> Senior class gift organizer
Esther J. Last on fourth-years' efforts to bookmark their College
tradition of the Senior Class Gift began soon after
the University did. Several gifts from the earliest classes
still adorn the campus, notably the "C" Bench from the Class
of 1903. The custom continues, carried out by students on the
Senior Class Gift Committee, working with the Office of Development
and Alumni Relations. One of the committee's seven members,
events chair Esther J. Last, '00, discusses the Class of 2000's
the giving swing:
Senior class gift organizer, Esther Last, '00 |
the gift
While classes have often given benches, clocks, and other concrete
things, in recent years they've started giving discretionary
funds. This year we wanted something different. We didn't want
to be just giving money to the University--we wanted to know
exactly what it would be used for. It took us till the end of
winter quarter to narrow it down to two choices: a community-service
scholarship or a book fund.
the gift will do
The gift we chose--the senior class book fund--is for the purchase
and upkeep of a contemporary-literature and media section for
the Regenstein Library. The book fund was suggested by someone
on the committee. We really liked the idea, because when you're
trying to relax, and you want a reading book at the Reg, you
can't find one. The library does have contemporary fiction,
but not in the quantity or diversity that the Senior Class Gift
Committee feels that it could. This fund will be used to purchase
books and media, from the intellectual to the lighter side of
contemporary fiction, that the Library would not otherwise be
able to obtain. The fund will be endowed, so money will be released
every year to buy 50 or so books. There's going to be a Web
site where you can see what books are in the collection and
make requests for new titles.
An anonymous trustee will donate $25,000 if we get 60 percent
of the class to participate. Last year the class raised nearly
$8,000, so we're shooting to raise that on our own. We've designed
book plates, and people who donate $2 or more will have their
name in one of the books. You get to leave not only your class's
mark, but also your own mark. We'll formally announce participation
and fund-raising results at the fourth-years' annual Museum
of Science and Industry Night on June 9. The library will start
purchasing books in the fall.
of the appeal of the book fund is that any money we donate later,
we can have funneled into the fund. It's something we can keep
giving to. This gift certainly promotes giving--even if it's
only $2, $10, $25, it makes a difference. It goes to something
we saw being started and we want to continue. It's that mentality
we're trying to develop among seniors. We want to get people
into the mood of, "Yeah, we're about to become University of
Chicago alums." --B.B.