Physicist Jeanie Lau, AM’94, paves the way to developing a faster, more energy-efficient computer chip.
Sara Ray Stoelinga, AB’95, AM’01, PhD’04, explores how teacher leaders can inspire school improvement.
A father and son’s ride back from college, recalled in Mark Freeman’s (PhD’86) recent book Hindsight, becomes immersed in meaning.

New York Times (May 23, 2010)
Gardner, AB’36, was “so prolific and wide-ranging that critics speculated that there just had to be more than one of him.”
Chicago Tribune (May 19, 2010)
A sidewalk psychic set Anna Chlumsky, AB’02, back on the road to acting.
Foreign Policy (May 18, 2010)
Kirk W. Johnson, AB’02, explores the potential effects of a U.S. withdrawal.
Los Angeles Times (May 19, 2010)
Does U.S. Senate candidate Tom Campbell’s (AB’73, AM’73, PhD’80) intellectual reach exceed his political grasp?
New York Times (May 24, 2010)
David Brooks, AB’83, praises Yuval Levin’s (AM’02) “superb dissertation” called “The Great Law of Change.”
