The University of Chicago Magazine Feb 1995
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Early in the first week of winter quarter, the bulletin board in Hutchinson Courtyard already boasted a fresh layer of posters. Tacked over the tattered remnants of past announcements were the first offerings of the new year: University Theater auditions for Medea, Dreamlost, and No Exit; a DOC tribute to French film animation; dinner and a movie at Hillel House.

Take a few steps back (the older the viewer, the fewer the steps), and the notices blur into a bright paper collage-an image that also works well as a metaphor for campus activity. Any high-school junior will tell you that photographs of crowded bulletin boards are a constant in college admissions viewbooks-what quicker way to make the point that a lot is happening at X University?

We've been thinking about bulletin boards-one of the oldest ways of "publishing" information-because we've just embarked on one of the newer ways of publishing information. This issue of the Magazine has a new perch on the World Wide Web. You can find us by visiting the University of Chicago Home Page (its address is and then clicking on "News and Events."

In addition to the articles and pictures that appear in the paper version of this issue, we've added an extra illustration for on-line readers who want to see more of Franz Bibfeldt ("The Unbearable Lightness of Being Bibfeldt," page 18).

Better than letters?

"We learned more about the University of Chicago from you than we did from our son, Michael J., who graduated in March '94," wrote Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Zolik of Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, responding to the Magazine's annual solicitation letter this past fall. The Zoliks were among 6,971 readers who've contributed a total of $134,893.61 to help underwrite the cost of producing the Magazine.

As always, we're very grateful. We also appreciate the correspondence that came with the checks: suggestions for improvement, lots of submissions for "Class News," and even-courtesy of Raymond E. Watson, MBA'61-light verse:

Of news there's naught to report

'Cause I've avoided the last resort

But one day I'll be a hit-

When you edit my obit!

To which we can only say gravely: There are times when no news is good news.-M.R.Y.

Go to feature, "Into the Music"
Go to feature, "The Houses that Gautreaux Built"
Go to feature, "Upstaging Authority"
Go to feature, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being Bibfeldt"
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