In rebuttal
the only positive thing about the letter entitled "Holocaust
as political industry" is finding that Pat Buchanan did not attend
the University of Chicago. Until I read the authors' names at
the end, however, I was certain that Buchanan did write this letter,
as it closely mimicked his ignorance and anti-Semitism. As a graduate
of the College and the University's medical school, I am saddened
to find that two alumni could write such mindless drivel.
and Taylor decry what they see as a "Holocaust industry" in academia,
publishing, and Hollywood. They state that the Holocaust was invented
as a means to justify Israel and "intensify the collective guilt
on the part of America's Christian majority...." The last time
I checked, the Holocaust was not invented by Steven Spielberg.
The Holocaust was planned, designed, and implemented by the Nazi
regime in Europe, aided and abetted by countless ordinary civilians
who believed that ridding Europe of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals,
and Communists was a worthwhile enterprise. Moreover, isolationists
in this country contributed to the end result, as exemplified
by America's indifference towards the refugees on board the SS
St. Louis and the pro-Fascist speeches of Father Coughlin
in the 1930s. Perhaps if the authors were hunted, crammed into
freight cars, and dumped in death camps, they would have a little
more understanding of the callousness of their words. And if my
co-religionists and I are entitled to "special breaks" because
of the Holocaust, I've been sadly kept in the dark all these years
about the entitlements apparently owed to me.
and Taylor indicate that there is some sinister motive in reminding
the world to never forget the Holocaust. Again, they possibly
never read anything by Santayana during their formative years,
something to the effect that "Those who forget the past are doomed
to repeat it." But maybe because the Holocaust was not part of
their heritage, they don't find it relevant to their lives. By
extension, I suppose the authors would be angered when Native
Americans appropriately remind Americans that the "Christian majority"
wiped their ancestors off the face of the earth through acts of
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. (one of those
"memorials trying to make concrete what might otherwise become
dated and ephemeral"), draws constant parallels to the genocide
in Rwanda, the killing fields of Cambodia, and the mass murders
in Kosovo. The point is that the Holocaust is not an isolated
phenomenon, and unless we remind the world, it can and will happen
again. The reason why the Holocaust "has become the paradigm for
modern-day genocide" is because it serves as such a grandiose
example of how a "civilized" country can brutally expunge 6 million
people in an efficient, sadistic fashion.
than criticize Elie Wiesel for not speaking out against Israel's
transgressions against the Palestinians, a more constructive statement
would have been to acknowledge that there have been evils on both
sides of the Arab-Israel conflict. Regardless, that does not negate
the tragedy of the Holocaust, and merely raises the suspicion
that the authors have their own prejudices regarding Jews and
do agree that the world needs to increase their attention with
regard to atrocities that occur in the Third World. But it does
not logically follow that journalistic myopia is the fault of
those of us who remember the Holocaust. I would also agree with
the authors that the word "holocaust" can be misappropriated into
a "political weapon." The anti-choice movement is particularly
fond of doing this as they selfishly attempt to interfere with
a woman's right to choose. Something tells me, however, that Giraldi
and Taylor are not on my side for that subject, either.
B. Toub, AB'83, MD'87