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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 65,000 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write

Welcome to the DECEMBER issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

News from Chicago

* Forecast Bright for Financial Mathematics
A $7 million gift from Steve G. Stevanovich, AB’85, MBA’90, has created the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics. A spin-off of the University’s master’s degree program in financial mathematics, the center will bring together scholars and finance professionals to address risk-management issues encountered in the trade of stocks, bonds, commodities, and other financial products:

photo: remembering an icon* Remembering a Chicago Icon
The November 16 death of longtime Chicago professor of economics Milton Friedman, AM'33, prompted a flood of remembrances nationally and around the world. To read a selection of those stories--or to view a November 20 panel discussion of Friedman's legacy (with GSB professors and Friedman students Gary Becker, AM'53, PhD'55; Eugene Fama, MBA'63, PhD'64; Robert Lucas, AB'59, PhD'64; and Sam Peltzman, PhD'65), go to:

A television documentary, "The Power of Choice The Life and Ideas of Milton Friedman", will air on PBS January 27:

Research at Chicago

* For Humans and Neanderthals, Two Roads Diverged in the DNA Woods
In the most thorough study to date of the Neanderthal genome, an international group of scientists—including a Chicago team, led by human geneticist Jonathan Pritchard, that analyzed the sequencing data—suggest an early human-Neanderthal split. The two species have a common ancestry, say the authors, but do not share much else after evolving their separate ways. The study was published in the November 17 Science:

* When It Comes to Educational Intervention, Once is Not Enough
While studies show that disadvantaged children benefit from high-quality preschool programs, they would benefit even more if they had additional tutoring and mentoring during their elementary and high school years. A study by U of C economist and education expert James Heckman shows for the first time that systematic interventions throughout childhood and adolescence could sustain—and build on—those early gains. To read the full report:

photo:  uncommon protestToday @ UChiBLOGo

* Uncommon Protest
The Magazine's Web log reports on the College's plans to use Part 1 of the Common Application:

From the Magazine

* Haiku Deadline Looms. Syllable by Syllable, the Theme: Chicago.
Learn how to enter the Magazine’s haiku contest—with the chance to win a haiku-sized measure of fame and fortune:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

* Send a University of Chicago E-Card for the Holidays
A selection of campus scenes (in warmer weather) is ready for you to use in greeting old friends during the holiday season. First find your friends via the online alumni directory at
then send them an e-card (and a gentle reminder of Alumni Weekend, May 31–June 3) at

photo: ecard* Attention Alumni Authors
Have you written or contributed to a book? Send us a copy for the collection of alumni and faculty books in the Klowden Family Library at Alumni House. Your book will be displayed in the library, and a bookplate with your name, degree, and degree year will commemorate your gift. For mailing information and more information on Alumni House:

* Know Some Alumni Who Could Make a Difference?
The Alumni Board of Governors, your voice on campus, will be electing new members in April. The 25-member group sets policy for the U of C Alumni Association and advises the University on matters of interest and concern to alumni. Nominations are due January 15, 2007. To learn about the board's responsibilities and to submit your nominations:

Your Chicago Connections

Submit Your Alumni News:
Submit Your Alumni Book:
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University of Chicago Magazine:
UChiBLOGo Web log:
Chicago Home:
Chicago Initiative:
Chicago Chronicle:
University News Service:
Research at Chicago:
About Chicago:
Maroon Athletics:
The Chicago Maroon:
Show Your School Colors:
Make a Gift to Chicago:

UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to