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The January issue of the Magazine reported on the progress
of University College. Founded in 1898 "for the purpose of conducting
afternoon, evening, and Saturday classes in college subjects for
those who found it impossible or inconvenient to attend the classes
on the University quadrangles," University College held classes
in the Fine Arts Building in downtown Chicago for its first seven
years. Despite declining enrollment and funding around 1906, University
College experienced a fairly quick rebound with the addition of
"an attractive programme of University courses," resulting in
the enrollment of 429 students in 1909.
"A single ounce of wood from an Egyptian mummy's casket now tells
scientists at the Institute for Nuclear Studies just when the
long-dead Egyptian lived," reported the February issue. Developed
by chemistry professor William F. Libby and his research associate
J. R. Arnold, the new method dated objects by measuring their
radioactivity. Using Libby's discovery--which won the 1960 Nobel
Prize--that continued bombardment of cosmic rays turns some carbon
atoms in living things into radioactive Carbon 14, scientists
were able to determine an object's age by determining the radioactivity
of the remaining carbon. The older a substance, the less radioactive
it is.
The Winter Magazine announced the October opening of the
David and Alfred Smart Gallery. The gallery joined the Cochrane-Woods
Arts Center to "become the new flagship of the various centers
of artistic endeavors on the campus." Named in memory of the elder
brothers of Esquire Inc. chair John Smart, with whom he founded
the publishing company, the gallery opened with the Frank Lloyd
Wright-designed Robie House dining-room table and chairs as the
centerpiece of the entrance hall.
The Winter issue reported on psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's
work on "flow," or optimal experience. Flow, the Magazine
explained, is "the state of being in which you become so involved
in an activity that nothing else seems to matter--an activity
so compelling, so gripping and absorbing, so satisfying, that
you do it for the sheer pleasure of it." Csikszentmihalyi, AB'60,
PhD'65, became interested in the phenomenon after observing the
near-fanatic devotion of a group of artists to their work--until
it was finished, and they seemed to loss all interest in the piece.--Q.J.