
("Anne") S. Morency, AM'62, PhD'76, psychologist, died February
27 in her home in Mexico. She was 73. A research associate and assistant
project director in behavioral science from 1973 until she retired
in 1996, Morency served on the board of directors for the Illinois
Humane Society and was a pediatric psychologist at the U of C Children's
Hospital. Survivors include two daughters, Catherine Morency and
Carolyn Morency Bauer, and four grandchildren.
R. Scholz, PhB'28, an accountant, died November 20 at age 91
in Birmingham, AL. Scholz, who worked for several firms in Chicago;
Muncie, IN; and Cincinnati, also served in the U.S. Navy during
WWII. Survivors include his wife, Laura, and his niece, Vivian
Berquist Najjar, AB'54.
Robert Halpern, SB'29, an engineer, technical writer, and consultant
to the graphic-arts industry, died April 5 in San Rafael, CA. He
was 89. Halpern was awarded 12 patents and wrote four books on graphic
arts and printing. He had been president of the Technical Association
for the Graphic Arts and was Marin County's outstanding senior citizen
in 1988. He is survived by two sons, Roland and Stephen; a daughter,
Kalli; and two grandchildren.
A. Bane, AB'35, a lawyer and civil-rights activist, died April
5 in West Palm Beach, FL. He was 84. A Rhodes scholar and WWII veteran,
Bane counseled a Chicago commission fighting organized crime and,
under President Jimmy Carter, co-chaired the Lawyers' Committee
for Civil Rights Under Law. Active in United Charities Chicago,
he founded the United Way of Illinois in 1977. Bane is survived
by his wife, Eileen; two daughters; a son; and six grandchildren.
Marie Halun
Bloch, PhB'35, an author, died February 7 in Cambridge, MA.
She was 88. Bloch wrote two adult books and 18 children's books,
including Aunt America and Ukranian Folk Tales. Born
in Komarno, Ukraine, she was active in the Ukrainian-American community
and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Before her writing career, she
worked briefly as an economist for the U.S. Department of Labor.
In 1976, Bloch founded the Rocky Mountain chapter of the Society
of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Survivors include a
daughter; two granddaughters; and a sister.
Moreau S.
Maxwell, AB'39, AM'46, PhD'49, an anthropology professor at
Michigan State University, died January 30 in East Lansing at age
79. An expert in arctic archaeology, Maxwell often traveled to Canada's
Baffin Island to study Eskimo life. As an archaeologist for the
Michigan State University Museum, he led the restoration of Fort
Michilimackinac in Mackinaw City, MI. Survivors include his wife,
Eleanor; one daughter; three sons; four grandchildren; and one sister.
Lucy Prescott
Winslow, AM'39, a librarian, died on January 25 at age 83 in
Exeter, NH. Winslow began her career as a reference librarian becoming
director of the Sprain Brook Library in Yonkers, NY. She was active
in many civic groups, including the League of Women Voters and the
Literacy Volunteers of America. Survivors include her husband, Richard;
two sons; a daughter; and three grandchildren.
W. Sherwin, PhD'40, a physicist, died February 20 at age 81
in San Diego. During WWII, Sherwin helped develop an advanced distant-warning
system and airplane-mounted radar. As head of research at General
Atomic, he oversaw the development of a carbon heart valve. He also
worked for MIT, Columbia University, the University of Illinois,
the U.S. Air Force, and Aerospace Corp. He wrote two college physics
texts and secured numerous patents. He is survived by his wife,
Irene; seven children; and 12 grandchildren.
E. Wheeler, AB'40, died April 28 in Green Valley, AZ. He was
80. Wheeler played on the University's last Big Ten football team.
He worked 28 years for the Georgia-Pacific Corp. and retired as
manager of its paperboard division in 1984. He is survived by his
wife, M. Betty Smith Wheeler, X'39; and three sons.
Lloyd J.
Mendelson, AB'46, AM'48, PhD'62, a pioneer of city-suburb student
exchange programs, died March 3 in Evanston, IL, at age 74. A WWII
veteran, Mendelson worked in the Chicago public schools for 40 years
as a teacher, principal, and administrator. In the late 1960s, his
Operation Wingspread brought together suburban and inner-city students.
Survivors include his wife, Eva E. Mendelson, PhB'44; two
sons; a daughter; a brother; and six grandchildren.
Ray E. Poplett,
AB'46, JD'50, died February 23 in Chicago at 75. For more than 40
years, Poplett had a general civil-law practice in Chicago. In 1988,
he published a ten-volume reference set titled West's Illinois
Forms, covering legal procedures on divorce, bankruptcy, real
estate, trusts, and wills. A WWII veteran, he served as president
of the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce, the Oak Park River Forest
Community Chest, and other groups. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn;
two sons; and a granddaughter.
Paul G.
Reynolds, AB'46, MBA'49, a mortgage banker and real-estate developer,
died December 28 in Chicago. He was 75. Reynolds was both owner
and president of McElvain-Reynolds Co., a mortgage banking firm
in Chicago, and chaired Curto-Oelerich-Reynolds, a Des Plaines,
IL-based developer of industrial property. Survivors include his
wife, Sheila; 12 children, including Paul G. Reynolds, Jr.,
MBA'75, and Shaun D. Reynolds, MFA'77; two brothers; and
19 grandchildren.
Martin H.
Studier, PhD'47, a nuclear scientist, died March 9 in Hinsdale,
IL. He was 80. Studier was a member of the U of C team that helped
obtain the plutonium used in the atomic bombs detonated at Alamogordo,
NM, and Nagasaki. Later, at Argonne National Laboratory, he contributed
to the discovery of the elements einsteinium and fermium. He received
the University's distinguished-service award in 1978. Survivors
include his wife, Eleanor C. Studier, SB'45; three sons;
one daughter; two sisters; and three grandchildren.
Edwin G.
Bruell, AM'48, a high-school English teacher, died February
18 at age 83 in Chicago. He taught at Bremen High School in Midlothian,
IL, for nearly 30 years, retiring in 1980 as chair of its English
department, a position he had held since 1957. Previously, Bruell
taught at Chicago's Morgan Park Military Academy and in Hammond,
IN. In retirement, he taught creative writing at South Suburban
College, recorded for the blind, and wrote poetry. He is survived
by a daughter and a brother.
Pratt Ellithorpe, AM'50, a former CIA agent, died April 5 at
age 75 in San Rafael, CA. After a brief stint as a high-school teacher,
the WWII veteran re-enlisted, serving with the Army in Germany until
1954. He joined the CIA in 1955; a specialist in Eastern European
covert operations, he worked in Nuremburg, Berlin, and Tokyo before
retiring in 1977. The CIA awarded him its certificate of distinction
in 1966 and a career intelligence medal in 1975. Survivors include
his wife, Lavina; three daughters; a brother; and eight grandchildren.
B. Reifler, AB'51, a leader in college health services, died
May 12 in Rochester, NY. He was 66. Reifler directed the University
of Rochester's health service from 1970 until his 1994 retirement,
helping to establish the "public health model" of college health
services, focusing on prevention and better living and working conditions
for students. He held faculty appointments in psychiatry, health
services, and preventive, family, and rehabilitation medicine; edited
the Journal of American College Health; and was president
of the American College Health Association. Survivors include his
wife, Barbara; three daughters; a brother; and a sister.
Muriel H.
Moss, AM'57, a nurse and health educator, died April 23 at age
72 in Buhl, ID. After working as a nurse and administrator for the
Infant Welfare Society of Chicago and the Illinois State Pediatric
Institute, she started a career in education at the University of
Illinois College of Nursing, earning tenure as an assistant professor
in public-health nursing. Moss coauthored the book Health Assessment.
Survivors include her brother, Jere.
Daniel P.
Bergen, AM'61, died January 6, 1996, of a heart attack. He was
60. Professor emeritus in the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science at the University of Rhode Island, he is survived by his
wife, Carol; two daughters; two sons; and seven grandchildren.
Gordon L.
Briggs, X'61, died April 20 of a heart attack in Chicago Heights,
IL. He was 62. At the time of his death, Briggs was editor of the
ASHI Reporter, the publication of the American Society of Home Inspectors.
He had been the director of publications for the College of American
Pathologists. Briggs is survived by his wife, Donna Davis Briggs,
AB'69, and two daughters.
Thomas L.
Minder, AM'63, a pioneer in information science, died February
26 in Chicago at age 72. Author of the first successful program
for computer acquisition of library materials, Minder was a WWII
vetern and helped NATO and the CIA computerize their research databases
in the mid-80s. In the mid-70s, he established a School of Information
Science at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. Minder is survived
by his wife, Claire; two daughters; six sons; two sisters; and nine
L. Eugene
Thomas, AM'66, PhD'68, a professor at the University of Connecticut
for 30 years, died of cancer on March 11 in Storrs, CT. He was 65.
From 1959 to 1964, Thomas was pastor of the United Presbyterian
Church in Pattersonville, NY. As a UConn professor of human development
and family relations, he studied how religious life affects the
quality of life as one ages. During two senior Fulbright research
fellowships, he traveled to India and Turkey. Among survivors are
his wife, Susanna; a son; a daughter; and eight brothers and sisters.
Frank Wood,
Jr., AB'73, a jeweler and jewelry sales representative, died April
17 at age 74 in Lebanon, IN. A WWII veteran, Wood worked with Rogers
Jewelers and L.S. Ayres and Co., then spent 20 years as a jewelry
sales representative for B.A. Ballou and Co. Survivors include his
wife, Anne; two sons; two daughters; four sisters; and seven grandchildren.
Ronnie West
Lee, MD'76, director of emergency medical services at Loyola
University Health Systems, died March 3 following surgery. He was
48. Lee also worked as a staff physician for the Chicago fire department,
as an EMS consultant for the Illinois Department of Public Health,
and as the EMS project medical director at Loyola. Survivors include
his mother, Earnestine Fitts; his father, T.C. Lee; two sisters;
two brothers; and his grandfather.
Fotios K.
Litsas, PhD'80, a professor of Byzantine history and Greek archeology
at the University of Illinois at Chicago, died of cancer March 15
in Chicago. He was 55. In 1980, Listas joined UIC as an assistant
professor and in 1981 became director of its Greek studies program.
His books included Greek Folklore Weddings and Little Odyssey of
the Greek Americans. Active in Chicago's Greek community, he was
director of Greek education for the Greek Orthodox Diocese and editor
of A Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church. Litsas is survived
by his wife, Maria; six brothers; and his aunt, Evangeline Mistaras,
PhB'46, AM'50, AM'53.