Jarl E. Dyrud, professor emeritus
in psychiatry, died August 26 at age 79. An expert at combining psychoanalysis
with other psychiatric treatments, Dyrud was known for his pragmatic
approach to therapy. Joining the University in 1968, he was associate
chair of the psychiatry department (1974-78) and associate dean for
faculty affairs in the Biological Sciences Division (1978-81). A recipient
of the Medical Alumni Association's 1995 Gold Key Award, Dyrud was active
in national psychiatric organizations. Author or coauthor of many articles,
he was coeditor of the American Handbook of Psychiatry's volume on treatment.
Survivors include his wife, Rose; two daughters, including Christine
Dyrud Schlunk, AB'88, AM'91; a son, Jarl E. Dyrud Jr., AB'78; and six
the Louis Block professor emeritus in chemistry, died August 17. He
was 87. Fried's work with steroid hormones and tailor-made chemical
compounds led to a number of pharmaceutical products, including medications
to relieve inflammatory diseases and skin allergies. Fried held almost
200 patents for biologically active chemicals; he was sole holder of
43 of those patents. From 1944-63, he worked at the Squibb Institute
for Medical Research in New Brunswick, NJ, where he headed the antibiotics
and steroids department and then directed the organic-chemistry section.
After joining Chicago in 1963 he concentrated on the synthesis of prostaglandins.
He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is survived by a daughter and a brother.
a former professor in the philosophy department, died October 10, 2000.
He was 103. An editor of logician Charles Sanders Peirce's papers, Hartshorne
was a proponent of "process theology," which argues that God
is not immutable but changes in response to the future. Continuing his
studies well into retirement, he published Omnipotence and Other Theological
Mistakes after he was 80.
David Ziskind, PhB'23, JD'25,
a labor lawyer who helped desegregate the Los Angeles Fire Department,
died July 2. He was 98. Ziskind, who began practicing law in Clarence
Darrow's offices in 1925, represented both labor and management during
his career. An arbitrator for the American Association of Arbitrators,
in 1976 he founded and wrote for the Comparative Labor Law and Policy
Journal. Through the LitLaw Foundation, which he also founded, he published
works on labor-law provisions in constitutions around the world. In
1999 he was elected an honorary life member of the National Academy
of Arbitrators. He is survived by his wife, Sylvia, and two daughters.
E. Klass, PhB'30, AM'58, a labor-newspaper editor, died August
29 in Chicago. He was 92. A union member for 63 years and a delegate
to the Chicago Federation of Labor for more than 60 years, Klass was
a founding board member of the International Labor Press Association.
He is survived by two daughters, including Ellen T. Klass, AB'68, PhD'72;
a son; a sister; and three grandchildren.
Garrick Utley, AM'30,
died August 2 at age 97. In 1940-41 she moderated a daily half-hour
radio show, and during World War II headed a Chicago fund-raising effort
for the Community and War Fund. In 1931 she married Chicago radio and
television news commentator Charles Utley. From 1956-68 she directed
the Midwest office of the Institute of International Education, overseeing
the region's Fulbright Scholars Program. The Pomona, CA, resident was
honored for her work in community and international affairs by groups
including the Federal Republic of Germany, the National Council of Negro
Women, and the Congress of Industrial Organizations. She is survived
by three sons, including David G. Utley, AB'53, AM'60, and five grandchildren,
including Brian D. Utley, AM'90.
Kesner Ardmore, PhB'32,
died August 17 in Los Angeles. She was 88. A celebrity journalist, Ardmore
was the ghost autobiographer for such stars as Eddie Cantor and Joan
Crawford. She also wrote novels under the name Jane Morris. At the time
of her death she was editing her latest manuscript, "Help! Help!,"
about living with housekeepers, and had recently donated 50 years of
her research materials to the Margaret Herrick Library of the Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is survived by a daughter and
a sister, Betty Kesner Hauer, AB'43.
Hayashi, MD'34,
a physician, died March 5 at age 98. After graduating from the University
of Hawaii he taught high school math. When he completed his medical
degree, Hayashi returned to Kona, HI, to practice with his father, serving
the Japanese immigrant population. The community's first local-born
doctor, Hayashi retired at age 75 but continued to see some of his older
patients. He was a charter member of the Lions Club of Kona, the Rotary
Club in Kona, and the Kona Community Federal Credit Union. He is survived
by his wife, Misayo; two daughters; and a son.
L. Schultz, SB'34, PhD'39,
a retired research chemist, died August 9 in Jamesburg, NJ. He was 89.
After teaching chemistry at the Illinois Institute of Technology (1939-43),
he spent two years with the Columbia University Division of War Research,
supporting the Manhattan Project. In 1945 he joined RCA/David Sarnoff
Laboratories where he remained until his 1975 retirement. A member of
the American Chemical Society and Sigma Xi and a fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Schultz held a number of
patents. He is survived by two sons.
John J. ("Jack") Charnow, PhB'35, AM'36, died August 20 in
La Jolla, CA. He was 87. Secretary of the UNICEF executive board (1947-81),
chief of the Non Governmental Organizations Liaison Office (1969-81),
he received the School of Social Service Administration's Alumni Award
in 1978. After his 1981 retirement Charnow managed the UNICEF History
Project. He is survived by his wife, Anne; a daughter; and a granddaughter.
Hecht, SB'36, SM'37,
professor emeritus of botany at Washington State University, died December
4 in Lacey, WA. He was 86. After a year as an instructor at Chicago,
in 1947 he joined Washington State, eventually chairing its botany department
and retiring in 1979. A specialist in botanical genetics and taxonomy,
he was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
and a past president of its Pacific division. He was an avid gardener.
Among survivors are his wife, Edith, and a daughter, Julia A. Hecht,
AM'72, PhD'76.
W. Henderson, AM'39,
a retired government lawyer and civil-rights activist, died July 17
in Washington, DC. He was 88. In the 1940s Henderson helped end dining-car
segregation. After he was denied service while traveling on business,
the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered the railway to reserve two
tables exclusively for black patrons. But Henderson took his case on
to the Supreme Court, which unanimously voted that segregated dining
cars violated the Interstate Commerce Act. Henderson was also the principal
author of the government's briefs against the separate-but-equal principle
in the Brown v. Board of Education case. Appointed legal counsel to
the House Government Operations Committee, he retired as general counsel
in 1982. Survivors include his wife, Ethel; two daughters; and a son.
Mildred Handler Messinger, PhB'44,
a retired teacher, died August 30, 2000. She was 75. In retirement she
conducted education studies, wrote articles, and published newsletters.
She also wrote and published a book on multiple sclerosis, from which
she suffered. She is survived by her husband, Sheldon L. Messinger,
PhB'47, and two sons.
Charles C. Murrah, AB'45, an
authority on Jane Austen, died May 17 in Windsor, Ontario. He was 79.
Murrah taught at Yale, the University of Virginia, and Western Reserve
University. After several years in Florence and London, he taught at
the University of Windsor in Ontario.
A. Murray, PhD'45,
a botany professor, died in Chicago July 26. She was 86. Murray taught
high-school English before moving to Chicago in 1943 to earn her doctorate.
In 1948 she became a professor at DePaul University, where she worked
until her 1982 retirement. Survivors include a brother.
Howes Calloway, PhD'47,
a University of California-Berkeley nutritionist, died August 31 in
Seattle. She was 78. Her ground-breaking Penthouse dietary studies (1963-81)
recorded the food and energy needs of six volunteers living in isolation
for weeks in a Berkeley apartment known as the Penthouse; the research
showed that humans need less protein than was previously thought. The
studies influenced national norms for recommended daily allowances of
nutrients. Calloway also studied women's nutrition needs during menstruation
and pregnancy and led a nine-university research project in Kenya, Egypt,
and Mexico to measure the causes and effects of moderate malnutrition.
The first woman to enter Berkeley's top administrative ranks, she became
provost in 1981. Survivors include her husband, Robert; a daughter;
a son; two stepdaughters; and nine grandchildren.
Mary Ishii Koga, AM'47,
died June 8 in Chicago. She was 80. A social worker for 20 years, Koga
earned an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in
1973. Her major photographic projects recorded the Illinois Issei, first-generation
Japanese immigrants; Canadian Hutterites, an Amish group; and floral
forms. She is survived by her husband, Albert, and a sister.
Buitron, AM'50, died July 28. He was 87. The Santa Cruz,
CA, resident worked in adult education and community development for
UNESCO. He also wrote books on cultural anthropology and the Indian
Imbabura. Survivors include his wife, Barbara Salisbury Buitron, X'44.
Eldridge Halperin, AM'51,
a retired social worker, died August 21 in Evanston, IL, at age 87.
A member of the Older Women's League and the League of Women Voters,
she helped persuade the Illinois legislature to adopt federal standards
for continuing interim health insurance. In 1990 she encouraged the
state to adopt federal standards allowing a spouse to keep a home, car,
and enough income and assets to live on when obtaining Medicaid for
a marital partner in a nursing home. At the time of her death she had
just published an autobiography. Survivors include a stepson and a sister.
M. Cosand, AM'52,
a social worker, died July 23 in Harwich, MA. She was 87. Cosand worked
for the Indiana Child Welfare Department and during WW II with the Red
Cross in England. She was director of casework at both the Lake Bluff
Children's Home and the New England Home for Little Wanderers. She was
later executive director of the Florence Crittendon House in Boston
and retired as director of North Shore Family Services in Salem, MA.
D. Schwabe, MD'56,
head of UCLA's Division of Gastroenterology for 21 years, died June
22 in Encino, CA. He was 77. Schwabe researched fat metabolism and Mediterranean
fever. In the 1960s he developed a method to test exhaled breath to
diagnose problems with digestion or intestinal absorption of fats. He
later studied the links between improper fat metabolism and anorexia
nervosa. After his 1978 retirement he remained a medical consultant.
Schwabe earned Golden Apple Awards for teaching in both 1967 and 1970
as well as UCLA's 1983 Sherman M. Mellinkoff Faculty Award. He is survived
by his wife, Erika.
H. Jones, AB'58, AM'59, a retired political-science professor,
died April 1 in Oakland, CA. He was 92. After four years as a research
associate at the Bureau of Public Administration, now the Institute
of Governmental Studies, at the University of California-Berkeley, he
became an assistant professor of political science at Berkeley. His
seminal work Metropolitan Government (1942) laid the groundwork for
the study of metropolitan governance issues and shaped 50 years of local-government
reform. Jones taught at Yale and Wesleyan Universities before returning
to Berkeley in 1955 as a full professor, teaching there until his 1976
retirement. In 1961 he founded the Association of Bay Area Governments
to coordinate a regional approach to issues such as open space, air
and water quality, and solid-waste disposal. In 1996 the American Political
Science Association honored him for his work in metropolitan and intergovernmental
affairs in the U.S. and abroad. Survivors include his wife, Annie Mae;
a daughter; a son; and five grandchildren.
Trenholm Barnett, AM'59,
a social worker, died August 25 in Hyde Park. She was 70. She began
her career in 1951 as a caseworker with the Cook County Department of
Public Aid. In 1974 she was appointed one of the first regional directors
of the Illinois Department of Public Aid and held the position until
her 1988 retirement. She is survived by a brother and a sister.
B. Atwater, X'62, a theologian, died August 16 in Oak Park,
IL. He was 64. An accomplished singer, Atwater performed with the Lyric
Opera and the choir of Grace Episcopal Church. He is survived by a son
and two sisters.
S. Jones, AM'79, an editor and writer, died August 13 of
cancer in New York. He was 47. Jones worked at HarperCollins for 16
years. Beginning in the marketing department, he was named editor in
chief of HarperCollins Publishers in April 2001. The list of authors
he edited includes Clive Barker, John Colapinto, Denis Johnson, and
Armistead Maupin. Jones wrote two novels, Force of Gravity and Walking
on Air, and acted as the media coordinator for the AIDS advocacy group
Act-UP. Survivors include his partner, Lewis C. Brindle; two brothers;
and his parents.
A. Orloff, JD'82, a vice president and deputy general counsel
at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, died September 7 in Chicago
of cardiac arrhythmia. He was 46. At Blue Cross he oversaw antitrust,
intellectual-property, and general commercial litigation cases and helped
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Wisconsin become a publicly traded company.
Survivors include his wife, Anne E. Ziegler, JD'83; his father, Daniel
Orloff, SB'42, SM'47, PhD'51; his mother, Hilde Marlin Orloff, SB'45;
three brothers; a sister; and two daughters.
K. Powers, AB'92, died January 23 in Ithaca, NY. He was 29
and worked in information technologies at Cornell University. He is
survived by his wife, from whom he was separated, a daughter, his parents,
and a brother.
C. Weaver, MBA'00, died September 11 in in the terrorist
attack on the World Trade Center. He was 30. Weaver spent two years
at Ellwood and Associates, a Chicago investment company, as a senior
consultant before joining Fiduciary Trust Company International in fall
2000 as a vice president. Survivors include his wife, Amy, and his mother.