by Alumni:
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Political Science and Law
H. Krieger, AB'68;
Richard K. Neumann Jr.; Kathleen McManus; and Steven D. Jamar,
Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation,
and Persuasive Fact Analysis (Aspen Law and Business). This
text for law students in clinical and other skills courses introduces
the analytic methods used by lawyers in client representation.
Lepsius, LLM'93, Steuerungsdiskussion,
Systemtheorie und Parlamentarismuskritik (Mohr Siebeck). Lepsius
argues that contemporary discussion of German administrative law
is influenced by the systems theory, and he criticizes the theory's
application in legal contexts.
W. Liebmann, JD'63,
Solving Problems without Large Government (Praeger Publishers).
Liebmann discusses the potential role of government-assisted entities
in providing effective and fair access to services. The proper
use of small institutions, he argues, can foster greater economic
equity and political power.
MacEwan, AB'63,
Neo-Liberalism or Democracy? Economic Strategy, Markets, and
Alternatives for the 21st Century (St. Martin's Press). MacEwan
examines current economic thought, asking whether there is an
alternative to the ideology of free trade and self-regulating
markets and whether poor countries have the choice to pursue prosperity
through means other than opening up to global forces.
M. McCleary, PhD'86, Dictating
Democracy: Guatemala and the End of Violent Revolution (University
Press of Florida). McCleary analyzes relations between the Guatemalan
military and private sectors from 1982 to 1994, arguing that the
country was returned to democratic rule in the mid-1990s because
of an elite agreement following the coup against President Jorge
Serrano Elias.
Menefee-Libey, AM'82, PhD'89,
The Triumph of Campaign-Centered Politics (Seven Bridges
Press). Drawing on interviews and archival research, Menefee-Libey
contends that campaign-centered politics is now the dominant force
in American elections, with serious implications for representative
democracy. He includes 1998 election data on campaign finance
and other activities.
R. Segal, AM'63, PhD'67;Charles
C. Moskos; and John Allen Williams, editors, The Postmodern
Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War (Oxford University
Press). Military analysts from 12 countries describe the range
of organizational responses by their respective militaries to
the end of the Cold War in Europe. Issues include women's roles,
treatment of homosexuals, public attitudes toward the military,
and relations between the military and the media.