The University of Chicago Magazine August 1995
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The 1995 U of C Dream Team

Alumni Awards from the University of Chicago Alumni Association

FOR THE 54TH TIME since the custom began in 1941, alumni, faculty, and friends gathered during the June reunion to honor some outstanding Chicago alumni. Saturday's Cavalcade of Classes processed to the Alumni Assembly, held at Rockefeller Chapel, where Chey Jong Hyon, AM'61, was awarded the Alumni Medal (see feature story, "Chey's Way"), and George Rinder, X '41, MBA '42, received the University Service Medal (see below). Twenty-two other award winners were cited for their service to society, professional achievement, or service to the University.

An "Affair" to Remember

ACCORDING TO GEORGE RINDER, his "love affair" with the U of C began in kindergarten, compelling the Lab Schools student to en-roll in the College and leading to an M.B.A. with honors. The affair has become a "lifetime partnership," as Rinder took on an ever-growing list of volunteer responsibilities, from working on the GSB annual fund for over 30 years to serving as gift chair for the class of 1941's 50th reunion.

Despite a busy career with Marshall Field & Co.--from which he retired in 1986 as vice chairman--Rinder found time to cochair the business school's first annual-giving campaign in 1958, helping to raise nearly $16,000. By the time he chaired the 25th campaign, the total had climbed to $1.4 million. Other GSB involvements include positions on the Council on the GSB and the alumni association board of directors.

"I believe he has served, and served well, in every possible volunteer role at the Graduate School of Business," says GSB Dean Robert Hamada.

A UC2MC member, Rinder has shown commitment to the College as well: During the Centennial, besides helping plan the gala dinner, he led his class to a 50th-reunion-gift record of $817,672, with a participation rate of 66 percent.

"It is an enjoyable experience to raise money for this institution," Rinder says. "There is no finer product to sell."

Alumni Reunion Citations

Creative Citizenship: The Public Service Citations

Roger Axford, AM'49, PhD'61

A professor emeritus at Arizona State University, Axford is an adult-education advocate, the author of several books on education, and founder of the Re-Careering Institute. A former president of the Tempe ACLU, he has established an ASU coalition for world peace and a tactile-art museum for the visually impaired. Axford has long been active on the Alumni Schools Committee.

Barbara Engel, AB'75

In her ten years as director of women's services at the Chicago YWCA, Engel developed rape- and domestic-violence-sensitivity training for counselors, police officers, lawyers, and judges; helped form the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault; and cowrote Illinois' sexual-assault statutes. Most recently, Engel chaired the task force that developed the City of Chicago's sexual-harassment policy.

Norman N. Gill, PhB'32

A senior research scholar at the Bradley Institute for Democracy and Public Values and a political science professor at Marquette University, Gill has served on over 250 task forces and commissions in the Milwaukee area, working to improve transportation, law enforcement, health, and welfare. Gill has also put much of his effort into improving city and state educational methods and facilities.

Making Their Mark: The Professional Achievement Citations

Jack Cella, X'73

Over the past two decades, Cella has made the Seminary Co-op Bookstore into one of the finest academic bookstores in the world. Under his management, the Co-op has grown from a 1,500-member, student-run organization to a cooperative with 38,000 shareholders. Cella has also opened a branch store, 57th Street Books, and sponsored public lectures by notable authors and scholars.

Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76

Gorno is a leader in international advertising, known for her work at Leo Burnett Worldwide on such accounts as Procter & Gamble. Beginning her career at Tatham, Laird & Kudner, where she was named the youngest-ever equity partner, she then became president of the health-care agency Hamilton, Carver & Lee. Gorno has been a GSB fund-raiser and an Alumni Executive Council member.

Attallah Kappas, MD'50

Kappas, the Sherman Fairchild professor at Rockefeller University and a leading authority in metabolic and genetic disorders, recently helped develop a new way to treat jaundice in newborns. His honors include the National Institutes of Health's first annual award for excellence in clinical research. Kappas taught at the U of C and has also been Rockefeller's vice president and physician-in-chief.
Lewis P. Lipsitt, AB'50

Lipsitt, who has taught at Brown University since 1957, established one of the first U.S. laboratories dedicated to the behavioral study of infants, developing many of the field's basic research methods. A public educator and advocate for young children, he founded the journal Infant Behavior and Development and has produced some 200 academic and mainstream publications.

Elroy L. Rice, PhD'47

A professor at the University of Oklahoma since 1948, Rice is a pioneer in the growing field of allelopathy, the science of chemical interactions among plants and microorganisms. The author of four books and over 100 articles, he has received several awards for research and teaching excellence. Rice's research has been used to identify solutions to environmental problems worldwide.

Terrance Sandalow, AB'54, JD'57

A distinguished professor and former dean of the University of Michigan Law School, Sandalow has applied liberal-arts principles to strengthen the school's interdisciplinary character. An expert in constitutional law and federal courts, he has published two books and numerous articles and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Joel Segall, MBA'49, AM'52, PhD'56

During his 20 years on the GSB faculty, Segall held visiting appointments at several universities. He left teaching to accept key positions in the Treasury and Labor departments, then returned to education as president of Baruch College, where he created its first endowed chair, increased faculty appointments, and launched a new building program.

Carl Wolz, AB'59

Best known as the founder of the World Dance Alliance, Wolz has headed ground-breaking dance programs in Hawaii, Hong Kong, and, most recently, Japan. Through books, choreography, and labanotation, Wolz has improved the documentation, analysis, and dissemination of Asian dance forms-work that has fostered greater understanding of both Eastern and Western art.

They Came, They Saw, They Gave: The Alumni Service Citations

Geraldine S. Alvarez, PhB'34

A University volunteer for 65 years, Alvarez has been vice president of the Alumni Cabinet and a leader of the Women's Board. A dedicated fund-raiser for the Oriental Institute and Wyler Children's Hospital, she was program chair for her 50th reunion, headed the planning committee for her 55th, and led a record-breaking fund-raising drive for her 60th.

Linda S. Braidwood, AM'46

Braidwood-in professional collaboration with her husband, Professor Robert Braidwood-has spent 50 years volunteering for the Oriental Institute. A specialist in flint-tool analysis, she has conducted several major archaeological expeditions. Though nepotism rules prevented her from pursuing a Ph.D. at Chicago, she is a respected author, lecturer, and mentor.

Anita J. Brickell, AB'75, MBA'76

Cochair (with husband Mark) of the 1977 New York Alumni Fund drive, Brickell also worked on the President's Fund and the Campaign for the Arts and Sciences, and led her tenth-reunion gift drive. A former Alumni Cabinet vice president, Brickell was on the Centennial alumni committee and helped plan two reunions. She is active in the New York President's Council.

Mark Brickell, AB'74
An enthusiastic fund-raiser, Brickell has served on the executive committee of the National Alumni Fund Board and as treasurer of the Alumni Association's Board of Governors. He was gift chair for his tenth and 20th reunions and worked on two capital campaigns. Formerly president of the New York alumni club, Brickell now chairs the New York President's Fund.

Adrianne S. Harvitt, AB'75, MBA'76

Vice president of the U of C Women's Business Group, Harvitt is also on the Women's Board steering committee. Her fund-raising activities include International House's annual fund and the Campaign for the Next Century. Harvitt has been an active reunion volunteer, leading the planning for her tenth and the class-gift effort for her 20th.

Maurine E. Kornfeld, AB'42, AM'48

A driving force behind the L.A. alumni club, Kornfeld has served several terms on its governing board and written the club newsletter. She has worked as a President's Fund and reunion volunteer, helped plan the L.A. club's Centennial celebration, and, as an SSA grad, helped organize and increase alumni support for the school.

John D. Lyon, AB'55

In his terms as president of the L. A. alumni club and the U of C Alumni Association, Lyon set and met high standards. His help during the Centennial, especially in planning Hutchins College programs, was invaluable. A longtime Annual Fund volunteer, Lyon worked on two capital campaigns, served as gift chair for three class reunions, and now chairs the Los Angeles President's Council.

Steffi Wallis, AB'67

As vice president and president of the Washington, D.C., alumni club in the 1980s, Wallis helped make it one of the University's strongest. She headed planning for D.C.'s gala Centennial celebration and has served on the Alumni Association's Board of Governors, helping to revive the clubs program and reorganize the Board's structure. Wallis also recruits for the Alumni Schools Committee.

An Early Start: The Young Alumni Service Citations

Shaunessye D. Curry, AM'88

Vice president of the SSA Alumni Association, Curry has served on the association's governing board since 1990, sitting on its awards committee and chairing the committee that oversees the SSA Fund. She became an enthusiastic fund-raiser for the University while still a student, making calls for the development office and encouraging other students to help at SSA phonathons.

Elizabeth Steiner, AB'85

As the new president of the Portland (OR) alumni club, Steiner is energizing club volunteers to plan programs and activities. An innovative fund-raiser for the College and a member of the President's Council, Steiner has been active on the Portland Major Gifts Volunteer Committee and in 1992 created the Arthur and Alice Rubin Undergraduate Scholarship Fund.

Brett Walley-Saunders, AB'85

Over the past six years, Walley-Saunders has provided service to both students and alumni, offering career information and internship opportunities to undergraduates and helping to plan two class reunions. Her efforts were critical in implementing the first strategic plan in UC2MC's history. Walley-Saunders is now the Chicago club's vice president and chair of its executive committee.

Within Class News:

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