by Alumni:
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Art and architecture
S. Munger, SB'43, SM'48, PhD'51,
Cultures, Chess, & Art: A Collector's Odyssey across Seven
Continents: Volume Three: Pacific Islands & Asia (Mundial
Press). In the latest addition to his series, Munger combines
anthropology and history with the aesthetics and collection of
chess pieces. Through illustrations and descriptions of 89 ethnic
chess sets, Munger depicts the cultures found in 22 countries
and as many islands in the Pacific, spanning 17 centuries. Wolfgang
Schorlau, Down at Theresa's-Chicago Blues: The Photographs
of Marc PoKempner (Prestel). This book contains more than
80 black-and-white photographs by Marc
J. PoKempner, AB'73, taken at Theresa's and other neighborhood
Chicago blues clubs since the late '60s.
M. Promey, PhD'88,
Painting Religion in Public: John Singer Sargent's Triumph of
Religion at the Boston Public Library (Princeton University
Press). Promey interprets the imagery in Sargent's religiously
controversial library panels within the context of the cultural
currents running through 19th- and 20th-century America, particularly