Back to the city that works
Economist Dennis Carlton returns to Chicago after two years doing antitrust work at the Justice Department.In June 2007 the Supreme Court overturned a nearly century-old antitrust precedent. The rule, enacted in 1911, made it always illegal—“per se,” in legalese—for manufacturers and distributors to agree on minimum retail prices, stating that doing so would violate the Sherman Antitrust Act.

No longer a lender
When Joshua Trampier, AM’02, received an e-mail saying the University had dropped out of the “school-as-lender” program, he had to scramble to secure new funding.
Global Worming
Chicago students find that composting worms make helpful—if creepy—roommates.
Toes in the water
On a Saturday morning in spring, children populate nearly every area in the Ratner Athletics Center pool.

Sites to behold
Summertime: the campus population dwindles, but the cherry pickers, backhoes, and jackhammers are out in full force.
A diverse class
Estimated students in the College Class of 2012: 1,331