Affirmative advocate
Defending affirmative action and big business,
Maureen Mahoney, JD’78, has a caseload that’s supreme.
Not many lawyers receive fan mail or flowers
from anonymous admirers. But not many lawyers have won a landmark
case defending affirmative action—last year’s University
of Michigan Law School suit, which some commentators have called
the most significant civil-rights case in decades—before today’s
conservative Supreme Court. “I must say I enjoyed the fan
mail,” laughs Maureen Mahoney, JD’78. “But it’s
not something I expect or need for every case.”

Illustration by Richard Thompson |
Poised and unflappable—even under Justice
Antonin Scalia’s withering questions—and awarded 2003’s
Best Oral Argument prize by the Daily Journal, a legal
publication, Mahoney has appeared before the Supreme Court 12 times,
losing only once. “I’ve just been lucky getting the
winning side of the issue,” Mahoney says, though when pressed
she admits it’s more than mere luck: she prepares “excessively,”
memorizing statistics, quotes, and precedents. Yet she never prepares
speeches in advance: “I don’t know for certain what
I’m going to say in any given argument, not even the opening
couple of sentences.” She also admits to a secret weapon:
a cake doughnut with chocolate frosting, eaten just before delivering
her argument. After her high-school swim coach said she’d
compete better if she ate some sugar, she told the Legal Times,
“I decided that was very tasty advice, and I followed it ever
Born in South Bend, Indiana, Mahoney determined
by age 8 that she wanted to be a lawyer like her father, a personal-injury
specialist. Her father explained—meaning to be kind, Mahoney
stresses—that in his experience there was no place for women
in the law. Ignoring his advice, Mahoney earned a political-science
degree from Indiana University and then enrolled at the U of C Law
School, where her favorite class was federal jurisdiction. Encouraged
to pursue a clerkship after graduation, she worked for 7th Circuit
Judge Robert Sprecher on the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago. This
led to an even more prestigious clerkship with William Rehnquist,
then an associate Supreme Court justice; she still considers the
day he offered her the job a career highlight. Both Sprecher and
Rehnquist were “phenomenal judges,” she says, “who
gave me every opportunity.”
At the end of her 1979 clerkship with Rehnquist,
Mahoney received his standard advice to clerks: leave Washington
and pursue a career back home. Disregarding his suggestion as she
had her father’s, Mahoney took a job in Latham & Watkins’s
DC office—then the only other branch of the 150-lawyer, Los
Angeles–based firm, which now has 1,500 lawyers and 21 offices
worldwide—primarily so she could stay in the city with her
husband, William Crispin, JD’75, who had interned at her father’s
firm and is now a name partner at Crispin & Brenner. At Latham
she initially worked on both trials and appeals but after eight
years began to specialize in appellate work. “I really enjoyed
the more intellectual, legal side of practice,” she says.
As an added benefit, an appellate lawyer’s schedule, with
its reduced travel demands, made it easier to balance work and family,
including children Brad, 21, and Abigail, 19.
Mahoney argued her first case before the Supreme
Court, Mackey v. Lanier Collection Agency & Service,
in 1988. Though the subject matter—a dispute over an employee
welfare benefit plan—was “somewhat dry,” Mahoney
says, “nevertheless I thought it was thrilling.” Pitted
against the U.S. solicitor general, who represents the federal government,
she says, “I expected to lose,” but instead she triumphed
in a 5–4 decision. Her presentation was so impressive, American
Lawyer reported, that the justices passed notes among themselves
praising her and asking about her background.
The defeated solicitor general’s office
also took notice; in 1991 Mahoney was appointed one of four deputy
solicitors general, working for Kenneth Starr. In two years she
argued eight cases before the Supreme Court, winning seven. The
case she lost, McCarthy v. Madigan, she lost spectacularly: 9–0.
The court found that a prisoner did not have to exhaust the penitentiary’s
complaint procedures before suing for monetary damages. “I
would have settled if I could have,” she says; representing
the federal government, she didn’t have the option. “But
I went in hoping to win.”
In 1992, at age 37, she was approached by the
first Bush administration about a seat on the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Virginia. Mahoney accepted the offer
enthusiastically and was formally nominated in April. But in November,
when Democrat Bill Clinton was elected president, Mahoney found
that she, along with other Republican nominees, had been abandoned.
Disappointed, in 1993 she returned to Latham as partner in charge
of its appellate and constitutional practice.
Then last year came the fan-mail case, Grutter
v. Bollinger. Barbara Grutter, 43, a white Michigan Law School
applicant, claimed she was rejected while less-qualified minority
applicants were accepted. (The court also considered a companion
case, Gratz v. Bollinger, about Michigan’s undergraduate
admissions.) Mahoney, added to Michigan’s legal team for her
Supreme Court experience, defended the law school’s affirmative-action
policy—anathema to both the Bush administration and the court’s
more conservative justices, including now-Chief Justice Rehnquist.
Though the media asked again and again about
her views on affirmative action, or why a Republican would take
such a case, Mahoney insisted that she was her client’s advocate,
not an ideologue. To focus on an advocate’s personal views
is “asking the wrong question,” she says. “If
you’re really dedicated to the process of law, you take on
the cause. You represent your client in the very best way you can.”
What’s more, she adds, “I certainly was very comfortable
with Michigan’s position.”
In June the court voted 5–4 to uphold the
admissions policy, ruling that universities can use race as an admissions
factor. Writing for the majority, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
echoed Mahoney’s argument: “In the context of its individualized
inquiry into the possible diversity contributions of all applicants,
the Law School’s race-conscious admissions program does not
unduly harm nonminority applicants.” But Mahoney didn’t
win over her former boss: Rehnquist—who broke with tradition
at the hearing to address her as “Maureen”—wrote
the minority opinion.
Most recently Mahoney took on an appeal by Chicago
accounting firm Arthur Andersen, which in 2002 was found guilty
of obstructing justice during the Enron Corp. investigation. While
the once-mighty Andersen may never regain its dominance, an appellate
victory would help the firm’s defense against multimillion-dollar
shareholder suits. Corporate America is following the case as closely
as higher education watched Grutter—the decision
could radically alter document-retention policies. Mahoney argued
the case before the 5th U.S. District Court of Appeals in October;
the decision will come later this year.
While women remain rare in law’s
top echelons, Mahoney, recently named one of America’s top
50 women litigators by the National Law Journal, says she
hasn’t encountered sexism: Latham, in particular, “has
been unbelievably fabulous—totally accommodating in every
way.” Her father, meanwhile, had changed his mind by the time
she applied to law school, and now, Mahoney says, “He’s
my biggest fan.”—Carrie Golus, AB’91, AM’93