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APRIL 2003
Volume 95, Issue 4
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Richard D. Mohr, AB’72
, Pottery, Politics, Art: George Ohr and the Brothers Kirkpatrick (University of Illinois Press). Mohr uses the medium of clay to explore the nature of spectacle, bodies, and boundaries, analyzing the sexual and social obsessions of three American potters who used the liminal potentials of clay to explore the horrors and delights of our animal selves.

John P. Ricco, AM’91, PhD’98, The Logic of the Lure (University of Chicago Press). Ricco argues that fleeting erotic or perverse experiences usually dismissed as meaningless—a wink, a nod, a discarded snapshot—can be used to create a truly queer notion of ethics and aesthetics, one that recasts sociality and sexuality, place and finitude in ways suggested by the anonymity and itinerant lures of cruising. He considers a range of issues, including the work of such contemporary artists as Doug Ischar, Tom Burr, and Derek Jarman and the minor architecture of sex clubs, public restrooms, and alleyways.

Abraham Felber with Franklin S. Felber, SM’74, and William H. Bartsch, The Old Breed of Marine: A World War II Diary (McFarland & Company). This annotated 1941–45 diary kept by 1st Sgt. A. Felber includes a bibliography, indexes, and 56 photographs. Felber’s diary covers the first-wave assault on Guadalcanal and combat in the Cape Gloucester campaign.

Thomas P. Glynn, AB’58, A Child’s Christmas in Chicago ( These stories, set around Christmas time, are about growing up in Chicago during the 1940s and 1950s.

Alex C. Michalos, DB’61, AM’61, PhD’65, and Deborah C. Poff, editors, Bernard Shaw and the Webbs (University of Toronto Press). This new volume in the series Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw contains 140 annotated letters between Shaw and his life-long friends Beatrice and Sidney Webb. The letters, 74 previously unpublished, reveal the political side of Shaw as he and the Webbs helped build the Fabian Society, the British Labour Party, the London School of Economics, the New Statesman, and an impressive body of literature.

Grace Partin Moremen, AM’56, Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge—Steadfast Son of King George III, 1774–1850 (Edwin Mellen Press). The first full biography of Adolphus Frederick, the youngest son of King George III, argues that of his father’s seven surviving sons, Adolphus was the most successful at internalizing the king’s concept of royal duty, living a purposeful and productive life in a time of immense technological, political, and social change.

Eduardo R. Gomes, PhD’98, Ana Kirschner, and Paola Cappellin, editors, Empresa, Empresários, E Globalização (Relume Dumará Editora). This collection of essays by Latin American, European, and North American scholars focuses on new challenges to entrepreneurs and enterprises in the globalized world, including individual and collective restructuring, succession, business culture, and social responsibility.

David E. Gumpert, AB’68, Burn Your Business Plan: What Investors Really Want from Entrepreneurs (Lauson Publishing). Gumpert argues against the conventional wisdom that entrepreneurs must prepare a written business plan before starting a business. Using research, a survey of professional investors, and his own experience, he suggests devoting startup resources to areas such as preparing a presentation, developing a Web site, and publicity.

Janet Hebenstreit Tavakoli, MBA’81, Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance: New Development in Cash and Synthetic Securitization (John Wiley and Sons). Tavakoli explains uses and abuses of structured products including special-purpose entities used by Enron.

Elizabeth A. Fama, AB’85, MBA’91, PhD’96, Overboard (Cricket Books). Escaping from a sinking ferry off Sumatra, 14-year-old Emily fights to save herself and a young Indonesian boy, in the process learning about his Islamic faith.

Christopher T. Hodgkins, AM’82, PhD’88, Reforming Empire: Protestant Colonialism and Conscience in British Literature (University of Missouri Press). For more than four centuries, Hodgkins argues, the Protestant imagination gave the British Empire both its main paradigms for dominion and its chief languages of anti-imperial dissent. From Spenser’s Faerie Queene to Kipling’s The Man Who Would Be King, English literature about empire often turned to themes of worship and idolatry, atrocity and deliverance, slavery and service, conversion, prophecy, apostasy, and doom.

Cecile Leung, AM’86, PhD’93, Etienne Fourmont (1683–1745): Oriental and Chinese Languages in Eighteenth Century France (Leuven University Press). Leung details the life of Fourmont, the first French scholar to deal with Chinese matters, from childhood to his career at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Bibliothèque Royale in Paris. She also analyzes Fourmont’s two Chinese grammars, the Meditationes Sinicae (1737) and the Linguae Sinarum Mandarinicae Hieroglyphae (1742), recapturing the beginning of sinology in 18th-century France.

Robert Palter, PhD’52, The Duchess of Malfi’s Apricots and Other Literary Fruits (University of South Carolina Press). Palter investigates how fruit has been used in literature to express human experience from desire, love, and religious fervor to anger, hate, and horror. Citing hundreds of examples from two dozen languages, he discusses genres including short stories, lyric poems, nursery rhymes, and librettos.

John E. Chubb and Tom S. Loveless, PhD’92, editors, Bridging the Achievement Gap (Brookings Institution Press). What can be done to bridge the gap in achievement levels between students of different backgrounds? Strategies outlined include: focusing on core academic skills, reducing class size, enrolling students in more challenging courses, administering annual achievement tests, creating schools with a culture of competition and success, and offering vouchers in big-city school districts to bridge the information gap between white, African American, and Hispanic students.

Myles I. Friedman, AM’57, PhD’59, Charles W. Hatch, Jacqueline E. Jacobs, Aileen C. Lau-Dickinson, Amanda B. Nickerson, and Katherine C. Schnepel, Educators’ Handbook on Effective Testing (The Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Education). The authors present guidelines for constructing, selecting, and defending tests educators use. Designed as a resource to help educators meet federal and state accountability standards, the book evaluates some 100 tests frequently used in education.

Jeanette M. Clough, AM’77, Cantatas (Tebot Bach). Clough’s second collection of poems has been described by poet David St. John as “a hymnal of possibility for living in our difficult world.”

Michael J. Curley, PhD’73, translator, Alessandro Manzoni, Two Plays (Peter Lang Publishing). Curley provides new translation of the 19th-century Italian novelist’s two Romantic dramas, The Count of Carmagnola (1820) and Adelchi (1822).

Richard R. Grose, AM’78, PhD’91, translator, The Rehabilitation of Freud and Bakhtin and Others (Other Press). Grose translates from the Russian two Victor Beilis stories that examine the inner freedom of the individual. Grose’s introduction helps orient the reader to the world of the former Soviet Union, and his afterword offers a historical interpretation.

Terra Ziporyn, AM’81, PhD’85, The Bliss of Solitude (Xlibris). This novel tells the story of Iris Cloud, who hid her illegitimate pregnancy by retreating from her suburban Boston family to rural Vermont. Her life is disrupted 20 years later by her search for her daughter’s father, Jack, a would-be modern-day Michelangelo.

Rosario Montoya, Lessie J. Frazier, AB’89, and Janise Hurtig, editors, Gender’s Place: Feminist Anthropologies of Latin America (Palgrave Macmillan). Built around the concept of desalambrar (to tear down fences), these essays, integrating theoretical issues and ethnographic cases, explore how the interrelationship of gender and place acts as a lens for analyzing the cultural, social, and historical specificity of gender and other social inequalities.

Kathleen A. Brosnan, PhD’99, Uniting Mountain and Plain: Cities, Law, and Environmental Change along the Front Range (University of New Mexico Press). Linking widely separated ecosystems in the urban-based economy, entrepreneurs in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo prompted irrevocable environmental changes and restructured how the region’s inhabitants related to the land and each other, argues Brosnan. As a result, Hispanic and Native American people who had lived in Colorado since long before the gold rush were marginalized or displaced.

Timothy J. Mullin, JD’73, Special Operations: Weapons and Tactics (Greenhill Publishing). Mullin outlines the proper selection of weapons for civil and military special-operations teams, covers training methods and ethical issues, and discusses policy concerns in the use of special-ops teams for military and civil applications.

Robert M. Eisinger, AM’90, PhD’96, The Evolution of Presidential Polling (Cambridge University Press). Eisinger examines the history of presidential in-house polling operations, arguing that presidents use private polls because they do not trust alternative measures of public opinion.

Anthony I. Ogus and Michael G. Faure, LLM’85, Economie du droit: le cas français (Edition Penthéon). The authors (Ogus is a visiting scholar at the Law School) apply economic analysis of law to French legal issues in a work meant to introduce French lawyers to this Chicago-style approach.

Ido Oren, PhD’92, Our Enemies and US: America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science (Cornell University Press). Oren argues that U.S. political scientists’ portrayals of Imperial Germany, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Stalinist Russia all darkened after these regimes became the nation’s enemies and that portrayals of America itself have also been shaped by international rivalries. Pointing to the discipline’s long-term, intimate relationship with U.S. national security agencies, he calls into question American political science’s self-image as an objective science that is somehow attached to democracy.

David H. Rosenbloom, AM’66, PhD’69, Administrative Law for Public Managers (Westview Press). Rosenbloom considers U.S. federal administrative law from the perspectives of practicing public administration. Using nontechnical terms he explains how such law makes contemporary public administration more compatible with U.S. democratic constitutionalism.

Joseph White, AB’76, False Alarm: Why the Greatest Threat to Social Security and Medicare Is the Campaign to “Save” Them (Johns Hopkins University Press). White argues against the common belief that Social Security and Medicare are unaffordable “entitlements” that threaten the economy and societal fairness as the Baby Boomers retire. He focuses on the logic of social insurance, how Social Security and Medicare work, and the effect of proposed reforms.

Sharon A. Heller, AM’76, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World (HarperCollins). As much as 15 percent of the population can’t tune out sensations such as bright lights, loud music, and large crowds and react with irritation, anger, alarm, or pain. Such sensory defensiveness can mimic, result in, or exaggerate psychiatric conditions, including anxiety, panic disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, or anorexia. A developmental psychologist, Heller offers coping techniques.

Nathan Aviezer, PhD’65, Fossils and Faith: Understanding Torah and Science (Ktav Publishing). Focusing on the essence of religion, including faith, prayer, miracles, free will, chaos, and human evolution, Aviezer argues that the complexity of the physical universe revealed in recent decades provides the framework for understanding the modes of interaction between God and his world.

Martin Benjamin, AM’65, PhD’70, Philosophy and This Actual World: An Introduction to Practical Philosophical Inquiry (Rowman & Littlefield). Drawing on William James and Ludwig Wittgenstein, Benjamin addresses questions of knowledge, reality, mind, will, and ethics, as well as questions about moral pluralism, assisted suicide, the nature of death, and life’s meaning.

William D. Dean, AM’64, PhD’67, The American Spiritual Culture: And the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies (Continuum International). Describing Americans as a pragmatic, culturally displaced, immigrant people, drawn to a concept of God both pragmatic and attentive to tradition and mystery, Dean posits a national spiritual culture based in three quintessential popular culture forms, arguing that they are also forms of religious expression: jazz (improvisation), football (violence), and the movies (fantasy).

Barbara Bitting Jurgensen, AM’75, DMn’82, Psalms of Comfort: Comforting Passages from the Book of Psalms (Fairway Press). Each page, representing a separate conversation with Jesus, presents someone coping with a difficult situation, quotes pertinent words from Psalms, and concludes with insights from the Gospels.

John G. Stackhouse Jr., PhD’87, Humble Apologetics: Defending the Faith Today (Oxford University Press); editor, Evangelical Futures: Facing Critical Issues of the Day (Baker Academic); Church: An Insider’s Look at How We Do It (Baker Academic); editor, What Does It Mean to Be Saved? Broadening Evangelical Horizons of Salvation (Baker Academic). The first book is an attempt to revive the Classic Christian defense (apologia) of the faith in the face of questions raised by the contemporary world. The second is a series of academic essays on North American evangelicalism. In Church Stackhouse takes an insider’s look at North American church life from money and literacy to membership and renewal. The last book is a third volume in a series of essays by leading theologians.

Bertie Josephson Weddell, AB’69, Conserving Living Natural Resources in the Context of a Changing World (Cambridge University Press). This introductory conservation-biology and resource-management text presents three approaches to managing living natural resources: harvesting featured species and controlling unwanted species, protecting and restoring populations and habitats to maintain biodiversity, and managing complex ecosystems to sustain both productivity and biodiversity. Rather than endorse a single approach, Weddell investigates the historical and philosophical contexts and the limitations of each.

George J. Andreopoulos, AB’76, editor, Concepts and Strategies in International Human Rights (Peter Lang). Andreopoulos and colleagues analyze and assess some main achievements of the human-rights movement and its current challenges. These challenges primarily relate to the relevance of the conceptual framework within which the human-rights movement has operated, as well as the need for effective promotion and protection.

Thomas Buckley, AM’77, PhD’82, Standing Ground: Yurok Indian Spirituality, 1850–1990 (University of California Press). Buckley uses dialogue to weave together narratives and interpretations, establish Yurok cultural and spiritual persistence, and suggest a way to understand cultures as processes of time rather than reified epistemic objects.

Thomas J. Cottle, AM’63, PhD’68, At Peril: Stories of Injustice (University of Massachusetts Press); Mind Fields: Adolescent Consciousness in a Culture of Distraction (Peter Lang Publishing); Intimate Appraisals: The Social Writings of Thomas J. Cottle (University Press of New England); and Hardest Times: The Trauma of Long Term Unemployment (Praeger Publishers). In the first book Cottle gathers personal accounts by children and adults that address social concerns from youth crime and domestic violence to public education and health care. Mind Fields argues that adolescence is essentially a social construct and that to understand young people is to recognize how their consciousness is shaped by an entertainment industry constantly urging them to turn away from the normal evolution of their personal and social lives. The third book is a collection of Cottle’s writings on American culture and how it both liberates and imprisons various social groups. The final book, an examination of what happens to men and their families when they remain out of work for longer than six months, describes long-term unemployment as a traumatic event with symptoms of loss and post-trauma.

Thomas W. Dichter, AM’69, PhD’76, Despite Good Intentions: Why Development Assistance to the Third World Has Failed (University of Massachusetts Press). Dichter reviews major trends in foreign aid since the 1950s, combining his analysis with 18 vignettes from 35 years of field experience. Arguing that the development industry has become caught up in self-perpetuation, he shows how an emphasis on money rather than ideas has reinforced the tendency to shape development efforts as time-bound projects, thus creating dependency among aid recipients. He advocates a less direct approach: fewer agencies, much less money, and relatively few experts.

Dan W. Forsyth, AM’76, Reinterpreting Freud from a Modern Psychoanalytic Anthropological Perspective (Edwin Mellen Press). The book presents an interdisciplinary argument for the universality of the Oedipus complex and for the importance of oedipal fantasy in human life.

Timothy C. Guile, AM’72, PhD’79, An Anthology of Menominee Sayings (Lincom-Europa). The anthology offers 450 sayings—with English translations and linguistic and cultural notes—in the Menominee language, ranging from weather and fishing-hunting rules to signs of good or ill luck. Grammar, phonology, and vocabulary sections serve as points of comparison with an earlier description of the Algonquian language carried out by former Chicago faculty member Leonard Bloomfield.

Donald W. Jones, AM’72, PhD’74, External Relations of Early Iron Age Crete, 1100–600 B.C. (University of Pennsylvania Museum Press) and Peak Sanctuaries and Sacred Caves in Minoan Crete: A Comparison of Artifacts (Paul Astroms Forlag). The first work uses contemporary economic models to interpret evidence showing contacts between Crete and the rest of the Mediterranean world from the fall of the Late Bronze Age palace system to the beginning of the Classical Period in Greece. In the second book Jones uses the evidence from mobile artifacts found at two major types of sanctuary on Crete to trace changes and continuities in religious practices and relationships between apparent religious and political changes, from roughly 3000 to 1000 B.C.

Robin A. Kirk, AB’82, More Terrible Than Death: Massacres, Drugs, and America’s War in Colombia (PublicAffairs). Kirk maps the social, political, economic, and human devastation wrought by the drug war in Colombia. Describing the relationship between the United States and Colombia in human terms and drawing from her own experiences as a human-rights investigator, she offers an insider’s analysis of the political realities that shape the expanding war on drugs and the growing U.S. military presence in Colombia.

Brett E. Klopp, AM’92, PhD’00, German Multiculturalism: Immigrant Integration and the Transformation of Citizenship (Greenwood Publishing Group). Klopp examines the issues of immigration, integration, and multiculturalism in Germany through the perspectives of both immigrants and institutions (unions, employers, schools, neighborhoods, and city government). Immigration patterns and increasing heterogeneity, he argues, can produce the condition for social transformation, already challenging and gradually transforming the boundaries of citizenship and the nation of Germany.

William M. Leiter, AM’58, PhD’68, and Samuel Leiter, Affirmative Action in Antidiscrimination Law and Policy: An Overview and Synthesis (State University of New York Press). The volume is an account of the nation’s race, ethnic, and gender-conscious policy for eradicating discrimination in employment, education, voting, and housing.

Diane P. Mines, AM’85, PhD’95, and Sarah E. Lamb, AM’88, PhD’93, editors, Everyday Life in South Asia (Indiana University Press). The contributors present firsthand accounts of quotidian life in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The accounts look at growing up and aging, arranging marriages, exploring sexuality, negotiating caste hierarchies, practicing religion, participating in politics and popular culture, enduring violence as nations are built, and moving abroad to make new lives.

Lawrence Rosen, AM’65, PhD’68, JD’74, The Culture of Islam: Changing Aspects of Contemporary Muslim Life (University of Chicago Press). An anthropologist who has worked for several decades in North Africa, Rosen shows how key aspects and tenets of Muslim life are being challenged and culturally refashioned. Through a series of tales—a group of friends struggling against daily corruption, Salman Rushdie’s vision of doubt in a world of religious certainty—he shows how an array of changes—the creation of “Euro-Islam,” a new emphasis on individuals rather than institutions—occur in a context of deeply embedded continuity.

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