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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 63,000 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write

Welcome to the AUGUST issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

The AUGUST/06 University of Chicago Magazine is in the mail--and it's also online at:

Here's a sampling from the August issue:

photo:  china rising* China Rising
China’s success story has reached a pivotal chapter. What does it mean for the rest of the world?

* La Dolce Baseball
For former Maroon shortstop Brent Consiglio, AB’04, that championship season had a pronounced Italian accent:

* Big Science
In Chicago’s newest research facility, labs—and disciplines—open up:

News from Chicago

photo:  new trustees* New Trustees Have Corporate and University Ties
Joining the University's board are four new business leaders, all past volunteers for Chicago: Rodney Goldstein; Steven Kersten, JD'80; Gregory Wendt, AB'83; and Jon Winkelried, AB'81, MBA'82:

* Contract Keeps Chicago at Argonne's Helm
Under a new, five-year, $2.5 billlion Department of Energy contract, a Chicago-led team will operate Argonne National Laboratory. To see press coverage on the announcement:

Research at Chicago

* Heat Waves in Business "Deserts" Put Elderly at Risk
Severe heat waves kill more people in neighborhoods with few businesses to draw older people out of their apartments. A report on the study by researchers at Ohio State University, Chicago, and the University of Washington appears in the August American Sociological Review:

* Small Schools Make Gains--But Not on Test Scores
Small high schools in Chicago are delivering on many promised reforms, including a reduction in student dropouts and improvements in attendance, but the move to smaller schools has yet to improve test scores. For more on the report, prepared by the Consortium on Chicago School Research, go to:

Today @ UChiBLOGo

photo:  uchiblogo* Admissions Unscripted
The Magazine's Web log attends a College panel for prospies:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

* You've Gotta Register to Win
If--and only if--you are a registered user of Chicago's online alumni services you can 1) look up old friends and find alumni in your area via the online directory; 2) search for career contacts in your chosen profession on the alumni careers network (more than 15,000 contacts in 40 countries and 78 different fields); and 3) join online alumni discussion groups or start one of your own. Registration takes just a few minutes:

* Medical Insurance Bridges the Gap
Are you between school and job--or job and job--and therefore between insurance plans? The Alumni Association sponsors short-term medical insurance for periods of 31 to 185 days. For more information about either short-term medical or life insurance, call Meyer and Associates at 800/635-7801, e-mail, or go to:

photo: mind online* Food for Thought: Now in Searchable Form
Mind Online’s searchable catalog gives you access to a growing collection of thought-provoking samples from the University's intellectual life, both past and present. Recent additions include two faculty lectures and a lab class on invertebrates presented at Alumni Weekend. For a taste of the critical thinking and lively debate that define a Chicago education, visit:

Your Chicago Connections

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UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to