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News for Alumni and Friends
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From the molecule up
The University's new undergraduate major in molecular engineering, the first engineering program in the College's history, focuses on "major societal issues that require a broad spectrum of engineering skills to address."

Iowa or bust
Through the Institute of Politics' Iowa Project, 18 student fellows are participating in the 2016 Iowa Caucuses through campaign and media internships.

Climate change 101--and beyond
Geophysical sciences professor David Archer has a way with inconvenient truths.

Unpacking a problem
"Many feelings are buried in the clutter," says Mary DeVan, AM'72, a clinical social worker who helps people plagued by hoarding disorders.


Reuters (July 10, 2015)
Climate change will bring more frequent severe droughts, endangering our food supply
Computation Institute's Joshua Elliott warns that lack of water could cut US crop yields substantially.

Crain's Chicago Business (July 6, 2015)
Poetry Foundation has interim head: Henry Bienen
As an undergrad, Northwestern University president emeritus Bienen, AM'62, PhD'66, thought "poetry might be a vocation of sorts for me."

New York Magazine (July 5, 2015)
How to maximize your vacation happiness
Chicago Booth postdoc Amit Kumar's research into money and happiness shows that vacations "live on in the stories we tell."

Business Insider (July 2, 2015)
Genome study reveals how the woolly mammoth thrived in the cold
The study by Vincent Lynch, assistant professor of human genetics, compared the genomes of woolly mammoths and elephants.

Boston Review (July 1, 2015)
Executive secrecy
In a book review, political science professor William Howell argues: "If we want to check presidential power ... then it is essential that we resist claims to executive secrecy."

Nova Next (June 30, 2015)
How physics will change--and change the world--in 100 years
Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczek, SB'70, describes "seven different sorts of unification that I expect to enrich physics over the next century."


Thursday, July 16
Blue Notes: The Oxford Gargoyles Jazz A Cappella at the Hong Kong Arts Centre
8:00-9:30 p.m. | Hong Kong

Tuesday, July 21
BOS: Alliance for the Civil Society Kickoff in Boston
6-8 p.m. | Boston

Saturday, July 25
"Loop the Lake" Madison Bike Ride
10 a.m. | Madison, WI

See more events across the country and around the world.


Broder on Putin

The peril of Putin
Bill Browder, AB’85, formerly an investor in Russia, explains why he thinks the Russian president is "the single greatest threat to world peace."

Watch the TheStreet's interview.

Read the Magazine's story.


Radio Harris

Radio Harris
Chicago Harris's 12-part podcast series ended its first season. Catch up on the shows you missed, including episodes about the impact of get-out-the-vote efforts, how viral information affects response to threats, and the importance of toilets in the developing world.

Listen to the podcast.


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The University of Chicago
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