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:: By Jenny Fisher, ’07

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Chicago Journal ::

On the quads

The women’s basketball team began its season with 16 undefeated games, propelling them to a No. 1 ranking on the USA Today/ESPN poll for the first time ever and a fourth-place ranking on before they fell to NYU January 26. The rankings followed the Maroon’s 67–60 January 21 home-game win over Rochester University ....

The men’s wrestling team, meanwhile, won its sixth University Athletic Association title in seven years, overpowering defending champion New York University by three points in the last match of the day. Chicago also boasted five individual UAA champions: Ben Barnes, ‘07, Andrew Bribriesco, ‘07, Phil Kruzel, ‘07, Mike Bishof, ‘07, and Troy Carlson, ‘10, who was also named UAA rookie of the year....

February’s “Battle of the Bulbs” had students duking it out-—not over tulips and daffodils, but light bulbs. The dorm that reduced its electricity usage the most compared to last February won a “green cup” sculpture from the contest organizers, the University’s Green Campus Initiative Group (GCI). Residence-halls director Christopher Keating reported each dorm’s weekly stats to GCI, whose members posted the results throughout campus, encouraging students to “do it in the dark.”...

“I feel like I finally found my niche, after 21 years,” said professor of geophysical sciences John Frederick, a faculty member since 1985 who was appointed master of the physical-sciences collegiate division this year. “This appointment combines the things I love most: undergraduate education and physical sciences.” Other College appointments include: Dean of Students in the College Susan Art, AM’74, was named to a second term, and Martha Merritt, formerly at the University of Notre Dame, became associate dean of the College for international education....

That international schooling might include time in Spain. Beginning next fall, Chicago students can spend three quarters in the University’s new Barcelona program (separate from the winter-quarter program in “Spanish Steps,” page 30). After a three-week course on the language and culture of Spain’s Catalonia region, students will take classes alongside native students at some of Spain’s leading universities.