by Alumni:
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Botstein, AB'67,
editor, The Compleat Brahms (W. W. Norton & Company). An
English-language catalog of Brahms's music, this collection discusses
nearly all of his works, addressing musical form, history, structure,
and biography.
C. Bradshaw, PhD'69,
translator, Breve et facile maniera d'essercitarsi a far passagi
(American Institute of Musicology/Haenssler-Verlag). The English
translation of Giovanni Luca Conforti's 1593 treatise, examines
the importance of embellishment in the late 16th and early 17th
centuries and how the musicians of the day mastered this technique.
Demarest Button, AM'72, and
Toni Reed, editors, The Foreign Woman in British Literature: Exotics,
Aliens, and Outsiders (Greenwood Publishing Group). This book
explores the attempt by English writers from the early- 19th to
the mid-20th century to portray their responses to the "double
other:" the foreign woman. Examined authors include Charlotte
Brontė, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Eliot, Joseph Conrad,
and D. H. Lawrence.