by Alumni: Education
J. Buckley, PhD'67, The Catholic University as Promise
and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom (Georgetown University
Press). Addressing current controversies in Catholic higher education,
Buckley explores two commitments of contemporary Catholic universities:
open and free discussion, along with academic pluralism, and an
education in the promotion of justice.
Daub, MBA'68, PhD'71, and P. Bruce Buchan, Getting
Down to Business: A History of Business Education at Queen's,
1919--1999 (McGill--Queen's Press). The authors chart the history
of business education at Canada's first university to grant business
degrees, from its origins in philosophy and correspondence courses
to its numerous modern offerings.
A. Reppert,
AB'52, Instructor's Guide for Sign Language Made Simple (Gospel
Publishing House). Part of an instructor's kit accompanying a
textbook, this guide presents 40 lesson plans on sign language,
placing the signs in the context of English sentences. It also
includes teacher resources, information on the American deaf community,
class learning activities, tests, and student hand outs.