by Alumni: Business and economics
J. Abergel, AM'94, Work Your Stars! Using Astrology
to Navigate Your Career Path, Shine on the Job, and Guide Your
Business Decisions (Simon and Schuster). Using astrology,
Abergel shows how different personalities can reach top potential
and collaborate effectively.
W. Glewwe, AB'79,
The Economics of School Quality Investments in Developing Countries:
An Empirical Study of Ghana (St. Martin's Press). Focusing
on primary and secondary schools in developing countries, Glewwe
demonstrates how to calculate rates of return to government investments
in school quality, using data from Ghana as an example.
A. Korajczyk, AB'76, MBA'77, PhD'83,
editor, Asset Pricing and Portfolio Performance: Models, Strategy,
and Performance Metrics (Risk Publications). This collection
of articles presents early theoretical models as well as the latest
developments in capital-asset pricing models (CAPM) and arbitrage
pricing theory (APT) to measure portfolio risk.