by Alumni:
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Social Sciences
Ablon, AM'58, PhD'63, Living with Genetic Disorder:
The Impact of Neurofibromatosis 1 (Auburn House). Ablon examines
the social, educational, and economic impact of living with neurofibromatosis
1. Analyzing factors that affect adaptation to the neurological
genetic disorder, she offers suggestions for families, support
systems, and health-care providers.
W. Axford, AM'49, PhD'61,
Mirror for Marriage (Media Productions and Marketing, Inc).
This "how-to" guide for those considering marriage, those in a
marriage, or those who have split and are considering reuniting
offers recommendations for a fulfilling relationship between husband
and wife.
F. Eickelman, AM'68, PhD'71, and
Jon W. Anderson, editors, New Media in the Muslim World
(Indiana University Press). This collection of essays offers insights
into such areas as Egyptian film, Turkish Web sites, and African-American
Muslim pamphlets, discussing how Muslims have adapted local and
international media to communicate independently of official government
and mainstream religion.
R. Gomes, PhD'98,
and Ana Kirschner, editors, Empresas, Empresários e Sociedade
(Sette Letras Publisher). First presented at a workshop organized
by the editors, these papers discuss economics and management
research by Brazilian social scientists.
B. Ortner, AM'66, PhD'70, Life
and Death on Mt. Everest: Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering
(Princeton University Press). Ortner studies the evolving
relationship--one of mutual dependence and cultural conflict--between
climbers of Mt. Everest and the native Sherpas who help them on
their journeys up the slopes.
Spector Person, AB'56, SB'56, The Sexual Century
(Yale University Press). Arguing that sexuality is central
to human identity, Person explores the roles played in the sexual
revolution by sexologists and psychoanalysts, antibiotics and
birth control, the women's liberation movement, and Freud's insight
that sex has as much to do with the mind as the body.
Shirk, AM'75;
Neil Bennett; and J. Lawrence Aber, Lives on the Line: American
Families and the Struggle to Make Ends Meet (Westview Press/Perseus
Books). The authors put a human face on the nation's child-poverty
statistics by profiling ten families struggling to raise children
below the poverty line. Demographics research and policy suggestions
from the National Center for Children in Poverty accompany the
A. Varacalli, AM'75,
Bright Promise, Failed Community: Catholics and the American
Public Order (Lexington Books). Influenced by the sociological
perspectives of Peter
L. Berger, PhD'79, and the late U of C professor Edward
A. Shils, Varacalli analyzes the present decomposition of the
Catholic Church in the United States and the related reasons why
Catholic social teaching has not been favorably received within
the American public square.