by Alumni: Social science
P. Arnold, PhD'92, Eating Landscape: Aztec and European
Occupation of Tlalocan (University Press of Colorado). Examining
how Aztec and Spanish conceptions of land formed the basis of
their cultural identities, Arnold focuses on the Aztecs' worship
of Tlaloc, god of rain, fertility, and earth, and their understanding
of food.
Baruah, PhD'83,
India Against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality
(University of Pennsylvania Press). Through an examination
of cultural politics and ethnic conflicts in northeast India,
Baruah argues that India's centralized government structure is
the cause of political turmoil in the region. He proposes loosely
organized federations as the solution.
W. Ellor,
AM'76; F.
Ellen Netting, PhD'82; and Jane
M. Thibault, PhD'84, Religious and Spiritual Aspects
of Human Service Practice (University of South Carolina Press).
This guide addresses religion's impact on the health and human
services professions, offering advice on practice concerns, the
role of religious congregations in providing social service, and
describes arguments about the separation of church and state in
public--policy debates.
AB'77, AM'83, PhD'91, Rethinking Feminist Ethics (Routledge
Press). Examining feminist and feminine ethics of care, trust,
and empathy, Koehn argues for the need of principle--based ethics
over those based on virtues.
Garland Polikoff,
AM'52, With One Bold Act--The Story of Jane Addams (Boswell
Books). In this biography, Polikoff includes material from tapes
made by Sadie Garland Dreikurs, a former resident of Hull House
and friend and colleague of Jane Addams. The book captures Addams'
private life, as well as her development as a thinker, lecturer,
and leader.
AM'73, PhD'78, Fighting to Become Americans: Jews, Gender,
and the Anxiety of Assimilation (Beacon Press). Analyzing
negative stereotypes that Jewish men and women hold about one
another, Prell argues that American Jews perceive themselves through
the eyes of a dominant culture that views them with great anxiety.
A. Schlegel,
AM'65, PhD'69, Wisdom from a Rainforest: The Spiritual Journey
of an Anthropologist (University of Georgia Press). Describing
the egalitarian, nonviolent ways of the Teduray people of the
southern Philippines, Schlegel explores the impact that living
among the Teduray had on his life and his career.
A. Shuman,
AB'63, AM'65, Handbook of Library Security and Safety (American
Library Association). Shuman looks at factors involved in library
security and safety, providing practical solutions to problems
such as theft of material, securing electronic records, and protecting
patrons from violence.
Turner Strong, AM'80,
PhD'92, Captive Selves, Captivating Others: The Politics and
Poetics of Colonial American Captivity Narratives (Westview
Press/Perseus Books). Strong examines Native--American captivity
narratives of figures such as Squanto and Pocahontas alongside
more familiar narratives, including John Smith and Mary Rowlandson.
The author casts new light on the relationship between representation
and practice in the colonial era.
PhD'90, and Douglas Brewer, Egypt and the Egyptians (Cambridge
University Press). Blending anthropology and Egyptology, the authors
present an illustrated social history of ancient Egypt.