High Notes
Jay J. Stein, PhB'29, has practiced law in Los Angeles
since 1933, with the exception of two years of military service
during WWII. He writes, "I am, however, contemplating taking early
retirement next year to permit me to devote more time to tennis
and lawn bowling."
The American Planning Association honored Frederick
H. Bair Jr., AB'35, with its award for distinguished
leadership by a professional planner. Bair has written seven books
on zoning and planning procedures-many of which have become required
reading for students of city planning.
On March 2,
Joan Wehlen Morrison, AB'44, spoke on her book From
Camelot to Kent at a conference on the Vietnam War at Southwestern
Texas State University. She also spoke at the 92nd St. YMCA in
New York on April 30, and again on May 4, the 30th anniversary
of Kent State.
On June 25, Arnie
Matanky, X'54, celebrated his 70th birthday. Editor
and publisher of the Near North News, which he founded
in 1956, he is involved with several civic organizations including
the Gold Coast Art Fair, which he founded.
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings has released two new CDs produced
by Mark
A. Greenberg, AB'67, AM'70. Environmental Songs
for Kids features Vermont singer/teacher Coco Kallis and includes
original songs by Greenberg, who also plays guitar, banjo, and
mandolin on the album. The other CD, the second in a series of
reissues of Pete Seeger's Folkways recordings, is entitled Headlines
and Footnotes: A Collection of Topical Songs.
Nina Rattner Gelbart, AM'69, PhD'74, professor
of history and the history of science at Occidental College, Los
Angeles, received the Annibel Jenkins Biography Prize for her
book The King's Midwife: A History and Mystery of Madame du
Coudray (University of California Press, 1998). The award
is presented biennially for the best book-length biography of
a 17th- or 18th-century subject.
Nicos Tsatsoulis, AB'88, MBA'89, is
the founder and CEO of Pecunia Investments, a relay brokerage
house in Athens, Greece, trading stocks and derivatives for retail
and institutional customers on the Athens Stock Exchange and the
Athens Derivatives Exchange.
D. Bennett, SM'86, PhD'90, an assistant professor of
mathematics and statistics at Bowling Green State University,
was named a 2000 Carnegie Scholar by the Carnegie Academy for
the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Bennett joined the Bowling
Green faculty in 1993 and is the undergraduate coordinator for
the mathematics department.
After several years with GE's international operations, Zening
Ge, PhD'96, joined an IT company in Beijing as senior
vice president, COO. The company is one of the largest private
IT firms in China-and the CFO is another U of C economist, David
Y. Wong, AM'82, PhD'87.