
Faculty |
Bernard Drell, PhB’31, AM’34, PhD’39, a social science professor
at the University for 11 years and a retired chief historian for
the Central Intelligence Agency, died January 12 at age 87. While
with the CIA, Drell studied Soviet economic institutions. When he
retired in 1978, Drell became financial director of his condominium
building. He is survived by his wife, Lula Cherry Drell,
AM’42, and a sister, Alice R. Drell, AB’39, AM’42.
Theodore W. Schultz, winner of the 1979 Nobel Memorial Prize
in economic sciences and the C. L. Hutchinson professor emeritus
at the University, died February 26 in Evanston, IL. He was 95.
Schultz introduced the “human capital” concept, arguing that education
increased the nation’s productivity. The pioneering agricultural
economist also emphasized the importance of farmers to the country’s
economy. During WWII, Schultz, then the chair of Iowa State College’s
economics department, made the unpopular suggestion that margarine
replace butter for consumer purposes. He joined the U of C in 1943,
where he chaired the economics department from 1946 to 1961, helping
to develop the Chicago School of economics.
1920's |
Ragnar O. Moline, PhB’25, a Lutheran minister, died on February
3, 1997, at age 94. Formerly a pastor in Michigan, Indiana, and
Chicago, he led Salem Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL, for nearly
20 years, helping to establish the town’s Luther Center and its
Center for the Sight & Hearing Impaired. The Northern Illinois Synod
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recognized Moline
in 1994 for his 65 years in ministry. Among survivors are three
sons, including Norman T. Moline, AM’66, PhD’70, and seven
Allen S. Weller, PhB’27, PhD’42, dean emeritus of the College
of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois, died November
16 at age 90. Weller chaired the U of I’s art department (1948–54)
and directed its Krannert Art Mu-seum. Before joining Illinois in
1947, Weller taught at the University of Missouri. He was a charter
member of the Illinois Arts Council. Survivors include his wife,
Rachel Fort Weller, PhB’27, AM’28, and three children, including
Judith Weller Harvey, X’52.
Conrad J. Bergendoff, PhD’28, president emeritus of Augustana
College, died December 23 in Rock Island, IL. He was 102. As Augustana’s
president (1932–1962), Bergendoff doubled enrollment and oversaw
major new construction. Both Augustana’s fine-arts building and
its first endowed professorship are named for him. Bergendoff was
honored by the Luther Institute with its Wittenberg award for lifetime
achievement and by the Church of Sweden with its medal of honor.
He was named a Commander of the First Class in the Order of the
North Star by the King of Sweden. Survivors include his son, Conrad
L. Bergendoff, AM’48, and two daughters.
Dorothy Carter Snow, PhB’29, a homemaker who broadcast radio
cooking shows for Mc-Cormick Spices, died November 26 in Boulder,
CO. She was 89. Survivors include a nephew and a great-nephew.
1930's |
Irene Heineck McAdam, PhB’30, a foreign-language teacher,
died December 12 at age 88. McAdam taught French and Latin at the
Samuel Ready School for Girls (MD) for 22 years. Survivors include
two sons; a sister, Aimee Heineck Rupert, PhB’28, AM’30;
and three grandchildren.
Paul Rudnick, SB’30, PhD’36, died in his Los Alamos, NM,
home at age 86 on January 12, eight days after the death of his
wife, Jessie Weed Rudnick, SB’35, SM’36. An astronomer and
physicist, he worked at MacDonald Observatory in Texas and taught
at the University of Texas at Austin before joining RCA Laboratories
in Princeton, NJ, and Farnsworth Electronics Co. in Fort Wayne,
IN. After 13 years at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rudnick concluded
his career at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, retiring in 1977.
He is survived by two sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren.
Benjamin Greenstein, PhB’31, AM’33, a retired chief of research
and statistics for the bureau of employment security in Chicago’s
labor department, died August 5 at age 88. The WWII Army veteran
is survived by his wife, Muriel; his daughter, Phyllis Greenstein
Willard, MBA’86; his son; two brothers; and four grandchildren.
M. Lorraine Lee Larson, X’33, of Chilton, WI, died November
15 at age 87. From 1962 until 1975, she worked in Wisconsin state
adoption services; after retiring, she traveled to Korea to escort
orphans to homes in the U.S. Head of many local civic and charitable
organizations, Larson also taught English to Hmong immigrants and
delivered for Meals On Wheels. Survivors include husband Alpheus;
a daughter; two sons; a brother; and eight grandchildren.
Mary Schultz Norris, PhB’33, died in Evanston, IL, on January
13. She is survived by a son, a daughter, and six grandchildren.
Robert H. O’Brien, LLB’33, a retired movie executive who
shepherded the filming of Doctor Zhivago and 2001: A Space
Odyssey, died October 6 in Seattle. He was 93. Before joining
Paramount Pictures in 1945, O’Brien had a legal career with the
government. He eventually became executive vice president of ABC–Paramount
Theatres, then treasurer and vice president of Metro Goldwyn Mayer,
ending his career as MGM’s president. Retiring in 1970, he was active
with educational institutions and religious organizations. Among
survivors is his wife, Minna.
Jessie Weed Rudnick, SB’35, SM’36, a scientist who also
helped establish New Mexico’s first farmers’ market in Los Alamos,
died January 4, eight days before the death of her husband, Paul
Rudnick, SB’30, PhD’36. She was 84. Rudnick worked at MacDonald
Observatory in Texas and Palmer Physics Laboratory in New Jersey
before becoming a computer programmer at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory. While working with the National League of Women Voters,
she advised the Environmental Protection Agency on the Clean Water
Act. Survivors include two sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren.
Dorothy Turner MacDonald, AB’37, died December 28 at age
81. Employed by the U.S. Censor’s Office during WWII, MacDonald
taught in Chicago and Maryland, later becoming a medical receptionist.
Having lived in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Brazil, she retired
to Bradenton, FL, in 1982. Survivors include her husband, Charles;
three sons; and three grandchildren.
Edith Lunn Rafter, PhB’37, died December 30 at age 92. The
philanthropist supported Religious Community Service, Habitat for
Humanity, the League of Women Voters, the Sierra Club, and the Democratic
Lawrence A. Solberg, MD’37, died July 24 at age 91. In WWII,
he was a captain and flight surgeon in the 112th Army Air Force.
He then entered private practice in Madera, CA, retiring in 1978.
Survivors include his daughter, his son, and five grandchildren.
C. Gregg Geiger, AB’38, MBA’46, a retired marketing executive
for Johns Manville, Borg-Warner, and the Lionel Corporation, died
December 10 at age 81. In retirement, he served on local and state
emergency-medicine committees in Florida. The WWII bomber pilot
is survived by his wife, Dorothy Frech Geiger, AB’46; four
daughters; a sister, Janet Geiger Kohrman, AB’40, AM’49,
a senior lecturer emeritus in the SSA; and three grandchildren.
Frederick B. Lindstrom, AB’38, AM’41, PhD’50, a professor
emeritus of sociology at Arizona State University, died January
8 at age 82. An expert in demography as well as the history of jazz,
Lindstrom taught at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst before
joining ASU in 1953. He received a distinguished-achievement award
from ASU’s College of Liberal Arts in 1994. Survivors include his
wife, Laura; his daughter, Naomi E. Lindstrom, AB’71; two
sons; and three grandchildren.
Robert H. Mohlman, AB’39, JD’41, a vice president of Inland
Container Corporation for 20 years, died December 26 at age 79.
After leaving Inland, he worked for Ball Corporation in Muncie,
IN, for 22 years, retiring as CFO in 1988. Mohlman was a board member
and trustee of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Among survivors
are his wife, Ina; two sons, including Robert P. Mohlman,
AB’66; two brothers; and three grandchildren.
1940's |
Elizabeth Beach Keller, SB’40, a professor emeritus of biochemistry
and molecular and cell biology at Cornell University, died December
20 at age 79. From 1949 to 1965, she conducted research on protein
synthesis at Harvard, MIT, and Cornell. Joining Cornell in 1965,
Keller worked with Robert Holley on a study of transfer-RNA’s structure,
winning Holley the Nobel Prize. Keller’s later research focused
on cancer-causing genes. She is survived by her husband, Leonard,
and two sisters.
Sigrid P. Stearner, SB’41, SM’42, PhD’46, an Argonne National
Laboratory researcher who studied the effects of ionizing radiation,
died in her Naperville, IL, home on November 17 at age 78. Stearner
gained world recognition for defining dose-rate effects of X rays
on vertebrates. An activist for women and the disabled, she had
cerebral palsy and, as president of the Illinois Independent Living
Center, helped establish the independent-living movement for the
Erling B. Struxness, MD’45, died in Aurora, CO, on December
23. He was 82. He practiced medicine in Hutchinson, KS, before entering
government emergency-medical services, from which he retired in
1973. Struxness was a medical officer in Japan, Korea, the Philippines,
and the U.S. during the Korean Conflict. Survivors include a son,
two daughters, a stepson, two brothers, four sisters, and seven
John W. Hanni, MD’46, a Chicago-area psychiatrist, died
December 5 at age 75. Joining Rush-Presbyterian–St. Luke’s Medical
Center in 1954, he helped plan the reopening of Rush Medical School
in 1969. Ten years later, he joined the Hinsdale Hospital staff
and started a private practice. Survivors include his wife, Lillian;
a son; two stepdaughters; two stepsons; two sisters; and 15 grandchildren.
Charles G. Leonard, MBA’48, founder of a manufacturer’s-representative
business that he managed for 40 years, died December 6 at age 78.
A civic leader and volunteer, Leonard was a past president of the
Kankakee County (IL) Historical Society, a board member of the Kankakee
Valley Symphony Orchestra Association Foundation, and a member of
the Masons, the Shriners, and a local Methodist church. He is survived
by his wife, Janet.
James C. Price, X’48, died December 30 at age 80. While
in the U.S. Army from 1949 to 1957, Price served in Korea and became
a captain. Settling in Santa Cruz, CA, he tutored high-school students
in chemistry and math, also helping to found the parish Our Lady
Star of the Sea. He is survived by a cousin, C. G. (“Buddy”) Godard.
Jarlath J. Graham, AB’49, a former editor of Advertising
Age and vice president of Crain Communications, died January 24
at age 78. As Advertising Age editor (1969–1975), Graham expanded
its coverage of Washington, DC, and of the federal government’s
increasing regulation of the advertising industry. He later directed
Crain’s editorial development and wrote a marketing column for Crain’s
Chicago Business. Survivors include his daughter, Carol.
1950's |
Rolf W. Brandis, PhB’50, an award-winning short-film and
television producer who also founded an acting workshop, died January
20 in his Evanston, IL, home. He was 67. His workshops attracted
hundreds of actors in the 1970s and 1980s. Brandis later coordinated
philosophy and film classes at Northwestern University’s Institute
for Learning in Retirement. Survivors include his wife, Marlene;
son Alan D. Brandis, AB’77; two daughters; and two grandchildren.
Don E. Fehrenbacher, AM’48, PhD’51, a Pulitzer Prize–winning
historian, died December 13 in Stanford, CA, at age 77. His book
The Dred Scott Case: Its Significance in American Law and Politics,
won a Pulitzer in 1979, while David M. Potter’s The Impending
Crisis: 1848–1861—which Fehrenbacher edited and finished after
Potter’s death—won in 1977. In 1984, Fehrenbacher retired from Stanford
University as the William Robertson Coe professor of history and
American studies. Survivors include his wife, Virginia; a son; two
daughters; a sister; two brothers; and eight grandchildren.
Louis Gluck, MD’52, a pediatrician and creator of the modern
intensive-care unit for newborns, died November 29 in Laguna Hills,
CA, at age 73. Gluck also developed a test to determine whether
a fetus’s lungs are mature. Survivors include his wife, Gloria;
three sons; a daughter; and five grandchildren.
Richard F. Pannabecker, PhD’57, a professor emeritus of
biology at Bluffton College in Ohio, died October 24 at age 75.
After seven years at Ohio Northern University, he taught at Bluffton
for 32 years. Pannabecker was also a shop manager, active Mennonite,
and former Boy Scout master. Survivors include his wife, Wanda;
four sons; a daughter; a brother; a sister; and six grandchildren.
Leslie I. Poste, PhD’58, an antiquarian bookseller and former
SUNY–Geneseo professor of library and information science, died
July 23, 1996, at age 77. While in the U.S. Army, Poste helped return
art and archives seized by Germany during WWII to their countries
of origin. He taught at the Universities of Kentucky and Denver
before joining SUNY–Geneseo (1958–78), then sold books full time.
Survivors include his wife, Virginia Lloyd Poste, AM’49,
and a daughter.
Peggy Craig Rast, AM’58, a former librarian, died January
11. She was 64. Rast worked in San Francisco’s Mechanics Institute
Library, as well as the World Book Encyclopedia Library and the
Ryerson Library of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is survived
by her husband, Carlisle L. Rast, AM’57, and a sister.
John P. Raynor, PhD’59, a Jesuit priest and Marquette University’s
20th president, died November 14 in Milwaukee at age 74. During
his 25 years as president—Marquette’s longest presidential term—the
university’s enrollment increased, its campus grew, and its financial
status improved. He was named university chancellor in 1991. Survivors
include four sisters and two brothers.
1960's |
Julian L. Simon, MBA’58, PhD’61, an economist and business-administration
professor at the University of Maryland, died February 8 at age
65. Simon argued that the earth’s resources were not being overconsumed
and that people would find solutions to prevent future poverty,
hunger, and overcrowding. In the 1970s, Simon persuaded airlines
to handle overbooking by asking volunteers to disembark in exchange
for a free ticket. Survivors include his wife, Rita James Simon,
PhD’57; two sons; a daughter; and a grandchild.
David J. Simkin, SB’62, a physical chemistry professor at
McGill University in Montreal for 30 years, died July 14. His research
interests included laser spectroscopy of rare earth materials, and
his hobbies included breeding award-winning Siberian huskies. A
former post- doctoral fellow in the U of C’s James Franck Institute,
Simkin is survived by his wife and two children.
1970's |
Harold H. Buls, AM’57, PhD’70, a retired professor
at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, died September
5 at age 77. Buls taught at several other colleges and wrote a series
of exegetical notes for pastors on the New Testament. A missionary
in Nigeria and Russia, Buls was honored in 1997 by the Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod Board for Mission Services. He is survived by his wife,
Marjorie; three sons; and a daughter. |