by Alumni
For inclusion in "Books by Alumni," please send the book's name,
author, publisher, field, and a short synopsis to the Books Editor,
University of Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago,
IL 60637, or by e-mail:
and Architecture
R. Gardner, AM'71, translator, Ezquerra: Lejanista
Architecture (Coedi Mex), Abraham Zabludovsky y la vivienda
(Arquine-INCyC), and Abraham Zabludovsky: Arquitecto (Noriega
Editores). Gardener translates into English these Spanish works
about two of Mexico's major modern architects.
Tasker Grimbert, PhD'81,
Eglal Doss-Quinby, Wendy Pfeffer, and Elizabeth Aubrey, Songs
of the Women Trouvères (Yale University Press). An
anthology of works by women poet-composers in 12th- and 13th-century
northern France, this book includes texts of 75 compositions and
music for 37 songs.
L. Hardgrave Jr., AM'62, PhD'66,
Boats of Bengal: Eighteenth Century Portraits by Balthazar
Solvyns (Manohar Publishers). Part of a project on the life
and work of Flemish artist François Balthazar Solvyns,
the book includes 36 Solvyns etchings, with descriptions and commentary.
W. Johnson, JD'57,
Chicago Metropolis 2020: The Chicago Plan for the Twenty-First
Century (University of Chicago Press). Focusing on the city's
architecture and spatial planning, Johnson addresses obstacles
to maintaining Chicago's tradition of renewal and foresight.
and letters
A. Fatherley, MAT'66, In the Vortex: Charles E.
Clark (John A. Fatherley). Fatherley recounts the life of
American sailor Captain Clark, including his Spanish-American
War service and struggles through four whirlpools.
A. Klawitter, PhD'81,
and Kenneth Borris, editors, The Affectionate Shepherd: Celebrating
Richard Barnfield (Associated University Presses). This collection
of 17 essays examines and praises the Renaissance poet.
W. Liebman, JD'63,
Six Lost Leaders (Lexington Books). Liebman discusses six
largely forgotten American and British figures who spearheaded
social, health, and educational movements in the past two centuries.
and Economics
J. Coulson-Thomas, X'75, Shaping Things to Come:
Strategies for Creating Alternative Enterprises (Blackhall
Publishing). Full of checklists and exercises, this manual explains
how to develop alternative ventures by challenging conventional
D. Hackleman, AM'73,
and Bill Tugaw, Deferred Compensation/Defined Contribution-New
Rules/New Game for Public and Private Plans (International
Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans). This book addresses challenges
faced by employers managing deferred compensation and defined
contribution plans.
E. Lindblom, PhD'45,
The Market System: What It Is, How It Works, and What to Make
of It (Yale University Press). Lindblom answers his title's
questions by laying out cases for and against the market.
J. Schenk, MBA'69,
Profesjonalny Sprzedawca (Oficyna Ekonomiczna). Writing
for the Polish market, Schenk disputes Communist philosophy, arguing
that selling is noble work and an issue of trust, care, and character.
Sowell, PhD'68,
Basic Economics (Basic Books). Sowell outlines fundamental
principles that apply to any economy, gives an incentive-based
view of economic policies and systems, and discusses major economic
F. Volz, LLM'90,
The Organizations of the World Economy (Oldenbourg Verlag).
In English and German, Volz discusses international institutions
such as the European Union, the World Bank, and the World Trade
Kristana M. Arp, AB'75,
The Bonds of Freedom: Simone de Beauvoir's Existentialist Ethics
(Open Court Publishing Company). Analyzing Beauvoir's Ethics of
Ambiguity, Arp argues that Beauvoir overcomes the obstacles to
basing ethics on existentialism by developing a new concept of
Melaney, AM'86,
After Ontology: Literary Theory and Modernist Poetics (SUNY
Press). Melaney compares French philosopher Gadamer's ontological
view of art to Derrida's transformative approach to show how deconstruction
can contribute to postmodern criticism.
John A. Goldsmith; John H. Komlos,
AM'72, PhD'78, PhD'90; and Penny S. Gold, AB'69, The
Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career: A Portable Mentor for Scholars
from Graduate School through Tenure (University of Chicago
Press). Written as an informal conversation among colleagues,
the book offers inside information on finding a mentor, avoiding
pitfalls in dissertation writing, and more. (Goldsmith is the
Edward Carson Waller professor in linguistics at the University
of Chicago.)
T. Hansen, AB'76, PhD'90,
Exploring the Moral Heart of Teaching: Toward a Teacher's Creed
(Teachers College Press). Drawing on classroom-based research,
teachers' testimony, and reflection, Hansen argues that teaching
is both rewarding and essential.
Vollmar Torney-Purta, AM'62, PhD'65,
Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Countries: Civic
Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen (International Association
for Evaluation of Education Achievement). Torney-Purta reports
results from a 1999 civic education study that tested 90,000 students
on civic knowledge, attitudes, and participation.
and Poetry
Chilenskas, AB'91, SM'99, The Fellowship (Writer's
Showcase). In Chilenskas's first novel, a U of C graduate is lured
into an international power struggle by a million-dollar gift.
Garden Jr., AB'51,
The Invention (1stBooks). In this ecological novel, an
inventor builds a machine that generates energy without fuel.
The invention proves deadly as the inventor and his wife are separated
and chased by murderous oil barons.
E. Lang, AB'72,
Looking Out for Sarah (Charlesbridge Publishing). This
picture book for children is told from the point of view of a
seeing-eye dog who helps his owner, a blind music teacher, work,
play, and run errands.
A. Puzzo, AB'40, AM'45, PhD'56,
By the Dawn's Early Light and Chicago (Randatamp Press).
The first novel recounts colonial American life in the Hudson
Valley as Native Americans, Dutch, and English vie for control
of the region. Chicago follows the Butler family through the city's
history from the founding of the U of C to World War I.
Ellie M. Hisama, AB'87,
Gendering Musical Modernism: The Music of Ruth Crawford, Marion
Bauer, and Miriam Gideon (Cambridge University Press). Blending
history with musical analysis, Hisama examines the lives and works
of three 20th-century American women composers.
K. Peters, AB'67, AM'68, PhD'74,
Not Your Mother's Life: Changing the Rules of Work, Love, and
Family (Perseus). Peters uses research, case studies, and
advice to teach mothers how to balance work and family.
and Current Events
Alan L. Berger, AM'70,
and Naomi Berger, Second Generation Voices: Reflections by
Children of Holocaust Survivors & Perpetrators (Syracuse
University Press). This book includes reflections by children
and grandchildren of both Holocaust survivors and perpetrators
from Auschwitz.
Brumberg, AM'82, PhD'91,
Reinventing Khomeini: The Struggle for Reform in Iran (University
of Chicago Press). Brumberg presents a new interpretation of Iran's
Islamic Revolution and its controversial and complex leader, President
Mohammad Khatami.
F. Ericson, PhD'87,
The Debate over Slavery: Antislavery and Proslavery Liberalism
in Antebellum America (New York University Press). Ericson
analyzes antebellum rhetoric to argue that liberal principles
underlay the debate over slavery.
Hackemer, AB'89,
The U.S. Navy and the Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex,
1847-1883 (Naval Institute Press). Hackemer examines the relationship
between American business and the U.S. Navy in the 19th century,
arguing that the military-industrial complex arose earlier than
previously thought.
C. Herbert, AM'65,
Victorian Relativity: Radical Thought and Scientific Discovery
(University of Chicago Press). By tracing a long line of thinkers
ranging from Charles Darwin to Albert Einstein, Herbert shows
that the idea of relativity caused revolutionary changes in the
19th century.
F. Melko, AM'51,
General War among Great Powers in World History (Mellen).
Melko's book covers 38 wars in 11 civilizations over more than
four millennia.
Science and Law
Roland Adickes, AM'58,
JD'61, The United States Constitution and Citizens'
Rights: The Interpretation and Mis-Interpretation of the American
Contract for Governance (McFarland & Company). Giving
detailed examples, Adickes argues that Congress and the Supreme
Court have circumvented the people's mutual contract in many cases
and have, in effect, amended the Constitution.
P. Cohen, AB'57, AM'59,
India: Emerging Power (Brookings Press). Cohen examines
India's economic, military, and diplomatic growth and calls for
closer American ties with the country.
W. Homel, AM'66, PhD'72,
Unlocking City Hall: Exploring the History of Local Government
and Politics (Krieger). Intended for teachers, students, and
community residents, this guide explores the turbulent history
and politics of local government, including campaigns, elections,
and public services.
D. Larkin, AB'54,
War Stories (Peter Lang). Larkin proposes that war stories
transform into political plans for the future, and he argues for
war-avoidance policies.
A. Lazin, AM'68, PhD'73,
The Policy Implementation Process in Developing Nations (JAI
Press). Using case studies of countries around the world, Lazin
explores how political and administrative institutions affect
domestic policy implementation in developing nations.
S. Podgor, MBA'87,
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Lexis
Publishing). This textbook, designed for courses on international
criminal law, includes actual cases, case-related notes, and questions,
with additional material on the proposed international criminal
Mark J. Blechner, AB'72,
The Dream Frontier (Analytic Press). Blechner presents the
past century's cumulative wisdom on dreams and then reorganizes
it according to cognitive neuroscientific research.
K. Bock, AM'56,
Rethinking Psychological Anthropology (Waveland Press).
Covering the 19th century to the present, this book examines the
values and fallacies of psychological concepts and methods used
by anthropologists.
P. Lindskoog, AM'65,
The Idea of Psychology: Reclaiming the Discipline's Identity
(Howard University Press). Lindskoog accuses modern psychologists
of forsaking their roles as scientists and argues they should
consider behaviors to be expressions of the mind.
B. Schmidt, AB'86,
and Morgan T. Sammons, Combined Treatments for Mental Disorders:
A Guide to Psychological and Pharmacological Interventions
(American Psychological Association). The authors review recent
writings on the effectiveness of combining psychotherapy with
M. Shahidullah, AM'79, PhD'82,
Underdevelopment: A Psychosocial Survey Aimed at Terminating
the Eclipse (Parama). Written in Bengali, this book explores
human behavior in economically weak Bangladesh.
Frank A. Sanello, AB'74,
Reel v. Real: Separating Fact from Fantasy in Film (Taylor
Publishing). Sanello takes an irreverent look at bloopers in Hollywood's
costume epics and film biographies.
and Philosophy
Thomas E. Homerin, PhD'81,
Umar Ibn al-Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life (Paulist Press).
Homerin introduces and translates two of Ibn al-Farid's poems,
considered classics of Islamic mystical literature. The book includes
an account of the poet's life by his grandson.
Just, AB'72,
Dou Donggo Justice: Conflict and Morality in an Indonesian
Society (Rowman & Littlefield). Just explores a people's
religious, moral, and philosophical views by studying dispute
settlements in a small Indonesian society.
A. Kelhoffer, AM'96, PhD'99,
Miracle and Mission: The Authentication of Missionaries and Their
Message in the Longer Ending of Mark (Mohr Siebeck). Adapted
from his doctoral dissertation, Kelhoffer's book analyzes the
Longer Ending of Mark's Gospel, including its references to handling
snakes and drinking poison.
Khalidi, PhD'70, The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories
in Islamic Literature (Harvard University Press). In this
collection of texts, including works of Muslim mysticism, anthologies
of wise sayings, and histories of prophets and saints, Khalidi
attempts to explain who Jesus really was to the Muslims.
M. Vial, AM'87, PhD'94,
and Mark A. Hadley, AM'88,
editors, Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor
of Wendell S. Dietrich (SBL for Brown Judaic Studies). This
essay collection compares 19th-century Judaic and Christian thought
to contemporary ethics.
V. Wedin, AM'67, PhD'71,
Aristotle's Theory of Substance: The Categories and Metaphysics
(Oxford University Press). Wedin argues against the prevailing
notion that Aristotle's views on the nature of reality are inconsistent.
and Technology
E. Goodman, AB'82, The Omega Solution (Prima
Publishing). Goodman's book provides a comprehensive overview
of the health benefits of essential fatty acids.
Timothy J. Mullin, JD'73,
Handbook of Handguns (Paladin Press). This comprehensive
book covers handgun usage and history.
L. Parrish, AM'88,
Waking Blues: Making Americans from Emerson to Elvis (University
of Massachusetts Press). Parrish argues that American identity
is not a transcendental entity or essence but an ongoing process
with a rich legacy of pragmatism.
S. Rugh, AM'86, Our Common Country: Family Farming,
Culture, and Community in the Nineteenth-Century Midwest (Indiana
University Press). In the American heartland Rugh uncovers the
source of the nation's notions about family, community, and grassroots
A. Trembley, AM'86, PhD'91,
The Guide to United States Popular Culture (Bowling Green
State University Popular Press). Trembley offers 1,600 entries
in this reference on a wide range of everyday phenomena in the
United States.
Ziegenfuss Weller, AM'71,
Editorial Peer Review: Its Strengths and Weaknesses (Information
Today). Weller reviews published studies on the editorial field,
including editorial boards, reviewer bias, and the effects of
the shift to electronic media.
and Leisure
Eliot A. Landau, AB'63,
Linn's U.S. Stamp Facts: The Nineteenth Century (Linn's
Stamp News, Amos Press). Landau's book gathers information on
U.S. postage stamps issued from 1847 to 1899, their creators,
and their printing and usage. Illustrations are included.
T. Max, AB'98,
The Definitive Book of Pick-Up Lines (Writers Club Press).
A commentary accompanies each pick-up line in this collection,
describing how, when, and where it should be used. Max includes
a brief introduction on how to select and deliver pick-up lines.
inclusion in "Books by Alumni," please send the book's
name, author, publisher, field, and a short synopsis to the Books
Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago,
IL 60637, or by e-mail: