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The article "The Phoenix and the Book" heralded the
selection of a University seal and coat of arms. Likened to choosing
the seal of the United States, the decision was reached only after
extensive deliberation. The crest's original design was particularly
troublesome, because it had the book below the bird, and "although
the phoenix could not be consumed by flames, the book might be."
Dividing the shield into two, saved the book from the fire. The
effort expended on the book's behalf was matched only by the attention
given to Chicago's motto. Paul Shorey, professor of Greek, resolved
the difficulty of translating an interesting motto into academic
Latin by drawing inspiration from In Memoriam and the Aeneid
and suggesting the now familiar Crescat scientia; vita excolatur.
In "Grand Central Terminal," a science-fiction tale
by Leo Szilard, two scientists explore the remains of an American
city and surmise that uranium explosions caused the destruction.
The characters couldn't understand why the earth dwellers "should
have gone to all this process of processing uranium just in order
to destroy themselves," wrote Szilard, a professor of biophysics,
a leader in establishing the WW II atomic research program, and
a frequent contributor to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
From the remains of the train terminal and an art museum, the
characters further conclude that there must have been three varieties
of humans: smokers, non-smokers, and a "winged" variety.
Evidence of the third was "found more frequently among the
older paintings than among the more recent paintings," but
since no skeletal remains were discovered, the scientists deduced
that this variety must have long been extinct by the time of the
uranium explosions.
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, now the William Benton distinguished service
professor in political science and the College, and Lloyd I. Rudolph,
currently professor in political science and the College, wrote
"Jaipur Notes," culled from a year of study and teaching
in India during the 1976-77 state of emergency. Reflecting the
highly charged and volatile political climate of India at the
time, the notes were intended, the Rudolphs wrote, for "a
dull censor and a bright colleague." The authors commented
on the rich gossip network that acted in place of published political
news and the anti-American sentiment that ran rampant in many
Indian political circles. Anticipating the 1977 election that
would sweep Indira Gandhi from power, the Rudolphs wrote, "it
is creeping rather than revolutionary regime change, but in the
end the result will be a fundamental transformation."
Rounding out the University's Centennial year, the Magazine
celebrated the Spirit of '92-1992, that is-by profiling five members
of the College's graduating class, show-
casing a century of Chicago postcards, and evaluating the status
of women at the U of C. In other Centennial hoopla, Maroon football
players battled the Chicago Bears for the title "Monsters
of the Midway." The competition involved an obstacle course
to be completed in cap and gown, as well as a poetry reading.
Despite the Maroons' pep talk from President Hanna Gray-whose
resignation to return to teaching also made headlines in the issue-the
contest ended in a draw.