile: Two Decades of Educational Reform (University of Pittsburgh Press). Gauri argues that the decentralization and privatization of Chilean schools under the Pinochet regime of the early 1980s was not successful, despite the provision of vouchers for parental choice of schools and the administration of schools by local municipalities.

Efraim Inbar, AM'76, PhD'81, Rabin and Israel's National Security (Woodrow Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press). In this study of Yitzhak Rabin's strategic policy, and contributions to Israel's national security, Inbar examines the security challenges Israel has faced over four decades. Using unpublished materials and interviews, including one with Rabin, the book focuses on Israel's relationship with the U.S. and its nuclear status in the Middle East.

Joseph L. Sax, JD'59, Playing Darts With a Rembrandt: Public and Private Rights in Cultural Treasures (University of Michigan Press). Sax examines the rights of private owners of cultural treasures, discussing why private property--despite great public significance--can be hidden away for centuries or destroyed. He argues that these rights are wrong.

Edwin L. Wade, AM'56, Constitution 2000: A Federalist Proposal for the New Century (Let's Talk Sense Publishing Company). This book is a revised and expanded edition, calling for a second Constitutional Convention to adopt and enact needed reforms.


Marshall Edelson, PhB'46, PhD'54, MD'55, and David N. Berg, Rediscovering Groups: A Psychoanalyst's Journey Beyond Individual Psychology (Jessica Kingsley Publishers). Using stories about conflicts between individuals and groups, Edelson and Berg examine group formation, stereotyping, and scapegoating.

Jack D. Pressman, AM'80, Last Resort: Psychosurgery and the Limits of Medicine (Cambridge University Press). In this posthumous publication, Pressman (who died in 1997) examines psychiatry as both discipline and medical specialty, tracing the use of psychosurgery in America in the 1940s and 1950s.


Paul R. Fleischman, AB'67, Karma and Chaos (Vipassana Research Publications). Exploring the roots of Vipassana meditation, these essays focus on its therapeutic benefits and its interaction with psychiatry and science.

Clifford A. Grammich Jr., AB'85, AM'88, PhD'96, Local Baptists, Local Politics: Churches and Communities in the Middle and Uplands South (University of Tennessee Press). Challenging the idea that Baptists are politically aloof and concerned only with faith, Grammich argues the opposite: these groups are often highly politically engaged at local levels.


Robert U. Ayres, AB'52, SB'54, Accounting for Resources, 1: Economy--wide Applications of Mass Balance to Materials and Waste (Edward Elgar Publishing), with L. W. Ayres; Accounting for Resources, 2: The Life Cycle of Materials (Edward Elgar Publishing), with L. W. Ayres; Global Aspects of the Environment, Volumes 1, 2 (Edward Elgar Publishing), with K. J. Button and P. Nijkamp, editors; and Eco--Restructuring: Implications for Sustainable Development (United Nations University Press), with P. M. Weaver, editors. The first book discusses the use of resources and the dispersion of waste, while the second tracks the life cycle of specific elements to estimate the generation and dissipative uses of material wastes. The third book is a two--volume collection on global environmental issues in fields such as theoretical ecology, industrial economy, and environmental science. The fourth book offers an eco--restructuring plan for sustainable development, focusing on shifts in technology and lifestyles needed to harmonize human activities with natural systems.

Lee R. Kump, AB'81, The Earth System (Prentice Hall). Addressing global change from an Earth systems perspective, Kump emphasizes lessons from Earth's history that may guide future global change decisions.

Jay Lash, PhD'54, Interactive Embryology: The Human Embryo Program (Sinauer Associates). This interactive CD--textbook offers a series of movies simulating developmental events in human embryos, with accompanying diagrams and descriptions.

Charles B. Little, AB'79, and J. Blitz, editors, Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Chemically Modified Surfaces (Royal Society of Chemistry). This compilation of papers from the Seventh International Symposium on Chemically Modified Surfaces in 1998, covers such fields as scanning probe microscopy, plasma polymerization, and molecular modeling. Havoc Pennington, AB'98, GTK+/Gnome Application Development (New Riders Publishing). Pennington's book on GTK+/Gnome application development explains how to develop graphical applications for GNU/Linux computer systems.

Hugh R. Wilson, AM'68, PhD'69, Spikes, Decisions, and Actions: The Dynamical Foundations of Neuroscience (Oxford University Press). Wilson's explanation of nonlinear dynamics as the framework for understanding brain function and behavior is accompanied by a CD--ROM containing computer simulations illustrating dynamical aspects of brain function.


Philip P. Arnold, PhD'92, Eating Landscape: Aztec and European Occupation of Tlalocan (University Press of Colorado). Examining how Aztec and Spanish conceptions of land formed the basis of their cultural identities, Arnold focuses on the Aztecs' worship of Tlaloc, god of rain, fertility, and earth, and their understanding of food.

Sanjib Baruah, PhD'83, India Against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality (University of Pennsylvania Press). Through an examination of cultural politics and ethnic conflicts in northeast India, Baruah argues that India's centralized government structure is the cause of political turmoil in the region. He proposes loosely organized federations as the solution.

James W. Ellor, AM'76; F. Ellen Netting, PhD'82; and Jane M. Thibault, PhD'84, Religious and Spiritual Aspects of Human Service Practice (University of South Carolina Press). This guide addresses religion's impact on the health and human services professions, offering advice on practice concerns, the role of religious congregations in providing social service, and describes arguments about the separation of church and state in public--policy debates.

Daryl Koehn, AB'77, AM'83, PhD'91, Rethinking Feminist Ethics (Routledge Press). Examining feminist and feminine ethics of care, trust, and empathy, Koehn argues for the need of principle--based ethics over those based on virtues.

Barbara Garland Polikoff, AM'52, With One Bold Act--The Story of Jane Addams (Boswell Books). In this biography, Polikoff includes material from tapes made by Sadie Garland Dreikurs, a former resident of Hull House and friend and colleague of Jane Addams. The book captures Addams' private life, as well as her development as a thinker, lecturer, and leader.

Ellen Prell, AM'73, PhD'78, Fighting to Become Americans: Jews, Gender, and the Anxiety of Assimilation (Beacon Press). Analyzing negative stereotypes that Jewish men and women hold about one another, Prell argues that American Jews perceive themselves through the eyes of a dominant culture that views them with great anxiety.

Stuart A. Schlegel, AM'65, PhD'69, Wisdom from a Rainforest: The Spiritual Journey of an Anthropologist (University of Georgia Press). Describing the egalitarian, nonviolent ways of the Teduray people of the southern Philippines, Schlegel explores the impact that living among the Teduray had on his life and his career.

Bruce A. Shuman, AB'63, AM'65, Handbook of Library Security and Safety (American Library Association). Shuman looks at factors involved in library security and safety, providing practical solutions to problems such as theft of material, securing electronic records, and protecting patrons from violence.

Pauline Turner Strong, AM'80, PhD'92, Captive Selves, Captivating Others: The Politics and Poetics of Colonial American Captivity Narratives (Westview Press/Perseus Books). Strong examines Native--American captivity narratives of figures such as Squanto and Pocahontas alongside more familiar narratives, including John Smith and Mary Rowlandson. The author casts new light on the relationship between representation and practice in the colonial era.

Emily Teeter, PhD'90, and Douglas Brewer, Egypt and the Egyptians (Cambridge University Press). Blending anthropology and Egyptology, the authors present an illustrated social history of ancient Egypt.

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