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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 58,107 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write

Welcome to the November issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

News from Chicago

* Bidding Adieu to Kew
Sir Peter Crane, director of England's Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, will return to Chicago next year as the Marion and John Sullivan University professor in geophysical sciences and the College. Crane is an expert on plant science, evolutionary biology, and conservation:

* Seal of Fortune
A company started by Karan Goel, AB'04, a student in the Graduate School of Business, took the first-place prize in the third annual Fortune Small Business business-plan contest. The prize gives Goel’s company $35,000:

Research at Chicago

* What Helps You Do What's Got to Be Done
Chicago researchers have shown that by activating "OFF" cells and shutting down "ON" cells in a small region in the brain stem, animals provide themselves with a form of "eating-induced analgesia," letting them complete essential bodily tasks even when in pain:

* Set to Catch Some Cosmic Rays
With the opening of a cosmic-ray observatory that stretches over 1,200 square miles of farm and ranch land in Argentina, University scientists--along with 250 colleagues from 16 countries--hope to figure out the origin of the universe's highest-energy particles :

Research at Chicago" video offers a primer on cosmic rays:

Today @ UChiBLOGo

* Homegrown Laws
The Magazine's Web log listens in as U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales urges judges to stick to American precedents:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

* Know Some Alumni Who Could Make a Difference?
The Alumni Board of Governors, your voice on campus, will be electing new members in April. The 25-member group sets policy for the U of C Alumni Association and advises the University on matters of interest and concern to alumni. Nominations are due January 15, 2006. To learn about the board's responsibilities and to submit your nominations, go to:

* Charge It Up to Student Aid
The University of Chicago VISA card supports student aid--more than 80 Chicago students have already benefited--and alumni programs. You can use the card's Flexible Rewards for travel, cash, merchandise, or gift certificates. You don't have annual fees--and you get a wallet-sized portrait of campus. For details:

Your Chicago Connections

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UChiBLOGo Web log:
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UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to

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