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David Logan, 1918–2011
Logan, AB’39, JD’41, leaves a philanthropic legacy that includes the University’s Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts.

Byte cop
Brett Goldstein, SM’05, maps out Chicago’s crime-ridden spots with his predictive-analysis system.

The origins of writing
An Oriental Institute Museum exhibit shows how four distinct writing systems emerged independently.


Times of Northwest Indiana (January 23, 2011)
Novelist explores why we can’t move on
Hannah Pittard’s (AB’01) first novel, The Fates Will Find Their Way, explores the struggles of moving into adulthood.

Chicago Sun-Times (January 21, 2011)
Nobody sent him, but he still did good
Abner Mikva, JD’51, “Zelig of the American legal scene,” turns 85.

Associated Press (January 21, 2011)
Medical Center gives to neighborhood clinic
A $50,000 grant from the University’s Urban Health Initiative benefits Englewood facility.

CBS Chicago (January 17, 2011)
U of C to buy seminary building near campus
Pending Board of Trustees approval, the University plans to buy the Meadville Lombard Unitarian theological school at 5701 S. Woodlawn.

Chicago Tribune (January 17, 2011)
Friend of King recalls civil-rights movement
Vincent Harding, AM’56, PhD’65, reflects on MLK’s identification with the underprivileged.


Saturday, February 5
Tour of Intelligentsia Coffee Roasting Works
12:30–2:00 p.m. | Chicago

Wednesday, February 9
Ice-Skating at the Sculpture Garden
7–9 p.m. | Washington

Sunday, February 13
Distinguished Speaker Series:
Carol Ruth Silver, AB’60, JD’64

2:00–4:30 p.m. | San Francisco

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On the hole
View Gerard Byrne’s talk at the opening reception for his Renaissance Society film installation A Thing Is a hole In a Thing It Is Not.

 Watch the video


Maroon Lens
A monthly column about alumni filmmakers debuts with an interview with Aleem Hossain, AB’00.

 Read the Q&A