Catching their breath
University researchers may have gotten much nearer
to the cellular root of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. In
the United States approximately 3,000 babies die each year from
the disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
when they abruptly stop breathing. A team led by neurobiologist
Jan-Marino Ramirez reports in the July
8 Neuron that certain respiratory neurons handle gasping,
an autoresuscitation mechanism whose malfunctioning could cause

Mike Hettwer |
Sereno examines a dinosaur’s jaw. |
Continental cleavage
Africa kissed South America and India good-bye
much later than previously thought, according to the June 2 Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences. New findings
suggest that the region formed 100 million years ago, not 120 million
as scientists had earlier guessed. The change in continental drift
theory follows discoveries by Chicago paleontologist Paul
Sereno and his team of dinosaur diggers. A 2000 Sereno-led
expedition in the Sahara desert unearthed the skull of a meat-eating
species belonging to the abelisaurid family whose members roamed
between continents, likely by land bridges. Before Sereno’s
team located the fossil and an ancient relative, tracked down in
Niger in 1997, such predators were virtually unknown in Africa.
Both carnivores lived during the Cretaceous Period.
Out of this University
Apiece of Chicago has made astronomy history.
A dust detector built by Anthony Tuzzolino,
SM’55, PhD’57, a senior scientist at the Enrico
Fermi Institute, is on board NASA’s Cassini-Huygens spacecraft,
which became the first vessel to enter Saturn’s orbit June
30 after a six-and-a-half year, 2.2-billion-mile journey. Tuzzolino’s
High Rate Detector will collect dust data over the next four years
as Cassini circles the planet 76 times along different
planes and executes 52 close encounters with its 31 charted moons.
Anthrax antidote
Anewly identified compound could stop some bioterrorists
in their tracks. The protein DS-998 appears to curb anthrax lethal
factor, the deadly toxin behind the infectious disease, chemistry
professor Milan Mrksich, graduate student
Dal-Hee Min, SM’01, and Ben May
Institute for Cancer Research Institute associate professor Wei-Jen
Tang report in the June Nature Biotechnology and
the May 16 online edition. Currently taking antibiotics soon after
infection is the only effective treatment, placing patients who
are unknowingly exposed and thus slower to seek medical care in
The water’s fine
Shuttering Lake Michigan’s public
beaches when E. coli exceeds federal regulations doesn’t
add up, according to Don Coursey,
the Ameritech professor in the Irving B. Harris School of Public
Policy Studies. In an ongoing study, Coursey found that weekly bacteria
checks lack reliability. Examining closures at Indiana Dunes State
Park from 1998 to 2001, he estimated that more than half were unnecessary,
costing $111,000 to $518,000. Even with E. coli there for the testing,
he notes, the risk of contracting the bacteria from swimming in
the lake remains low.—M.L.