by Alumni: Social science
R. Diesing, AM'48, PhD'52, Hegel's Dialectical Political
Economy: A Contemporary Application (Westview Press). Diesing
describes Hegel's dialectical method and sociopolitical theory
as they appear in Philosophy of Right, showing how they can be
used in contemporary social research.
J. Gans, PhB'47, AM'50, Popular
Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste
(Basic Books). Gans studies the relation of cultural choices
and social class, critiquing views that consider people who choose
popular culture as culturally and morally inferior. In particular,
he examines the "dumbing down" critique.
Sherman Goldman, AM'70, PhD'77,
Passionate Journeys: Why Successful Women Joined A Cult (University
of Michigan Press). Goldman explores the personal stories of American
women who left their careers, families, and past identities to
follow Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh to his spiritual community in central
Oregon. She considers their choices in order to understand more
general themes about the ways contemporary women balance love,
work, and spirituality.
Goonasekera, AM'76, PhD'83,
and Youichi Ito, editors, Mass Media and Cultural Identity:
Ethnic Reporting in Asia (Pluto Press). The product of two
years of empirical work, this book examines the role of communications
media in the management of ethnic relations in India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
B. Ortner, AM'66, PhD'70,
editor, The Fate of "Culture": Geertz and Beyond (University
of California Press). Leading scholars from four disciplines take
a fresh look at anthropologist Clifford Geertz's work and its
continuing implications in contemporary cultural studies.
A. Sebeok, AB'41,
and Marcel Danesi, The Forms of Meaning: Modeling Systems Theory
and Semiotic Analysis (Mouton de Gruyter). Sebeok probes such
questions as: "What is the function of modeling in all life forms?"
and "How is human modeling similar to and different from modeling
in other species?"
M. Wilson, AM'81, PhD'86,
The Emperor's Giraffe and Other Stories of Cultures in Contact
(Westview Press). Many of the anthropological essays in this
collection involve Europeans and the New World cultures they encountered.
The title piece concerns a Ming dynasty explorer who brought a
giraffe from Africa to the Chinese court.