High Notes
813: American Fiction, a new play by Allan
L. Dreyfuss, AB'41, won first prize in the Community
Theatre Association of Michigan's 1998 playwriting competition.
His play premiered October 21-24, 1999, at Ann Arbor's Civic Theatre.
In August, the American Psychological Foundation gave its Gold
Medal Award for enduring contributions in the public interest
to Thomas
Gordon, PhD'49, founder of Parent Effectiveness Training
(PET), a family-interaction improvement program.
This fall,
John A. Jane Sr., AB'51,
MD'56, PhD'67, began his 30th year as
a professor and chair of the neurosurgery department at the University
of Virginia. He also began his seventh year as editor of the Journal
of Neurosurgery.
As of November 15, Max
R. Liberles, AB'61, was ranked #1 in his Florida
tennis singles division. In overall competition, including doubles
tournaments, he won eight first places and one second place out
of the ten tournaments he entered.
F. van Kouwenhoven, AB'65, has published an
article about the business activities of one of his 17th-century
ancestors, using documents from the period that were recently
discovered in Dutch archives.
Ernst & Young LLP named Dumas
M. Siméus, MBA'72, one of its 1999 entrepreneurs of
the year. Siméus is chair and CEO of Siméus Food International,
Inc., a custom food-processing company.
Patricia Kenney Fraser, AB'79, MST'84,
has received the Newton C. Fetter citation for outstanding service
in campus ministry. The award, presented at the American Baptist
Churches USA biennial gathering in Des Moines, IA, recognized
Fraser's model mission education work for students. She is a campus
minister at Michigan State University.
In November, Elements 3, a symphonic work by Philip
A. Fried, PhD'85, was performed by the Minnesota
Orchestra, and conducted by Eiji Oue.
On December 6, John
M. Grunsfeld, SM'84, PhD'88, went into space
as a member of the Discovery crew whose mission was to
repair the Hubble Telescope. While in orbit, Grunsfeld was one
of three spacewalkers repairing the telescope's four gyroscopes.
Cobb, MST'93, was named a finalist for the 1999
Golden Apple award. She teaches at Ray Elementary School in Hyde
B. Pingree, AM'86, PhD'96, assistant professor of English
and director of media studies at the Catholic University of America,
won an Emmy for his work as director of research on the documentary
film A Paralyzing Fear: The Story of Polio in America.