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Bobos in parodies
David Brooks, AB’83, proves he can take a punch line, selecting the best alumni spoofs of his New York Times op-ed columns.

Academic pioneer
As the first woman president of both Colgate and Swarthmore, Rebecca Chopp, PhD’83, waves the flag for the liberal arts.

Blackboard jungle
A chalk drawing of a tiger in a Searle Chemistry Lab classroom outlasts five University presidents.


Chicago Magazine (March 2011)
The University of Chicago finds its groove
Once known as a place to “suffer for learning,” Hyde Park has become a hot destination among top-tier high school students.

Chicago Tribune (March 19, 2011)
Using “Freakonomics” approach on sports
A Chicago finance professor’s book exploring sports myths appeals to the “immersed geek.”

Wall Street Journal (March 12, 2011)
The man who defined deviancy up
“Professor of crime” James Q. Wilson, AM’57, PhD’59, entered UChicago as a liberal and left as a conservative. Wilson never studied with Milton Friedman, “so you can’t blame him.”

Washington Post (March 11, 2011)
Let me call him sweetheart
Kathleen Parker remembers David Broder, AB’47, AM’51, as “a man both generous and gracious, a reporter’s reporter.”

Esquire (March 8, 2011)
The Internet saved my life
Roger Ebert, X’70, can no longer speak, but his TED talk contained many words of wisdom.


Saturday, March 26
Discover Newark’s Ironbound:
A walking tour

11 a.m.–1 p.m. | Newark, NJ

Monday, March 28
Before the Pyramids:
Virtual Oriental Institute exhibit opening

6:00–8:30 p.m. | Omaha, NE

Thursday, March 31
DC Career Panel:
Traditional and untraditional writing careers

7–9 p.m. | Washington

 /> See events across the country and around the world


Peeps show
Entries from the Magazine’s previous Peeps Diorama Contest offer inspiration as this year’s deadline approaches.

 View the 2009 entries

 Learn how to enter


Japan connections
The devastating earthquake and nuclear crisis have touched many members of the UChicago community. Here is a collection of resources for those who want to help.