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Cocaine and crack once consumed Mark Allen, AB’01, but now he battles his demons in the ring. |
Pritzker School of Medicine professor Janet D. Rowley, PhB’45, SB’46, MD’48, wins the Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation’s $500,000 Genetics Prize for research that established genetic causes of leukemia and lymphoma. |
After three decades as a student residence hall, the historic Shoreland closed in June. Its successor opens at 61st and Ellis this fall.
At 81, Wolf Kahn, AB’50, spends ten hours a day, seven days a week in his studio.
Chicago in the News
- Inside Higher Ed: How PhD programs will be judged. Princeton astrophysicist Jeremiah Ostriker, PhD’64, chaired the National Research Council committee that produced a new system for ranking the nation’s graduate programs. (July 10, 2009)
- Associated Press: U of C launches neighborhood-mapping project. Students and residents team up to map six South Side neighborhoods. (July 10, 2009)
- Los Angeles Times: Library graffiti at the University of Chicago. New-media staffer Quinn Dombrowski documents the politics, poetry, pleas, and polls of U of C graffiti. (July 8, 2009)
- New York Times: Mortgages made simpler. Chicago Booth behavioral economist Richard Thaler advocates putting "vanilla mortgages" on the menu for the Homer Simpsons of the world. Mmmmm…vanilla. (July 4, 2009)
- Dissent: A right to marry? Same-sex marriage and constitutional law. Chicago professor Martha Nussbaum argues against objections to same-sex marriage in an essay adapted from her forthcoming book From Disgust to Humanity: Sexual Orientation and the Constitution. (Summer 2009)
Use your knowledge of Chicago to tell us what you think the new online community should be named. If your name clicks, you win a University study trip. To play, sign in and enter by July 17.
Saturday, July 25
Boston Cycling Club
A free, relaxing ride
7 a.m.
Nahanton Park, Newton, MA
Monday, July 27
Chi Cha Lounge Happy Hour
6:30 p.m.
Washington, DC
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Heeeeere’s…John Callaway
The Museum of Classic Chicago Television produced a video highlighting the light-hearted side of the late John Callaway, founding director of the University’s William Benton Fellowship Program in Broadcast Journalism.
Callaway, the Emmy-award winning journalist and longtime host of Chicago Tonight, died June 23 at age 72.